Sunsets over MoonlightTitan Born
Event Request:

Titan Born
Planned Date: 6p EST Weds 27th
Themes: Religious, Spiritual, Lore-bound
Attendees: Alexis Equisol, Lyco, Ezra, Aidan, Bartholomew
Risk: HCoD
In seeking to further grow in his knowledge of his heritage, the young knight Alexis seeks a pilgrimage to an ancient burial ground of titanic men. True Giants from an age long past, in a hope to retrieve artifacts of their knowledge and power… As well, to learn the ways in which they devoted themselves to the Shattered One and his Pantheon. The tomb itself is guarded by several magical barriers and defenses, meaning that this will not be a simple pilgrimage, but rather a true test of faith and strength. Only those with a purity of will and true resolve will make it through and live to tell the tale.
Background Information
North of Mt. Grimhjall and the ruins of Vdalion lies an unexplored set of snowy mountains often plagued with terrible blizzards that made it impossible for even the skilled magi of the First Age to construct their settlements and conquer. Mt. Byrgels served as a place where one proved themself above all else and where the best were buried- the start and the end. For centuries now, very few have successfully braved Mt. Byrgels and lived to tell the tale. Those who did scribed their findings in now faded documents that ended up in the hands of Alexis Equisol. Unbeknownst to them, they will be tested and engrossed in the dead body of a true giant- exposed to the perilous nature of tombs, which is actually the dead, scattered, skeletal remains of True Giant Byrgels ... though it turns out, that Mt. Byrgels is where a true giant died in the middle of battle on a hill and his body gave way to the mountain itself, hence its name. The party will scale the mountain, reaching its top and enlightenment of the past to use for the future.

Byrgels was a giant to drink Ymir's blood after the great Grimnir and was dwarfed by all that he achieved and eventually died in battle whilst defending his clan from Grimnir’s conquest over Meranthe. He was a successful, powerful warrior, but not powerful enough to withstand the battle. It was never truly recorded, perhaps since most who witnessed it died terribly once those titanic forces clashed. No pacifist by any means, Byrgels was a brutal, traditional giant who paid mind to might only whilst holding tremendous respect to those who came before him. His resting place is one of legends.
Act 1: Mountain Base
Traveling from Mt. Grimhjall to this legendary mountain is without real peril until reaching the base. There, they find a pair of skinny wiggling legs stuck in a mound of snow. It’s a little boy named Samuel- he’s VERY short, maybe under five-feet for a boy his age. He tells the party that he knows the way and that he’ll show them there. They could leave him since he’s a child… but the party of faithfuls scoop the young boy with him, assuming he’ll likely be safer traveling alongside them. They start at the mountain’s base and work. Samuel mentions how climbing the mountain itself is like a test and most people fail, failure is death. They’ll pass buried remains new and old of those unworthy of treading up the True Giant’s remains. How it functions is unknown- ancient magics and perhaps the closeness of True Giants to their maker and the resilience of their very spirits. Their first trial comes with the projection of a titanic woman who. His fallen loyalists act as keepers of his grave, testing those unworthy. She does not speak Common, but Samuel translates, hinting at his origins.

EC Fight 1, Titanic Woman
Rewards: Titanic Chestplate

Act 2: Mountain Body
After defeating the unnamed titanic woman, the party continues their trek to the mountain’s body. The winds are high, snow receding in some areas as the mountain behaves a little strangely regarding weather. At times, it does not abide by it at all. Scaling the mountain, the sky is consumed with an aurora of color and a booming voice in images flash above them. Projections of the past. Everything was larger than life. The buildings, the people, the wars. Dwarfed are those who hadn’t drank Amier’s blood and were blessed by the beginning of the Pantheon. Oddly enough, the projections come to a sudden end once the group happens upon a ravine in the mountain with a wobbly bridge blocked by… a small dwarf. For everything larger than life witnessed, it’s strange that this dwarf has somehow managed to make a life for himself here. To pass, they have to purchase his wares. This is a trap. High risk, high reward. He doesn’t speak Common, so they will have to roll for Samuel’s success translating for them.

[Trap]If no one is able to buy something, they’ll have to evade traps! The rolls are the same. It is possible for them to haggle for an item’s price to be lowered (8,000->5,000) by telling a very compelling story. If it’s something giants like, it’s oral history and stories passed on generation by generation. Given the nature, I’ll personally be very critical of their stories. This is to represent the commodity found in exploiting other culture’s, especially one not as recorded as giant culture.
Samuel’s translation:
3< Successful
3> Temps

Store: 8,000c each or 5,000c with  a very compelling, true verbal story
+19 vit food
Ancestral Orb
Chain and Spiked Ball

[Trap]The dwarf thanks them for their business before warning them that across the ravine, the giants there won’t take too kindly to them stealing their artifacts. Then he scrambles away, leaving them to cross the perilous bridge with that ominous information. It is an old, wobbly bridge that’s barely been traversed successfully.
/pursue rolls
2,900< safe
>2,900 /roll for injury 4< safe
Once crossing the bridge, a trial in itself, they find themselves met with multiple figures taller than trees themself approaching from a distance. Hardly allowed much of a break from the peril of the bridge, the group is accosted by a violent army of giant men. Not true giants, but certainly much larger than any modern giant that exists. The battle is fierce between a handful of magi and this army- but they’re given insight on the warfare tactics utilized by the ancient giants. After the fight has concluded, Samuel will tell them who that clan was.
EC fight 2, Giant Army
Rewards: None, the rest will come at the end!

