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The Promoter
In the middle plain field. A young child with a dream and a chip on his shoulder would place down desk and a stool. With barely any coin and barely any hair. One can wonder what he had to say. As he would have another person with him.

"TESTING! TESTING! Greg, can they see my hair? Oh, right I don't have hair. Well yeah if you gonna start from the bottom you gotta. What no shut up! Anyways!"

Coughing he would speak out in a loud tone. 

Those passing by taking flyers to show all over. 

"PEOPLE OF MERANTHE! I SHALL INTRODUCE MYSELF! I am the one. The only. The great.  
Tijraro Miska

I am here to promote. We are all bored of simple wars and random fights. Bored of the same classless Fel ruling the world talk. What people want to know is who are the people that will be apart these wars or what brought the drama to start these fights. I will bring you mindless violence and also entertainment. Today marks the day of a new way to hear about the world. 

Those seeking to promote your fights are free to mail. (ShadowMan#1779)

TFP-Tijraro Fighting Promotion.

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Willing to do side jobs. And what i say about you or your opponent dont get all mad it's just business.
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
It would seem things were being done quickly. A new promotion would behave as a new villain of destruction would appear in the areas near the forest. 

"People of Meranthe i come across a fearsome. Truly scary and hollow being. In mere seconds me and Greg. We felt fear. For our lives and our no existent pockets. If you shall want to know this person goes by the name...


[Image: tenor.gif]

[Image: 9b7d77c3e591446e8b80af0186aa4340.png]

Weight: Unknown

Height: Unknown

Magic: Unknown

Description: Seems to wonder and hunting. Cold as cold can be. The shadows also seem to follow this strange one. But Greg almost pissed himself. *coughs* Best be aware. The Ghost is out and about. 

Also thank these guys for getting the promotion up and going.

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If you folks would like to support future things like this make sure to send donations or uh contact me. I will be doing this as much as possible, but support would be great. Also, if you seek to meet me information is in my last message!
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
Fliers and the little magic boxes would boom once again around the lands. Those who hear the sweet music voice of the one and only Tijraro Miska once more gracing them with his vocals. 

"People of Meranthe! It is time for our first ever challenge!!!! Today we will introduce the one eyed winged pink haired beauty. Those who are close to her know her as Olivia Heartwarden! As those who come to fear know her as the one. The only. NEVERMOREEEEEEEEEEE!"


"We ask Nevermore! Who is she seeking or what is she seeking to challenge. What being catches the eye such a truly terrifying beauty."

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[Image: 29115a24a76da84263c4aa012601f28f.png]

Back to Tijraro

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Back to Nevermore

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"*Cough* by the way your free to send a letter if you seek to say your side of things Eivor..*cough*

[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
In the fields above the former Auldhild area. Those who pass by would hear battling of different magics and weapons. For those who didnt know of such a occurrence. That was when the young batkin fliers and connection your magic little home boxes kicked in

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! ALSO, THOSE IN BETWEEN THE LIFESTREAM AND SO FORTH!  We bring you another edition of TFP broadcast. Where all-out battle would be occurring between individuals. 

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"DEMONS, ADULTS, KIDS! People in mask! You name it we got it! Brawls all in between! One thing we could say was the children of Meranthe shouldnt not be taken lightly in the lands. Reason the adults had to put their foot down on them! 

A brawl between Persephone the Savior and the new bound demon king INCA! -W: Persephone

Inbound message! 

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In another battle. Mero the young would take on Spencer would give a chilling conclusion to the battle. Though one could never forget. W-Spencer!

Though Persephone would seek to challenge a man who is silent but deadly. A man who was truly focus and ready for anything. Ulciel!!!!!!! So young so talented even still she would fall. W-Ulciel!

Though a fight that you people didn't expect would occur! A fight that was teeth pulling. Nail biting. Heart throbbing! So close that would make both sides of the coin show respect.

