OneBrainCellThe Agarthan Trip LCoD
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DM Key: OneBrainCellDM

Event: The Agarthan Trip

Attendees: Akroma Sun, Cyril Folhammar, Raian Sun, and Ax

Specific Request: Unique Mats, Demi-Angel Lore

Synopsis: Travel into the wilds of Agartha and discover the ruins of the Astyan Empire where the party must overcome a number of beasts to unlock the secrets of Astya and the Demi Angels lineage.

The travel to the long lost lands of the Astyan Empire took months of journey and endless trials that would test the fortitude and endurance of those who sought to make the journey. Eventually where nature ended and forests depleted, where grass died and was replaced with layers and mounds of ash, the party finds themselves in the ruins of the empire which in the aftermath of Malziel’s miracle to bring the people to Esshar, has become a baren wasteland with only ruins remaining of a once great empire.

It is here the party will begin.

The Ashy Plains

The party arrives within the ash covered plains of the prior empire of Astya where the lands are covered with roaming beasts of Hel and nightmares. Set out to find and hunt a number of beasts the party is able to discern the tracks of three types of beasts within the ash. A demonic dire wolf, a hulking monstrosity, and a greater Nethradin. The party’s objective will be to track these three monstrosities and defeat them.

The Baren Wastelands

To the east of the ashy plains the party is able to track the dire wolf that is stalking the lands where the ruins of an ancient village remain. Here in the village the party will be able to discern that not only was the village burned in the rise of demons but subjected to a deep flood that left behind ruin.

Within the village the party will find tales of the rise of Amalia, the folly of the council, and the beginning of the demons and nightmares that sought to destroy the land.

Once the details of the village are discovered the party will be able to track the demonic dire world prowling the town ruins.

Dire Wolf
Shadow / bone / armed
3 Round

The Mountains Ascension

With the dire wolf defeated the party can begin to ascend the mountain. It’s here they’ll find sea caves that prove that the land once flooded long enough that the waves eroded into the side of the mountain and created the caves. Within these caves, the party will find the Hulking Beast that appears to have a collection of items lifted from the remains of village and tower.

It is in this collection the party will find a diary discussing the need for Divine intervention and the desperation that has grown.

Within this cave is where the party will face the Hulking Beast.

Hulking Beast
Unarmed / Blood / Bone
3 Round

The Mountain Peak

At the top of the mountain, the party will be able to spot the ruins of a tower and before it a Greater Nethradin. The beast, unlike the others, is able to communicate with the party. It will show distain toward Akroma due to her heritage but reveal information about the final days of the Astya Empire and the miracle that occurred.

The party will need to fight the Greater Nethradin to gain the final information of the event and complete it.
Greater Nethradin
Shadow / Occult / Blood
5 Round

Upon defeating the Nethradin, the party will discover a tablet at the base of the tower ruins that describes the miracle of Malziel and Mikael’s please for the Empire and its people. By touching the tablet Akroma will experience a connection to the divinity due to her heritage and the tablet will write the additional passage given in the prophecy of Osrona.

“When it’s darkest, see the stars. Their light is the hopes and dreams of the unborn, the love of the lost ones. Remember that you are alive, and witness them.

There will come another with the King’s blood in his veins, who proudly claims the Petrakis name. He will take back what has been lost.”

(I understand this prophecy was fulfilled in Osrona, however, it is the lineage and bloodline that Akroma may work with to further explore their demi angel heritage.)


Ax – The Char of Yggdrasil

At first glance this charred branch appears to be nothing more than that, a piece of petrified wood lined with surging remains of fiery magic from the destruction that consumed the lands. On closer examination, however, the truth will be seen. Beneath the hardened exterior and traces of fire, leylines of magic can be felt beneath in this ancient branch. No an ordinary piece of wood, but a carefully collected piece of Yggdrasil. A single branch that held the inherent power of the Tree of Life deep within its core.

(Grade B)

Raian – Fracture of Elaide’s Beast

One of the many bones of beasts of old that had fallen upon the battlefield, this femur stands as tall as the leg of an average sized man, simply a piece of a monstrous creature that once brought upon the destruction of the Astyan Empire. An aura of strength emanates from the bone, residual power of the monster that once walked upon it residing within the bone itself. The destiny of the wielder of the bone is clear, to become a dominating force of strength; it was simply up to the one who bore the bone to decide whether that strength would be used for the good of Malziel or the evil of Amalia.