Act 3: Mountain Top
The base and middle of the mountain wed out those who are weak in body. The true trial comes when they can see the clouds up close and how small Meranthe really looks from this height. It’s when those projections in the sky return and they’re allowed a small glimpse into the past. Samuel is too awe stricken to explain much. It’s here where Byrgels himself is projected, his form as tall as the mountain itself with just his torso visible to the group. Enlightenment and insight into the past and Grimnar is found throughout their seemingly impossible fight. Once the commotion clears, they will be met with the dying Samuel’s body, signifying that despite all his knowledge, without strength, he is not worthy. Lore, enlightenment, treasure, death.

Rewards: Byrgel’s Bone, Byrgel’s War Horn, True Giant Arcanium
A rather short boy who is the descendant of the True Giant Byrgels also visiting his grave site/body. He acts as a guide for the group who is rather well-versed in the orally passed down history. He’ll die at the end.
Titanic Woman: Said to be a descendant of Byrgels who died trying to visit him. Unworthy of ascending it, she spends her days protecting it from those too weak to defeat her.
Giant Army: A projection of a bygone clan of titans who were alive during Byrgels’ era. They serve as trials on his resting place, protecting him from those unworthy of trekking up it.
Byrgels’ Projection: The spiritual energy of the resting place cannot be denied. Even in death, Byrgel, to whatever extent this is even him at this point, fends off his body from the sky by projecting into something big enough to stand at its base at attack from the top. It’s impossible, overwhelming, and meant to serve as the final test and glimpse into a bygone titanic age.
Store [Act 2 items available for purchase for 8,000c/5,000c]
- +19 vit food (no pow) [If this is possible] (1x)
The most powerful sip of ale you’ll have in your lifetime. It was powerful enough for the titans of since passed, maybe it won’t kill you.
- Ancestral Orb
An orb that originated from the giants of a time since passed who communed with spirits during rituals. It has the ability to tap into the lifestream and project ancestors back onto Eternia regardless of whether or not their soul has been recycled and they delve within a new body. This practice was most utilized when the ancestors were called as witness for one’s progression within their particular clans, primarily the Sefa clan who spearheaded the tradition. Even without the aid of a skilled spiritmancer, it makes it safe to call upon an ancestor at the hefty cost of mana. [4 day temp unhealable] It makes a great centerpiece with any sort of ritual given how it thrums with the condensed energies of the lifestream.
[Grade C]
- Chain and Spiked Ball [WEAPON] XXXAC - Forged by Unknown
A peculiar weapon that embodied the brutality of an age since passed. Its handle is made of reinforced, sacred woods whilst its long chain and two-foot in diament spiked ball is forged from arcanium. Glistening even now, all these years later, the brutal weapon has cleaved through countless men and was even rumored to be a torture device for those who stepped out of clan expectations. Its shine still lingers along with the sheer brutality.
60 pow, arcanium staff stats
[Grade C]

True Giant Arcanium
Forged from minerals developed across centuries and centuries of natural processes intermingling with the remnants of the legendary True Giants of time since passed. The mineral was forged underneath high pressures and influenced by its unusual circumstances. The diamond-like ore has a much different hue than its naturally occurring sister ore. Not only that, it’s MASSIVE. Growth manipulated as it sat in the mountain’s earth, leading to it being well over one-meter tall. Due to its size and quality, it is far, far more potent magically than regular Arcanium. Given its origins, nothing like this has ever been seen before, making this piece absolutely one of a kind and beyond rare.
[Grade B]

Titan Chestplate [CHEST] 318AC - Forged by A Faded Titan Smith
[Giant’s only] The old armor is massive and cannot be worn by a regular human. Forged in an era long forgotten, the chestplate has survived the tests of time. It wears the mark of the Sefa clan and seemed to have fallen off of one of its failed descendants. Surely its next wearer can live up to the expectations of bygone giant clans. Still sturdy, it wears time’s battle markings on it proudly.
Base Boost: +13 vit

Byrgel’s Bone
Much of the True Giant’s body had been turned into the mountain itself. His blood, his organs, his skin, muscles- and even his bones. The process was slow, though. Certain parts turned faster than most while others shifted from its organic form very slowly. Found at the peak of the mountain is a thick sheet of it that was poking out. It’s hard to tell where it came from, the smooth ivory stood the tests of time after all. It is likely a layer of his jawbone, but it’s up for speculation. Even if just three feet in length, the sheet of bone is likely to have countless applications given its affinity to Ymir as a True Giant. Nothing like it in the world exists.
[Grade A]