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[Image: tenor.gif]

To say this battle wasn't close would be a dead lie. These two fought like they were on a war. Shadow magic from both sides. Time magic. Lightning magic. They gave it their all and they made sure to show one another up. But at the end of all good things. And there had to be a winner. Trust me it was close.


Thats all for this exciting time of TFP if you seek to donate send a letter! If you seek to simply request a fight. Send a letter! Help me help you! 
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
Here they go again! Fliers go out and that beautiful magic box lights up again. The young batkin would be seen and he would be heard. But this time with a different pitch with his business. 

"People of Meranthe! I come to bring a new form of TFP to get your blood pumping and members active of the community! Tired of having no goals. Tired of having no one to really push you to your limit? Well, no more!"


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"This is to help you not only develop your character but to bring out a determined side of yourself and another. May it be fighting, spars, cooking or etc. This to mark the world to know the ongoing affairs in the lands that is you and your rival. We here at TFP will make sure you and your rival most vital moment are remembered in history."

"Give it a try just like this guy."

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Things about him

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"You want to push this no goal achieving individual to be better than what he is. You also being lazy sitting around war paths doing nothing but wishing you were like those cool guys who always get the spotlight.  I bet your asking yourself. I do so much so why am i not blessed like those guys who are favorited by the gods. No longer wish for that. This you're reality. Send a letter if you seek to make this guy your rival. He also a teen. 

We even set up rival events if needs be! So come find that rival for you. Let's make you great today."
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
Fliers and those magic boxes in homes would once again spark to life. But this time it would seem much more personal. This time a message was being sent.

"You know coming to the lands. I thought the wars and the prices of the shop were causing the lands to fall apart. But no i come upon a new enemy of the lands. 

These three."

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"As a promoter i see violence i am to let others know if it. The girl with that hat. Emotionally unstable. The Lapine a strange guy who likes to harm himself may need serious help. And the worse of them all the drakanite. He is pretty rude and dumb. But together they are the true enemies of the land.

One got her leg broken by her friend the lapine! And then he proceeds to harm himself. His injury would show that very well its impossible for me to harm others as the magic i use will definitely show a much fiercer bruises or at least ear trauma!"

[Image: OIP.a243nksQMIxROWlOs6BOugHaH0?pid=ImgDe...&h=171&c=7]

"They broke my camera. Smashed it. Destroyed it. Then i was proceeded to be jumped and lied on. Misfits. We shall call them! The Camera Bandits! CIRCE! REMEMBER THIS! I WANT A NEW CAMERA! And for that drakanite. You wanna go at me a again im gonna whip your butt again. And for that stupid dumb lapine i dont know your name but your pretty dumb. You made my list."


1 Year of Service to TFP: CAMERIA the camera.

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[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
Fliers and those magic boxes would light up. It was time for another case of TFP. 

"Um. I'm sorry to my dear followers and other patrons who support me. I am not like most other children. I saw four people die. They weren't good people nor bad people in my mind. I didn't know them, but you will understand after the following. I needed time to process all of this as it was emotionally something that had me fear life once more. To see so much.... Let's continue. 

Final Message

I interviewed Lady Eris and Sir Azrail

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Eris Words: Lady Eris was very nice and calming even when death was knocking on her door. She treated me kindly and also spoke very well. For that she earned my utter respect. 

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Shocking part:

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Words of Azrail: He was the same. Though he stood strong even when he known his end was here. Such a thing is something we all should respect even from our enemies. 

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The Cavern
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Ahhh let's say this ceremony. Was one of beauty at first and spiritual lessons. Many figures and nobles gathered for the 'purification'. Truly I will hope i never go through this if this what it means to be purified.  Still let's not get off topic. The Faeborn leader Camino set up the stage for a siren i believe by the name Ria to handle things on the final parting of the couple. She sings a strange song. Hunting to me. But different strokes for different folks. 

Well, you expect this to go smoothly.... well, you be entirely horribly wrong!


