BLOXEscape from Havoc Labs
Name of Event & Type

Your DM Key

Injury Table
1d6 for injuries per KO, each KO leading to more injuries.

1st KO
1 - Temporary Injury (long)
2 - 5 - Temporary Injury (medium)
6 - Avoid Injury

2nd (and successive) KO's
1 - Permanent Injury (-10 vit)
2 - 5 - Temporary Injury (long)
6 - Temporary Injury (medium)

6th (and successive) KO’s
6 - Perm (-5 vit)
2 - 5 - Permanent Injury (-10 vit)
1 - death

Summary/Outline of the Event: 
Stage 0: Landing on Punktown
Initial landing on the island. The group disembarks from the ship onto a ghost town.1 Once they land on the town, they realise that it’s completely empty- abandoned and left to rot.

It’s possible to examine the area and be met with the following information.

*Upon closer inspection of the billboard, it seems that nothing has been posted recently for about 10 years. Even then… the most recent postings were of missing children.

*Examining the dock, it seems as though all of the ships have been left to rot. Some of the nicer-looking ones seem to have been destroyed, preventing the leaving of the island.

*A small, red ball is left on the dock town. It’s unknown who it belongs to…

After examination of these items, the party will encounter cloaked men with hazmat suits. When they try to engage in combat, the area will quickly fill with gas2. Once the party is knocked unconscious, they’ll be dragged off into the darkness, and the event will begin…

Stage 1: Prison Break - V.S. Havoc Labs Warden
The party awakens within the prison cell3. There, they’ll be met with several grown prisoners who also seem to be occupying the cell. Upon interacting with these prisoners, they’ll be given the information that all of these adults are actually children- some of them as young as ten.

The island they had landed on was a rogue Barsburgian experimentation plant, focused on the use of biochemical weaponry. Specifically, they’re aiming to create a biochemical weapon that can turn non-magi into magi- empowering them and bringing them, immediately, to the height of their potential.

What this actually does is age the recipient up by 10 years, forcefully crafting magical circuits for them. However, its efficiency is low, and the changes are permanent- unsuitable for long-term use.

Their goal now is obvious. Leave the prison and find a way out. Unfortunately, it seems as though they all have magic-suppressing collars on them, and will have to rely on wits.

The individuals in the right-most cell will, if inspecting closely enough, notice that the metal torch that lines the wall is a bit damaged. By removing this shard of metal, it’s then possible to fashion it into a lockpick.

Characters with a background in medicine, sewing or thieving will be able to lockpick a collar with a roll of 10 or higher on a 1d20, lower causing the collar to deliver a shock which will inflict a temporary injury to the wearer. 

Solution A:
Once the collars are removed, the right-most party can activate their magic and break out. The loud approach will cause the alarm to be sound. This will lead to a fight with an additional EC, but not give any additional rewards.

Solution B:
Once the collars are removed, the party trapped on the left will have an opportunity to distract the guard (if the party on the right tries to, they will notice that their collars are missing and sound the alarm), where the right-most party can then knock them out, preventing the alarm from being sound and allowing them to challenge the main EC directly.

Upon breaking out with the loud approach, they’ll be forced to face the warden’s guard dog before having to face the warden.

EC: GUARD DOG 200 vit per participant, 150 pow per participant
EC will primarily focus on one party member, who will be determined by a roll beforehand. This is the consequence for taking the loud approach. EC will primarily have physical skills. Upon conclusion of its fight, the warden will come out.

EC: HAVOC PRISONS WARDEN 250 vit per, 200 pow per
EC will utilise evil magics- shadow, illusion, occult and plasma. 

** Guaranteed: 1x Havoc Electronic Tablet, 1x Havoc Lie Detector
20 - 1x Warden’s Cap
19 - 12 - 1x Blood Copper
11 - 1 - 5x Arcanium

Stage 2: Escape the Facility!
Once the prisoners and the party begin to make their way to the exit, the leader of the lab, Dr. Havoc appears.

