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Whispers in the Dark
[Image: 30ff9f062029ad03b3c70bec7ca6d7d7.jpg]

As the turmoil continued, and the land's attention diveded between the upcoming wars between Gloomlight and Dal'thala and the attacks upon Port Fortune and Ravenhold, many rumors began circulating. Faint rumblings, maddened whispers and other such things that seemed oh so normal during these times. Some would dismiss them, others scoff and them, but some might heed them.

The contents of those rumors and whispers change as they move from mouth to mouth, but one underlining theme remains:


And if they so seek it, they can find it within the ruins of Sheol.

As for the many covens of Meranthe, an open invitation is sent for them to join the upcoming Sabbath, deep within the jaws of the Maw, to both strenghten themselves and reconnect so that they may once again, jointly revel in the worship of their chosen masters.

7/1/2024 (SUNDAY) - 6PM EST
[Image: 234064]

Invitations are once more sent to the covens of Meranthe to join in the revelry deep within the Maw. To give praise to their patrons, and for those that simply crave power, wish for freedom or any other ideals that do not line up with those of the 'civilized' world.

18/1/2024 (THURSDAY) - 6PM EST

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