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How shall we put this situation. Loki Mikos discovered the hooded figure among the crowd. And well that turn everything to this situation. Alot of threatning which shockingly came from the noble side. But from the history i heard it was understandable. But again, it was just a cluster of holy hell. 

With threats thrown and fist as well a fight begins

Be aware! My camera is new, and it was a lot of shaking that cause the film to be corrupted!

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At the end of the fight the one who stood tall over the matter was no other than Ryker. Who also didnt even attempt to kill the noble! But the noble was seriously injured during the scuffle!

Don't get me wrong I love fighting but all this was insane. Truly honestly it was so much fighting occurring. 

Apparently another lady was seeking to help Ryker. Not sure who she was but she fought against the girly who gave that Rise guy a run for his money! 

Llevara vs ???

Winner: Llevara Mikos!

Defeating the strange lady who honestly didn't stay down! But you learn more of about this further down the news. 

Ryker vs Evior

Now you guys remember Evior! The guy who got challenged by the pink hair lady in one my first submissions of my work! Well he is back and he was pissed. Things got more and more violent as the two words exchanged and well. The fight went down very very quickly. 

Fight 1

Fight 3

At the end of all things. Some must come to a end. The winner 


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Though with the situation of watching Lady Eris and Sir Azrail...last moments. And hearts being eaten and such other things i will never forget. I also not saw one couple die today.  That tree by the way. That is something strange about that tree. Honestly afraid to cut wood now. 

I saw two. 

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After fighting to save the man she loved. the mysterious singer was revealed to be Ynni. Wife of Ryker. The love they had for one another honestly broke me as much as watching the other couple die. As someone so young it scared me to see so much death one time. The purification and then the instant deaths of both Ryker and Ynni by the hands of Loki. 

Do not get me wrong. And don't see me as someone trying to stir things. I simply saw what i report. No one was innocent in these matters. Ryker wasnt a good guy or a bad guy. But he was far from innocent. The deaths had justifications. Each one but right now my hands are shaking and i only wish to allow my small condolences to the couples that are now gone. 

Thank you Lady Eris. Your kindness will be remembered, Oh yeah by the way me and Circe are cool now. Also got a new camera

Remember if you wanna support me send me a letter for a odd job or even throw some coin my way. Thank you for listening!

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The march on Dawnstone was bound to be. the forces of light and dark were to clash with different gods watching from different sides. As the forces led by Camino step upon the yard of the dragons. It was a war that was bound to break the entire landscape if not change the structure of the world itself.  

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War Pictures: 

Iris Aubrren (W)and Mithrandir

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Maria Promare (W) vs Elenor

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Arnet World Breaker vs The Void King Ludmaz Dawnseeker (W)

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Asher Kasca vs Kuras (W)

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Cahel (W) vs Sang 

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Mars Okabe (W) vs Zeref Orstein 

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Tater (W) vs Sol 
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Special Edition War Fights

Uranus Okabe vs Astraeus Hiraeth (W)

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Time Lord Xarxes and Primordial Ustrea vs Erza, Iris Aubreen and Lyco Corbin (W)

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Hausos (W) vs Ludmaz 

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Astraeus Hiraeth vs Hausos 
Djulkorren (W)

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??? vs ??? (If someone wants to help know who these two are that be great.

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Mars Okabe vs Metta (W)

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Wars Conclusion: After furious battle. Many captured and the void king defeated. The defeat of The Primordial and Lord of Time lingers a glorious ring among the people.  Avenging those who lose their loved ones. To holding the trophies of victory. Today marks a new brighter day for the lands as Delphina hold the mantle of victory high. The foundations of the former glorious city of dragon and voids brought down. Though it would seem that trouble seem to still brew even in the aftermath. 

This maybe one the bloodiest wars in history.


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Aftermath Fights!