Instead of fighting them, he offers the prisoners an addictive drug that they regularly partake in to keep them docile. The prisoners, happily accepting, move back to the prison with their offered goods, leaving the party on their own and without any help.

Dr. Havoc offers them one last chance to go along quietly. If they accept, it’s an instant bad end (they wouldn’t accept but i feel the need to put this here). If they decline, a hole will open up beneath the facility, causing them to tumble down endlessly until they end up in a pit, unconscious.

As they wake up, disoriented, the party will realise… they’re in each other’s bodies! Players will randomly be assigned to another player, and then be placed in that person’s body, given an accompanying sprite to signal that they’ve been changed. In addition, they’ll be given only 1 spell off of the other person’s bar (and an EC blank which will allow them to use the spells rapidly), which they’ll need to use in the upcoming fight.

When the lights raise, the party realises they’re in a colosseum4, forced to fight a master illusionist. He’ll primarily fight by releasing AOE shockwaves and disorienting his enemies, but he’ll actually turn out to be quite weak- relying on excessive healing to keep the battle going- making it easy to defeat him if they manage to get in close enough.

EC: HAVOC ILLUSIONIST- 150 vit per, 250 pow per
** Guaranteed: 1x Illusionist’s Guidebook, 3x Prismithium
20 - 1x Illusionist’s Ring
19 - 12 - 3x Eternite
11 - 1 - 5x Arcanium

After defeating the Havoc Illusionist, the party is able to use the prison key to leave the colosseum and head back up to the main floor.

Stage 3: Inner Lab
Since the warden is still out of commission, the prisoners were, instead, taken to the inner-most lab. Once the party arrives back at the main floor, they have to breach past the door.

EC: Giant Door. 500 VIT per person. 100 pow per person
The door will deal passive AOE damage to the intruders. The party must heal and ensure that they can defeat it within the set time, otherwise they’ll be knocked unconscious. There is only 1 round for this fight.
** Guaranteed: 5x Arcanium (all party members), 1x Giant Door (dev item)

Once they get past the door, the party will enter the inner lab5. The prisoners are behind the second door, but first, the party will be facing the Peacekeeper- an active synthetic with orders only to obey. It desires little more than the successful following of its orders.

EC: Peacekeeper. 400 vit per person, 300 pow per person.
The Peacekeeper will rely primarily on large-scale attacks, using earthquakes, shockwaves, and other skills that may lead to destruction. Additionally, the Peacekeeper is not only durable, it’s capable of avoiding attacks and releasing powerful blows.

The Peacekeeper will also use gigantification after the first battle is beaten, adding an additional 100 vit per person and 50 pow per person.

Once it’s defeated, the lab will enter emergency lockdown- causing all doors to open, exposing Dr. Havoc and the prisoners before they’ve received the drug.

**Guaranteed: 1x Peacekeeper Synthetic (Disabled)
20 - 1x Peacekeeper Plating (special resource, chest slot, +5 vit +30 weight)
19 - 12 - 1x Peacekeeper Gearwork
11 - 1 - x5 Arcanium

Stage 4: Free the Prisoners
The last step is to defeat Dr. Havoc. But, admittedly, he isn’t much of a fighter! What he lacks in bravery, he makes up for in psychopathy. Instead, what Dr. Havoc does is trigger a self-destruct sequence, causing the laboratory and everything in it to begin a string of explosions.

If Dr. Havoc is not knocked out within the time limit, the party will fail!

EC: DR. HAVOC: 100 Vit per party member, 300 Pow per party member
The egg-head doctor who launched the lab. He isn’t great at combat, but will instead use multiple AoEs and teleportation to avoid the attacks of everyone attempting to hit him. 1 round only. If the party can not defeat him within 2 minutes, they’ll receive an automatic ‘game over’ and all party members will receive 1 injury roll.

