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memory dm (not taking events)
Hello. I am not open to requests, I apologize.
Preferences: I often look at the event thread and will message you if I am interested in its concept. Refreshing my experience with events at the moment, apologies again.

Which Event:

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)


Any other comments:
Character: Aidan
Which Event: Return to Lira Moore

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?)
Most were, but those that were a bit held up didn't waste no time being solid RP's with great and genuine story telling!

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?)
Balancing could use some work, but you did really well given the experience you've had thus far. It's all a game in the end, one that requires practice upon practice, but I know you'll get there!

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?)
Storytelling reminded me a very descriptive horror novel, it was fantastic and I loved it.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)
I liked the meaning behind them, especially for the risk that we were going for. The only comment I'd make in this regard, is the way the injuries were stacked among one another, maybe tone that down a bit. However, the injuries themselves were great, detailing exactly what they were suppose to do, and how it affected the character.

Overall: 9/10

Any other comments: Keep up the good work! Keep practicing, and never give up! Take breaks when they're needed, otherwise you'll burn yourself out. Love your style of Dmng, hope to see more in the future if you're up for it!
[Image: unknown.png]
Character: Lyco Corbin
Which Event: Return to Lira Moore

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):
During the event, they were perfectly well done for the sheer amount of content that was provided for us. I have zero complaints here! A ton to read and it really made the world come to life.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?):
I feared the Traps far more than the Battles! All of them were fair and because of the harsh traps the battles being the way that they were entertaining, it allowed us to focus on the puzzles and story far more than just battle after battle. I have no complaints.

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
To say I felt like I was in a novel isn't justice. I don't think there has been a single event that has gone on for 11 Hours that kept me on the edge of my seat till the very end. I have been spoiled like no other with this event. You've given so much life to a small section of Lore that was Lira Moore and the Silver Chalice, I cannot express to you how excited I am to tell people about what happened there.

And perhaps, one day?

Go back...

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk-to-reward ratio good?)
100% Fair. As I said above the traps were NO joke, they were harsh during the COD event. Yeah, I'd say the rewards were well worth the trouble we went through. But it didn't feel like anyone was punished. We were warned, and we were told that we had to use our head regarding the event. I cannot wait for whatever event you run next.

Overall: 20/10

Any other comments:
To anyone reading this. I beg that you get them as your DM one day. Without a doubt the most fun event I've ever had to date. They care about the story and try to get everyone involved with small things, there's never a dull moment and honestly, you'll lose yourself in the world that they create. They are a gift and a great friend to whom I owe so much of this wonderful story.

Thank you for all of your hard work.

I am so excited to write to you.
Character: Alexis
Which Event: Return to Lira Moore

Responsiveness: The event did take 11 hours. This was pretty much the only obstacle for me to calling it a truly perfect event. 7/10 on this front.

Balance: You have an interesting take on event difficulty. While you don't go out of your way to try and down players, you make the consequences of getting downed in a fight a bit more severe as a counterbalance. I like it.

The puzzle-related, random encounter injuries were interesting.

Overall I think it was great, 10/10.

Storytelling: You are a lovely writer that places great detail in everything you write. The narrations were beautiful, and I honestly felt that even despite how long everything took, it was worth the wait. I was engaged from beginning to end.

The overarching narrative of the entire event was great, and I felt like you somehow tailored everything to our characters very well. I don't know how you knew that perseverance actually was a core part of my character's theme, but when I saw that was the solution to my riddle, it was a pretty cool moment. 10/10.

Fairness: I can't really complain, it wasn't an event for my character, so I didn't expect a super cool reward. The stuff that we got across the board as a party though was really cool! 

Overall: Fantastic event. Thank you for spending so much time on it. 

Any other comments:

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[Image: the-last-of-us2-lev.gif]
Character Name: Ezra
Event Name: Return to Lira Moore

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Very responsive to things. Even though the narrates could take quite a while the quality they presented made it well worth the wait.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): The balance, naturally, during the first fight was a bit off but these things are to be expected. It definitely felt challenging as multiple firestorms chased us around, making it akin to a bullet hell only far more passive and less intense. Still difficult, however!
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Here is where they shined absolutely and without question. The storytelling was very in depth, and I had to go to sleep in anticipation of work that morning sadly, so I missed the second half of the event unfortunately. But imagine my surprise when I wake up at 5:30 and they're all still in the event!
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): Given what the items we got do, I think it's not bad though I would have liked to see the others get something other than arcanium, to be fair. Maybe even C rank dev mats, nothing too insane, or anything else. Mainly because arcanium you can get so easily now, and so to get it in an 11-12 hour event seems a touch questionable.

Overall: 8/10, mainly from the length of the event.

Any other comments: I'll kill more children next time.
Character: Bartholomew Wilkins
Which Event: Titan Born

Responsiveness: Took about 11 hours, but it was well worth it all around. 7/10
Balance: The Boss fights were super engaging, had really interesting patterns and overall felt really fun. The last one was a real struggle, but god was it a fun gimmick. 9/10
Storytelling: Easily the best part of the event. The Lore that was given at this event was incredible and it put so much emphasis on the importance of Giant Lore and how deep it went. I think it was all incredibly interesting, well detailed and also slotted itself well into the world. The injuries were all mostly very interesting and cool, seeing that Bartholomew actually received his most meaningful perm to date here. 10/10
Fairness: I got a 24 day injury in order to get a 13 vit food resprited and refluffed as a really big bottle of ale. It was later adjusted to 4 Prismthium. 8.5/10.

Overall: 9/10

Any other comments: This is the type of event I'm willing to spend 11 hours on just to try to survive.
Character: Ezra
Which Event: Titan Born

Responsiveness: Incredibly responsive, and willing to take things into consideration, etc. Top notch DMing!
Balance: The balance during the EC fights felt pretty fair, and the Dwarf scenario was hilarious given we were allowed to toss at him instead of money (since we brought none), objects of importance. So naturally I blessed and IC crystalized a four leaf clover, which turned out to cost a lot in the Dwarf's eyes. Not to mention we were able to tell stories to lighten the cost. A very cool puzzle / obstacle that wasn't combat!
Storytelling: The storytelling is the shining achievement in this event, by far, for me. I didn't expect such an intricate story from this - well, partially I did given Lira Moore - BUT!!! Samuel was so great, telling the tale of the event as we moved forward and having plot armor no matter what hahaha. Even the subtle jabs at the Dwarf's history was great too.
Fairness: Upon discovering you couldn't edit the vitality of a food item, you changed it up on the fly for someone who took several injuries, and that's always A+ in my book.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: omg i actually stayed up until (somewhat) the end!!! yay!!!
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[Image: Fn81wCh.png]

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