Metta vs Shevan (W)

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Miko Nakano(W) vs Itsuki Nakano (Sibling Fight)

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Lilith vs Hiraeth(Defeated) and Asher Kasca (Victor)

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Thank you all for viewing my work. I will be honest i cut out a lot of things because prior things occurred. That i will not share unless things occur. Best of luck.
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]

The papers would go and those magic boxes would go up. But others wouldnt see the same person. No they would see the other. The man behind the camera himself. 
Young Man Greg. 

[Image: tenor.gif]

"Greetings everyone. Tijraro usually handles this, but he fell asleep during the incident. So i will broadcast the scenes of last night events so we make it clear of everyone to be careful of the Fel lingering the areas. They traveling in groups more than ever. Definitely the Wicked Witch Vienna and the Imperfect Metta."

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"I didnt manage to get the start of the fighting but the batkin known as Eyihl was fighting a hooded man known as Sancturary. After defeating the man her and her companion Selever would be push into another battle. Reports say the duo are out seeking to beat the living snot out of the Fel. 


After Selever defeated a fox masked indiviual the imperfect Metta would seem to step in. During that time Tijraro had well went to into sleep mode. The batkin seeking to stop the Imperfect from harming her friend. Would meet utter defeat. 

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And folks this next one. Maybe one the most humilating defeats known. After the imperfect defeated the batkin she would proceed to attack Selever next.

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The results. 

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"She took away the young man's hair. And i cry for such a thing. As no child deserves to be treated like this. I cried for this young man, but it would seem the gathering of the Fel would leave after such events. If you do see the poor young man give condelences to his loss. That is all for the news.
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
Papers would fly about, and those magic boxes would light up. It was time for another edition of the TFP News.

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"Happy Krausmus everyone or whatever you celebrate. We have many things to discuss that i wasn't able to get into. But let's go ahead and say this. The situation with the war between Raven Hold and Storaland. Got well. You will see! But apparently Storaland was doing something shady with the former founder. Rumors and also things said had shown that whatever was to come Storaland was in danger of being taken away. 

Raven Holds vs Storaland 

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Many events and fights occur. But it's

more of the conversations that occur during the fights were well. Way to personal! Even i like to be in other business but man. I heard some things in that fight that made me want to go hug my dead mother and tell her i miss her. 

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Alucard Sun vs Entchen Silvanas 

Wow they had a close fight, but this fight was more mental than physical. The two beat the living hell out of one another. But it was the words that were exchanged that really made the situation a deathly one. I would talk about their fight but the words are enough. 

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I have more but if you are reading this. It's enough for you to know this was not a friendly at all encounters.  But at the end of the blood battle. The student of Galland would stand tall over the granddaughter. What is he seeking to prove and what are his future plans. Winner: Alucard Sun

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Rued Silvanas vs Basil Mooney

The two exchanges were quick and complex. The true leader of Ravenhold showed his might in his fight. Letting the world know he was coming to lead the clan of Silvanas to a new light and different path. Whatever is to come things shall be exciting for the future of the young man leadership. Trumph and standing tall. Winner: Rued Silvanas 

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Giancarlo vs Swastian 

The field was in a blaze from the exchanges these two had. They were both showing immense come backs. Back-to-back they were trying to break one another. Even with the will of such skills with the blade the giant refused to fall. Even though it was a close battle the giant would walk away the winner. Standing tall to make a name among the giants for himself in the future.  Winner: Giancarlo

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Luka vs Raian Sun

Call me bias. Call me a liar. But even if these guys are my best friends. I would have to say. They were my favorite fight. The two didn't seek to kill one another but in this fight, you thought they were. The amount power and authority they laid out against one another.  They were both on a war path.  Though a critical injury was landed at the very end on Raian by Luka. Respect was shown and victory stood. Winner: Luka

War Winner: Ravens Hold 

Side News: 


If you're looking to show off your places for others to visit or explore, send a letter to me. Tijraro Miska. I will be presenting must see places around Meranthe.  We explore what it has to offer and places you never believe have what it has. So, owners and others seeking to get their work known. Send letters away. 

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