Big CatDancing with the Shadows...
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You've never backed down from anything in your life... Even maybe when you should've. Roaming the island of meranthe, even knowing a stray conflict could be your first, your last...
But it won't stop you... Not even now.
Quote:What am I... But what was I raised to be? An individual who sees naught, but the road ahead. Paved with ambition and desires to influence the world for the better. Yet there's more to be done, more for myself and others to take on. Even as the fel are brought against the wall, there is no end. Until the final bell has rung.

-I will ring it.-

Wrestle the world from its own self-proclaimed embodiment. Because we all must look inward, to see what can come fourth. 

Things are never as easy as I imagined it though... Strength? Will only take me so far. I've seen the strongest kneel to another, I've seen the weakest rise amidst the ashes. And so too will I...

Become something more....
[Image: McGBLhn.jpg] 
It's now, you find out what you need to be... A thing of beauty, she knows... Her presence would never wane. 
Never fade away.
Quote:Because I'm marvelous....

Embolden by my heritage, do I fly above the sky as a truth-seeker. 

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-And so she spoke, of belief beyond the pantheon. Understanding of ones self and the potential that man harbored within... Yet everything held a foundation and the gods oversee this unity.-
Quote:"I have lived my life by personal design, seeking to inquire upon the various aspects of who I am, what I wish to be... From abrasive and expressive to seldom wisdom. Several shades of wanton desires came together in belief. There's nothing I hate about myself, even if I am wrong. That's fine, I will learn and if I am right? I listen to the views of the other... Maybe this all started from where I was born, in the unreality. 

How different does that make me? Another question I asked myself as I grew... 
I wanted to be like them...

I wanted to be seen by the pantheon...

But I hold no trace of a Nephilim...

I'm not worthy of being a champion.

After deep deliberation and guidance from my grandmother? I've realized... There's nothing wrong with this either... I need not be a champion nor a nephilim to invoke their teachings. To attempt a life worthy of their attention, even if this isn't enough? I seek to prove the end holds meaning in what steps were taken.

If I fail? If I fall before it matters...

Then let it be...

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"I am nothing"
Quote:How many years has it been, since I returned to you... The perspective of self-indulgence. A litany to my life, for once it is all over? What left will there be to an 'I'? To remain... In the years of pursuit towards perfection? I have found that pieces of me are lost along the way... Are they without use or the truth in-which I avoid? These questions would at times, haunt me in my sleep... Like wolf to sheep and shepherds to their duty. What must be done and desires to be? Are conflicts in constant battle. This mess leaves only the remnants to be picked up and pieced back together...
"I am the empty room"
Quote:Yet I pursue that which gnaws in the back of my mind... The whispers invoked by the wars inside my head... Laid waste, is the field of the past and only the future to be spurred by the budding seeds. Once grown? The people of aphros, would be the animals which harvest these fruits. The bugs which tend to the garden. An effort not of one, but a whole... How i'd longed in my youth, to be like my grandmother... To change meranthe as she has... To pursue her destiny without intervention of others. A shattering of the divide on how we? As humans, perceive demon-kind... Offering onto them, something no man or woman would ever dare to... 
"The dreamless sleep"
Quote:I suppress and surpass... Cultivated from the minds of many and thoughtful natures imbued. My life was filled with constant joy, constant love... There was nothing apart of me, that didn't welcome these feelings. I felt enamored with my own self esteem. Not simply because I was who I am, but with what I made possible. Despite the damage done? I rose and I still rise. Each hand, embroiled with defiance, staking their claim on the mountain all individuals climb. A foothold for those behind and a promise to what can be, at the top... 
If grandmother could defy the view of what speciesism reside on meranthe? 
Then I will break the boundaries of what is possible with magic. 
"The shadows shadow"
Quote:... Change often comes, uninvited. It is typically up to the individual to decide how best to wield this concept... But what of me then? Who welcomes it, pursues it... Has become so engrossed? Warned at every corner, from faith... To combative prowess, to the dignity of life and its prosperity. How many times have I proven them wrong? To show, I am capable in the fields of war, wielding a magic unknown, to the creation of potions that mutate the human form... To the faith of an entity, that which was denied. A proper rite. 

If our destiny within aphros is the see the limits of forgiveness? 

Then I will be the sacrifice. That she
ds light upon man... 
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Oblivion – nothingness, nonexistence.  What remains when everything is destroyed.  Oblivion is what remains when all else has vanished.  Emptiness; nonbeing.  As a concept, oblivion is an abstract.  If you believe the universe was born or created, that is, it has a definite beginning, what existed before it, if the universe currently includes everything that is?  Oblivion, of course.
If we look at “Curse” in the sense of “spell”, “damnation” or “doom”, and put it together with “Oblivion” as nonexistence, or nothingness, which follows life, reality or being, “Oblivion’s Curse” is the doom of nonexistence that occurs to an individual at the end of their life.
“Oblivion’s Curse” is the cruel fate of what follows the life of substance:  termination of thought, being, personality, desires.  What once was a vital being, interacting with others and the world, is destined to be erased from existence at the end of life.
Oblivion’s Curse is the knowledge that your death, your ceasing to be, or exist as an individual, will inevitably follow once your life has run its course. 
Oblivion’s Curse is knowing that one day, there will be no “you”. 
Oblivion’s Curse is the knowledge that life’s ultimate sentence for all who shall ever possess it, is death.
It is the fear of seeing one’s ego and consciousness destroyed in the mind’s eye.  It is the mourning of our own passing. 
It is the poetic and philosophical recognition, summed up in two words, that all life’s motivations are ultimately driven by our eventual death. 
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