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Dawn till Dusk
[Image: e0e9ee4720415dbc3b932c3987d2431c.png?ex=...3920d9094&]
. . .
From dawn till dusk.
My day, my night.
My light.
The sun and stars.
My everything.
. . .
Your Mother
[Image: c476d7c3eabdc4519faa0fc917309248.jpg]
 Sunsets over Moonlight
Holy | Nature | Shadow | Aether
They are many things, an author, a hobbyist baker, a listener, a healer, and Luminary of Nemea. Even if sometimes described as melancholic, your mother was nothing but joyous during your upbringing as the lights of their world. Devoted wholly to Nemea and writing and whatever whims they get into. They are likely twenty years younger than they actually are, having come into the world with severe amnesia and learning how to live all over again. A writer and one to delve into the philosophical nature of living, Sunsets over Moonlight is... interesting to say the least.
Your Father
[Image: 461f37c3645e3a5002a131c99eeabaa0.png]
Unarmed | Bone | Wind
Elusive, hardly expressive. A soldier first and foremost and ever loyal to his people by design and strict training. That's as much as he'll allow others to know as he keeps to himself. With a turbulent, mysterious upbringing somewhere secluded and off shore, he spent his life in service to what was once known as Aphros, now Gloomlight, serving as its Knight-Captain. Known to make rather hefty, questionable investments.
Who Are You?
Dawn and Dusk
- You were raised exclusively in Dal'Thala
- You have actually never been outside of Delphina
- You were raised exclusively in Nemean faith as children of Her Luminary
- Your childhood was very memorable. 
- You recall an assortment of activities, portraits and being spoiled by your mother
- You were raised to be kind, caring and polite- no short of nobility in all but name
You have fond memories of chickens and your mother's chicken farm
- As a champion, neither of you have aether
- Neither of you are a Faeborne
- The tensions of war in 2099AC took a noticeable toll on your mother
- You were exposed to all forms of expression, arts and especially writing
- Your mother is very protective
- Your father is noticeably very absent in a traditional sense, but visits
- Your mother has never let you read their published works
- You are most familiar with: King Camino de Caewynn, Reluraun, Captain Ria, Uranus Okabe, Iris, Proteus Equisol on spawn
- A Fakeborne*
* You look a lot like a Faeborne, pointed ears, tall, slender, but you will not naturally attain Her blessings
- Silvery blonde hair like Sunsets over Moonlight
- You were born 2094AC and will spawn at 11 years old on 2105AC

- Not a Fakeborne
- Black hair like Seliph
- You were born 2095AC and will spawn at 11 years old on 2106AC
DM memoryretrieval if there are any questions
Dusk, the youngest, has been chosen and reached out to.
Dawn, the oldest, remains available.
The slot for the eldest Dawn is still open for 2105AC spawn. Roughly three weeks.
Both children have been decided and reached out to. Thank you to all who applied.

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