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The Crusade Marches On
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After the recent assault upon Dal'thala, the forces of the northern part of the continent begin moving once more. Scouts grow more frequent, and eventually, their target becomes clear; Even if no sign of an assault is to be done. If any lessons are to be learned from the Assault on Lemuri Castle, the golden shield over sword above the navy blue has a meaning.

They move to strike with the singular purpose of continuing their crusade - Ever southward.

OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Gilded Spire
[Image: Fky6ssr.png]
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Sitting within the heights of the Gilded Spire, the response comes as nonchalantly as it can. The Queen of the Golden Keep does not seem particularly bothered as she makes a public statement in regard to the war to come.
"The Citadel? Don't they have better things to do than act like a better nation already fallen attempting to conquer and destroy what isn't theirs?
Maybe they're just offended they weren't invited personally to our lovely auction...
Ah well, to war we go?
May the Baron watch as we pilfer treasures from their armies."
The Golden Keep stands ready, soldiers garbed in gilded armor standing side by side to protect the wealth amassed and the wonderful gift once given.

Friday, November 17 @ 6pm EST
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"Two days as King, it was a fun experience, maybe I do need to learn a little before trying to lead an army. No one is at fault, I had fun, my undead mercenaries will be supped up next time. My family..? Boy did they put on a grand show.. I love them all. For their grand display I will spare this giant, he does not need to die this day. The keep was but a stepping stone in the grand sea I plan to conquer, the sea being Meranthe.
The Citadel will be mine.

Then, Meranthe will follow."

The young king's rule was put to an end swiftly, however now he would learn from his family about guerilla tactics, perhaps he would be molded into a true king and an even better warrior through this loss. All that mattered, was that he had fun, he loved his Grandma eternally for this opportunity, for nothing was lost this day.
The start of a story that would span a few millennia, began.
Taking it slowly isn't so bad, is it?

Once the attack upon their own walls concludes, the soldiers of Aegis have their chant heard throughout the continent; The masses celebrate.


And yet, there is more to it. Almost as soon as they finish off, and the last body of the demonspawn is pushed out of their walls; Their forces begin to ready. It had been called already, in the eve of the war- The results mattered only for how much support they could provide to their own selves. Supply lines intact, the soldiers begin to ready.

To continue their march southward.

Now, to the heart of it all.

OBJECTIVE: Destroy Skarnfel. Eradicate Demonkind.
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"In darkness, they claim the evils of this world thrive. In darkness, they say the evils of this world must return."

As the crusade matches on, the moment they cross the jungle, the moment their sabatons trudge to meet the corrupted grass of Skarnfel. For them, there will be a force waiting. One that plans to give them the fight they've been aching for. And behind that force would be an aura of death, one that radiates, pulsates, and screams.

Quote:"The path has already been set. The future foretold. All is proceeding as it should be. Come my kin, let us continue to walk the spiral and bequeath unto them what they deserve. You all know what to do, you have your orders.

Let us dance to the melody of fate!"
Objective: To not go quietly into the night~
Date: December 8th, Friday 6 EST


The strike upon Skarnfel is completed. The ruins of the city traversed, and a hard earned victory at the hands of Aegis; The newly formed imperfect Metta is forced to retreat amidst their forces, and while the soldiers bearing thick leather cloaks are struck down in numbers, they take an even larger number of demons with them. The overwhelming forces of the shadowlands are pushed back; Fire spreads through the lands, and what was once a deep purple is replaced by the dark color of soot.

Soldiers spread salt over the land, to ensure no life will thrive in these lands until they come back. The epicenter of it, a clearing in the old heart of the city, ground sanctified to the point it glows a dim white. It is only then that the news come out; The crusades are over, but there's still much work to do. Preparations begin anew, incenses lit at every house, and the prayer of newfound hope from the non-magi fuels the future.

All so that the tides of darkness may be pushed even further.

DATE: December 15th, 6 PM EST
[Image: Fky6ssr.png]

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