11-25-2023, 05:05 AM
A disturbance caused within Lodestar as two people who appeared to be on the same side had clashed against one another.
The reason appeared to be shocking.
There was an imposter among them.
![[Image: tst,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg]](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1004642461.0330/tst,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg)
Leaving Lodestar and the one they choose to defend damaged. Not much long after the events- a statement would be released out into the public in the form of letters, falling from the sky out of green portals:
Quote:"Hello fellow people,
I would like to let you all know that Lodestar, and their leader, are to be considered a fraud! You may be wonder why or how all of a sudden, but hey, you never know these things can happen at any day or any time. anyways! Lodestar are not the heroes that they claim to be! They're people who go against common sense!
Their leader, Noelle not a Mikos anymore has been caught red-handed defending a Demon human thingy. She even went against her own flesh and blood to defend such a monstrosity who willingly became one with the freaking demon, saying that it would be best for everyone... can you believe that!? and to top it all off, Noelle wasn't the only one that choose to side with the demon person! A drakanite choose to remain at their side despite them being exposed for willingly accepting to become apart of that weird demon thing!
Not one... not two... but three! Yes three people within Lodestar, basically their main people have been demon people sympathizers! The giant was the worst of them all! He claimed to... gulp... STILL LOVE THEM DESPITE IT!
And in his words, he still choose to side with them even after everything was said and done, claiming that he had sworn an oath!
Guys, fellows, peoples, woman's, manman's, and everything in between, don't let these Lodestarians fool you! They're not heroes, they're not good people, they went against the very thing they claimed to stand for! Would you want to live in a place that would do something like this? I think not! They're demon people sympathizers in disguise, keep this in mind for any future references!
A big thank you to my friends and friends family for helping me with the information!"
-Asher Kasca