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Cafe Pleonexia - The Maid Brigade
[Image: CafePleonexia.png?ex=656b7806&is=6559030...9fbc83133&]

We here in Pleonexia are happy to announce The Maid Brigade, planned by the Minister of Entertainment!
With a wide cast of lovely men and women ready to provide sparkling conversation, we've a bit of a list to go through!

First off, The Newly dubbed Minster of Labor; Levistshun!
"Huh? Oh, sure. I guess if it drums up funding for the town, why not."

Then the lovely batkin with a fiery passion for fun; Tara!
"Ooooh~! Of course, I'll be there! As a hostess, I think this will be sooo~oo fun!"

Next, we have our straightforward mathmagician; Maria Promare!
"Ooooh? A Maid Cafe... And you want me to dress up as one of the Maids? Sure thing, sounds fun!~ Though, a shame I can't go as a customer..."

A special treat, The Minister of Technoloy and Innovation herself with her ever stoic personality; 
Mei Hayme!
"I will assist. I want to know if an icy heart can yet melt the hearts of others

our very own, shange maid of the treasurer herself; Genovefa!
"T-they want to pay to watch me work

And many others! 

Come to the Snuggly Duckling in Pleonexia to enjoy the company of our volunteer maids!
With a special prize to those who tip the most by the end of the two-day maid brigade event: A date with a maid of your choice!

But before that, there are some rules your asked to follow should you decide to attend!
  • All across Meranthe are welcome, so long as they do not start shit with anyone else attending.
  • 1K entry fee, 20 entrant limit per day.
  • Food and drink are included in the fee, additional services (such as headpats, hugs, etc) require a tip to your serving maid.
  • Top 3 tippers across both days get to take a maid of their choice on a date. (what happens on the date is entirely between those two.)

  • Maids are to be respected; they are people providing a service. Disrespect will get 1 warning. Additional violations will result in violators being ejected.
  • Anyone who starts shit/causes conflict consents to getting jumped by everyone there.

1pm EST on Friday and 5PM EST on Saturday

[Image: akiba-maid-sensou.gif]
[Image: image.png?ex=65776fc4&is=6564fac4&hm=107...5c957df9a&]

The café was an astounding success!

Thanks to all the lovely Masters, and Mistresses that attended, the city of Pleonexia raised well over five-hundred-thousand coins! All to be placed into the expansion of the city, and goods for her people! Truly, Acera herself watched over the cafe! With the dust settled, the coins counted, and the maids appropriately pat on the head for their services, there was only one final thing to do now...

Announce the biggest spenders!
As was mentioned before, the three greatest tippers would get to pick a maid of their choice to take on a date, from either of our two days, the stakes were exceedingly high!

Congratulations, the greatest spender!

Who donated a nice sum of sixty-nine-thousand coins!
Wowie, those requests! But hey, charity is charity, are we right?

Our second-warmest heart of the event was a mysterious benefactor who would rather remain anonymous!

Mysterious Big Heart!
Who donated sixty-seven-thousand coins! Definitely not a benefactor from the mysterious Maid Mafia!
We know who you are! You know who you are! Congratulations!

Lastly, but not least! Except in tipping, that is!

Who tipped a sum total of fifty-six-thousand coins!
Wait, you got that money from where?! Was this an inside job?!

We thank you all for your wonderful spending habits, and wish you all a great da- wait, what? What do you mean?
Oh! Right! The dates!

Esteemed Masters, and or Mistresses! You may forward a letter to May Hayme, Lucky Luciano, Levistshun, or Vosa Liadan with the name of your choice maid!
Then we'll try our best to ship you the maid of your dreams, frills, and all!

Stay tuned for the next great show! We've plenty great events to come!

Huh, what's this? A carrot? That's weird...

Anyway, See you next time, Meranthe!


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