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Dear Bala.
[Image: GHI_HowlsMovingCastle_Select2.png?ex=656...height=468]

Dear Bala,

Well, this is weird. I'm not sure if this will ever get to you, or if you'll even understand what it means for me to write something like this. To be honest, I'm not even sure if...

Well, it doesn't matter. After all, we are best friends, right? Let me tell you a little about myself anyway, so you know what type of commitment you're getting into.

My name is Teyn Mikos. I am a twin pair along with my sister Vara. She's really strong and special, much like my mom and dad, and my other sister Noelle, who is also really strong! And Luka, the best swordsman alive. To be honest, they are all really strong. Sorry, Bala, but you got the short end of the stick.

But I guess that's why you called to me, huh? You picked the odd one out, and much like me, we didn't really have anyone else in our bracket, right? But that's beside the point. Listen, I will have your back, just like you will have my back.

Let me tell you a little more about the people I am around.

There's my Uncle Co. He's... well, he has a lot of titles, to be honest. It's a bit intimidating at times, but I got used to it. He's also really cool! To be honest, he's actually a lot more humble than the titles precede him to be, and I don't even think he knows that. He's kind-hearted and destined for greater things, I am almost sure of that. My dad calls him a baby, but I can't see him as that because he's huge. Oh yeah, he's a giant, by the way. He also makes use of cosmic magic, so if you can help out and watch over him when you can, for me.

Iris is my cousin. Honestly, she's a bit proper. She has a really good upbringing, which causes her to carry herself in a good way. She's strong, kind, and really talented with her respective magic. And I know she will always have my back. She has saved me twice now from really getting hurt. She is one of my biggest heroes.

There's also Sage. He's really mysterious, to be honest, but everyone seems to know him, and he doesn't shy away from helping anyone. I think he's addicted to it, to be honest, and he probably doesn't even know it, but he helped me with a hard choice just by watching his actions once.

Noelle is my older sister. She also fought off the bad person trying to hurt me. Even at her young age, she has accomplished a lot. She built a castle, she fights demons all the time, she's just generally strong, well-minded, and gifted. I know she will always have my back.

Vara is my twin sister. My dad says we don't have a vibe, but he's wrong and he doesn't know it. But that's okay; I don't mind spending more time with her. We always end up goofing off somewhere anyway. She's blessed by Gala, and I know greatness is in her future. I just don't want to be in the way of that. I'm trying my best not to be a burden to her right now. I want her to shine as bright as she can, just like you—one day.

Kyria is my mom. She's intense and very stern, but she is a loving mother. She just wants what's best for me. I never once doubted her, but even if that's true, I chose to argue once with her, and I never felt so bad in my life. I felt like I was directly defying her, and the choice ripped me apart. It was about those who were deserving of death and how it should be handled. My mom has a very absolute view on some things. This comes from her connection with Gala though, so I understand. Honestly, I think it rubbed off on me because sometimes there is this feeling that I get. It's something I can't ignore.

Loki or Lo' is my father. He's nothing like my mother, which is strange. I know they have the same ideas, but he comes at it in a different way—sometimes. It's weird to see how different and how similar they are when getting an answer from both of them. They come out to the same results but say it in different ways. Maybe that's how love is? I don't know. But they are my parents, and I love them very much. Please look over all these people too.

Mr. Okabe? Sniper Gang Alphonse? The Ninja Family? Skye?- The old man Family ... Theres alot on this list.. And the rest of Dal'thala? Yeah, you can just go ahead and look over them too.

This is a task I am asking you to complete not because it's hard, but because I believe that even though your light constantly flickers, and it seems you are about to die out at any moment. I know that together, we can burn brighter and grow larger than any star out there. We just need to believe, Bala!

you Choose me, and I choose you! You know I wanted to be a hero, like the others before. Mr. Okabe had said something to me. He said perhaps that fighting won't be my strong suit, that I could help in other ways. To be honest? He's probably right, but...

There was a demon that showed up, and when it came for me, even though Mr. Okabe was going to protect me, I couldn't shake
 this feeling of anger that had been stricken—honestly, I could have died. I was beaten pretty bad, but there was this feeling of relief. You see, I thought I was going to be some sort of coward, but I showed that I wasn't. Now I just need to become strong so I can prove him wrong.

I just want to be like everyone else, I don't care how hard it is. I want to be stronger. I want people to be able to count on me if they need help. If they are staring a demon in the face after being defeated, I want them to rest at ease as I take a stance to defend them. I want them to be confident in my abilities to protect them.

I did tell him one thing, and since we are such good friends, I will tell you. I thought I was losing my way. I had the idea to run away from home for a little while, to leave to find myself. Mr. Okabe told me not to, that it was not needed, and that my family would need me more. Well, not exactly like that, but he did say it. It made me think of how selfish I was being. Even when I threw myself to face that demon, my actions were nothing but selfish.

I just thought that... maybe? If I could prove myself right then and there, I wouldn't feel so... I don't know. A word can't explain it. It's something akin to a shadow being cast over you. Or in your case, Light! I felt small.

I felt weak.

I was so angry. I made my own tongue bleed, and the rest I couldn't even control. This is where you come in, Bala. This is where I need your help, and in return, I will fix your light. I will make you the biggest star there is.
So please... Just hang in there for me.

Love, Teyn Mikos.

P.S. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SEND YOU THIS OR IF YOU CAN EVER SEE THIS... Sooooo I'll be keeping this in my sock drawer.

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