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Judgements of Land and Sea
[Image: the_core_of_the_grove_by_ardoric_art_dd9...6ceb868c9&]

One year had passed, since that sudden strike upon Delphina's capital. Targeting not something of a conventional strategic value, but a great value nonetheless. The hopes and spirits of the people: their faith for a brighter future that may come to lift them from the dark years which pushed Aphros to its brink upon the threshold of Nowhere, tested. Tested, but unbroken - only made all the more painfully aware of the truth. No patience alone will bring about that future, but fire and sword against the shadowed claws which seek to snatch. There is an anger within Delphina, one sympathetic to many of those domains still faithful to why the Holy Land of Meranthe would ever have been called such - and it has waited a year for satisfaction.

And so it may be, that the first trace of such would come fittingly enough upon the anniversary of that vicious day where witches and wraiths came determined solely to kill and sow despair. Tunnels not quite secreted yet not particularly inviting to the general public are opened, a syncretic rite to harmonize the local faiths in Land and Sea,so it is to be told, and an open demonstration of what sacred power lay behind that name only faintly heard amidst the public.


A ceremony is promised, details obscure but not wholly withheld: Open to any who should maintain a respectful attendance, and most particularly those of Nemean and Sirenian faiths. Judgement, the act of making clean what is unclean, and some piece vindication for vengeful hearts, all promised - it is simply unclear how exactly it will all happen. Few would reasonably expect however, that the lives of prisoners Azrail and Eris Ze Dikaru would be in anything short of severe peril when such words pass the streets.

Though certain pieces are long absent for history to truly repeat, it may still rhyme.

Thursday, November 16th, 6 PM EST

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