Byrgel’s War Horn
War, conquest, unity. It is said that Byrgel was the second True Giant to rise after accepting those blessings. It is unknown how long he lived, but it is likely he died in battle against the first, defending his clan from Grimnir’s widespread conquest. His horn, roughly, ten feet in length with intricate designs that barely survived the test of time. Blowing this during times of war instills your warriors with immense courage whilst serving to weaken the morale of the enemy tremendously. The ancient horn was forged by unknown means and likely served well for its use despite being unable to save the second True Giant. [Ten year cooldown. War usage only. -1 cap to the enemy. Only usable by an exceptional giant.]
[Grade S]

10,000c (1x)
Of the materials that could not break down on Byrgels’ body, it has an estimated worth of 10,000c in modern coin values.
Event Approved!
To set up the 19 vit food, you'll want to edit the energy in debug (ctrl+right-click)
+50 Weight to the Titan Chestplate
War Horn only useable on the enemy the person is facing, change to Grade A

Store [Act 2 items available for purchase for 8,000c/5,000c]
- +19 vit food (no pow) [If this is possible] (1x)
The most powerful sip of ale you’ll have in your lifetime. It was powerful enough for the titans of since passed, maybe it won’t kill you.
- Ancestral Orb
An orb that originated from the giants of a time since passed who communed with spirits during rituals. It has the ability to tap into the lifestream and project ancestors back onto Eternia regardless of whether or not their soul has been recycled and they delve within a new body. This practice was most utilized when the ancestors were called as witness for one’s progression within their particular clans, primarily the Sefa clan who spearheaded the tradition. Even without the aid of a skilled spiritmancer, it makes it safe to call upon an ancestor at the hefty cost of mana. [4 day temp unhealable] It makes a great centerpiece with any sort of ritual given how it thrums with the condensed energies of the lifestream.
[Grade C]
- Chain and Spiked Ball [WEAPON] XXXAC - Forged by Unknown
A peculiar weapon that embodied the brutality of an age since passed. Its handle is made of reinforced, sacred woods whilst its long chain and two-foot in diament spiked ball is forged from arcanium. Glistening even now, all these years later, the brutal weapon has cleaved through countless men and was even rumored to be a torture device for those who stepped out of clan expectations. Its shine still lingers along with the sheer brutality.
60 pow, arcanium staff stats
[Grade C]

True Giant Arcanium
Forged from minerals developed across centuries and centuries of natural processes intermingling with the remnants of the legendary True Giants of time since passed. The mineral was forged underneath high pressures and influenced by its unusual circumstances. The diamond-like ore has a much different hue than its naturally occurring sister ore. Not only that, it’s MASSIVE. Growth manipulated as it sat in the mountain’s earth, leading to it being well over one-meter tall. Due to its size and quality, it is far, far more potent magically than regular Arcanium. Given its origins, nothing like this has ever been seen before, making this piece absolutely one of a kind and beyond rare.
[Grade B]

Titan Chestplate [CHEST] 318AC - Forged by A Faded Titan Smith
[Giant’s only] The old armor is massive and cannot be worn by a regular human. Forged in an era long forgotten, the chestplate has survived the tests of time. It wears the mark of the Sefa clan and seemed to have fallen off of one of its failed descendants. Surely its next wearer can live up to the expectations of bygone giant clans. Still sturdy, it wears time’s battle markings on it proudly.
Base Boost: +13 vit

Byrgel’s Bone
Much of the True Giant’s body had been turned into the mountain itself. His blood, his organs, his skin, muscles- and even his bones. The process was slow, though. Certain parts turned faster than most while others shifted from its organic form very slowly. Found at the peak of the mountain is a thick sheet of it that was poking out. It’s hard to tell where it came from, the smooth ivory stood the tests of time after all. It is likely a layer of his jawbone, but it’s up for speculation. Even if just three feet in length, the sheet of bone is likely to have countless applications given its affinity to Ymir as a True Giant. Nothing like it in the world exists.
[Grade A]

Byrgel’s War Horn
War, conquest, unity. It is said that Byrgel was the second True Giant to rise after accepting those blessings. It is unknown how long he lived, but it is likely he died in battle against the first, defending his clan from Grimnir’s widespread conquest. His horn, roughly, ten feet in length with intricate designs that barely survived the test of time. Blowing this during times of war instills your warriors with immense courage whilst serving to weaken the morale of the enemy tremendously. The ancient horn was forged by unknown means and likely served well for its use despite being unable to save the second True Giant. [Ten year cooldown. War usage only. -1 cap to the enemy. Only usable by an exceptional giant.]
[Grade A]

10,000c (1x)
Of the materials that could not break down on Byrgels’ body, it has an estimated worth of 10,000c in modern coin values.
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