(Grade B)

Cyril – Shard of Avalon

In a land of darkness where nothing has been left but ash and bone, this shard was uncovered from beneath the mounds of soot thanks to its pure and radiant light. To hold this shard left behind by the miracle performed to save the people of the Astyan empire is to feel the power of the celestial themselves. Imbedded within this tiny crystalline shard is the potential to grow in power and to unlock its potent grace to ascend into a state greater than oneself. To pull at the secrets of blood, body, and mind to help the wielder become who they wish to be bathed in holy light.

(Grade B)

Akroma – Miracle of Malziel

In the very location that Mikhael Petrakis knelt and made his plea to the heavens centuries ago, this tablet was uncovered at the base of the ruins of the final tower of the Empire of Astya. This smooth and polished stone has sat containing the story of Mikhael’s plea and Malziel’s miracle since it was first performed, the tablet left behind as a reminder of what occurs when humanity allows too much evil to prevail.

When touched by those with a trace of the angel’s divinity within their blood, the tablet reveals a prophecy foretold once to those lost in the darkness without light, and now again for the descendent of the angel-blooded King.

“When it’s darkest, see the stars. Their light is the hopes and dreams of the unborn, the love of the lost ones. Remember that you are alive and witness them.

There will come another with the King’s blood in his veins, who proudly claims the Petrakis name. He will take back what has been lost.”

(Grade A)

The party requested B grade mats, however if one needs to be decreased, I would request it be the Fracture of Eladie’s Beast,

Injury Table LCoD

[3 Rounds]

Down 1:
1-3: 4 Day Temp
4-6: No Injury

Down 2:
1-3: 12 Day Temp
4-6: 4 Day Temp

Down 3:
1: -5 Perm
2-5: 12 Day Temp
6: 4 Day Temp

[5 Rounds]

1-2: 12 Day Temp
3-4: 4 Day Temp
5-6: 1 Day Temp

Down 2:
1: -5 Perm
2 : 24 Day Temp
3-4: 12 Day Temp
5-6: 4 Day Temp

Down 3:
1: -5 Perm
2-4: 24 Day Temp
5-6: 12 Day Temp

Down 4:
1: -10 Perm
2: -5 Perm
2-5: 24 Day Temp
6: 12 Day Temp

Down 5:
1: -20 Perm
2: -10 Perm
3: -5 Perm
4-6: 24 Day Temp

Those permed in a 3 round + 5 down in 5 round must roll for death.
Approved with the following changes(bolded)!

Ax – The Char of Yggdrasil
At first glance this charred branch appears to be nothing more than that, a piece of petrified wood lined with surging remains of fiery magic from the destruction that consumed the lands. On closer examination, however, the truth will be seen. Beneath the hardened exterior and traces of fire, leylines of magic can be felt beneath in this ancient branch. No an ordinary piece of wood, but a carefully collected piece of Yggdrasil. A single branch that held the inherent power of the Tree of Life deep within its core.
(Grade B)

Raian – Fracture of Elaide’s Beast

One of the many bones of beasts of old that had fallen upon the battlefield, this femur stands as tall as the leg of an average sized man, simply a piece of a monstrous creature that once brought upon the destruction of the Astyan Empire. An aura of strength emanates from the bone, residual power of the monster that once walked upon it residing within the bone itself. The destiny of the wielder of the bone is clear, to become a dominating force of strength; it was simply up to the one who bore the bone to decide whether that strength would be used for the good of Malziel or the evil of Amalia.
Change to Grade C

Cyril – Shard of Avalon

In a land of darkness where nothing has been left but ash and bone, this shard was uncovered from beneath the mounds of soot thanks to its pure and radiant light. To hold this shard left behind by the miracle performed to save the people of the Astyan empire is to feel the power of the celestial themselves. Imbedded within this tiny crystalline shard is the potential to grow in power and to unlock its potent grace to ascend into a state greater than oneself. To pull at the secrets of blood, body, and mind to help the wielder become who they wish to be bathed in holy light.
Change to Grade C & Remove Avalon reference

Akroma – Miracle of Malziel

In the very location that Mikhael Petrakis knelt and made his plea to the heavens centuries ago, this tablet was uncovered at the base of the ruins of the final tower of the Empire of Astya. This smooth and polished stone has sat containing the story of Mikhael’s plea and Malziel’s miracle since it was first performed, the tablet left behind as a reminder of what occurs when humanity allows too much evil to prevail.

When touched by those with a trace of the angel’s divinity within their blood, the tablet reveals a prophecy foretold once to those lost in the darkness without light, and now again for the descendent of the angel-blooded King.

“When it’s darkest, see the stars. Their light is the hopes and dreams of the unborn, the love of the lost ones. Remember that you are alive and witness them.

There will come another with the King’s blood in his veins, who proudly claims the Petrakis name. He will take back what has been lost.”

Remove the grade here since it isn't a material.
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