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Samsara - Festival of Renewal and Victory
[Image: fb7ca6e17ab58f670c2cf8018d4c5484.png]
"As the forces of light continue its battles against the dark, we are reminded that the country stands strong. No matter the faith, no matter the cause, so long as you stand in the light, you are chosen. We celebrate the victory of Aeigis, and the coming victory of Delphina as they move to bring the country back to a state of peace. To a state where one can roam the forests of Meranthe without threat of violence or darkness. On this day, we celebrate the coming of a new age, an age of progression, where warfare and strife are behind us, and progression and innovation are at the forefront. 

I invite people of all faiths, creeds, and races to celebrate the coming future of the country with a Festival of renewal. As the Angels sing in avalon, as the Ten watch over their chosen champions march to victory, as the Divine Four bless their people, we honor those who have fallen to achieve this path of progression, and we ignite the spark of freedom, love and kinship with those who stand in the light of goodness.
Join us, here at the Final Frontier, for a ceremony were the blood, gravel and mud are washed away as we renew our bodies, our minds, and our souls, and prepare for the new coming Age of Progression."

-Akroma Sun.
Tuesday, NOVEMBER 28TH @06:00PM EST
Date moved to Tuesday Nov 28th @ 06:00 EST

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