** Guaranteed - 1x Synthetic Remote
20 - 1x Scanner
19 - 12 - 1x Scientific Journal
11 - 1 - 5x Arcanium

Stage 5:
Upon defeating Dr. Havoc, the party and all the children are then able to escape. The party will be teleported to the war map, where they must outrun an ‘explosion’ EC who will chase after them with friendly-fire active.

Anyone who is knocked out by the EC will receive an injury roll.

After they escape, the lab collapses, the children are free, closing RPs are done, and the event is over.

** ADDENDUM: If the rare drop is not obtained via loot rolls, it automatically goes to whoever has the highest HP at the end of the RPB.

Havoc Electronic Tablet
This sleek electronic tablet is a marvel of modern technology. Its interface is user-friendly, making it a valuable tool for developers looking to create cutting-edge applications. The Havoc Electronic Tablet is equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and software, providing the ideal platform for experimenting with new software innovations. Ideal for developers, creatives, and avid readers, it boasts robust processing power and a responsive interface, ensuring effortless navigation through complex applications and access to a vast array of development tools. This tablet is not merely a device but a canvas for those with boundless digital aspirations, serving as a gateway to innovation and a stepping stone toward achieving even greater technological feats.

Havoc Lie Detector Schematics
The Havoc Lie Detector is the ultimate instrument of truth, renowned for its unwavering accuracy in discerning honesty from deceit. It employs cutting-edge technology to assess physiological responses, vocal patterns, and subtle cues, leaving no room for deception to hide.

Whether in the realms of legal investigations, personal inquiries, or professional interrogations, this device is a guardian of integrity, ensuring that lies are exposed. This machine is a testament to the relentless pursuit of honesty and the relentless pursuit of truth, an indispensable tool for those who seek to unravel secrets and unveil the unvarnished reality in any given situation.

Unfortunately, said lie detectors are rooted within Havoc Labs, and it's impossible to rip one out and take it with you without proper knowledge of it. The next best thing? A series of blueprints that detail their creation. The materials needed, the engineering, previous versions... all are detailed here. With enough studying, and some helpful hands, it may be possible to recreate the lie detector.

Warden’s Cap
This distinguished cap not only adds a touch of style to your attire but also enhances your abilities. The Warden’s Cap grants wearers a boost to their metaphysical power and vitality, making it a favorite among adventurers and magic-users.

Its classic design and magical properties make it a must-have accessory for those who seek both fashion and function.
+1 Meta Pow, +1 Vit

Illusionist’s Guidebook
The Illusionist’s Guidebook is a tome of enchantment and revelation. Its pages are laden with the ancient secrets and modern techniques of mastering the elusive art of invisibility. This manual is not merely a book; it is a ticket to a world where reality bends at the will of the illusionist.

As readers delve into its pages, they unlock the hidden dimensions of crafting illusions that mystify and beguile. The Illusionist’s Guidebook is the compass for those daring to traverse the enigmatic realm of misdirection, making it the prized possession of aspiring magicians and tricksters alike.

(Can be used towards an app for the ‘Invisibility’ skill.)

Peacekeeper Synthetic (Disabled)
The Peacekeeper Synthetic, despite its current state of deactivation, stands as a testament to the pinnacle of technological innovation and engineering mastery. This extraordinary synthetic robotic life form exists at the intersection of science and imagination, embodying a fusion of advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, and formidable power. Its very name invokes a sense of awe and wonder among those who have witnessed its might when fully activated.

The Peacekeeper Synthetic is a cutting-edge apparatus, designed for advanced experimentation, technological breakthroughs and able to be weaponized. Though it is currently disabled, its potential is unmatched, cloned from a former legendary person of myth. Researchers and engineers alike dream of the day when they can unlock the true power hidden within this unresponsive machine.

Standing dormant, the Peacekeeper Synthetic may appear as an enigmatic figure of gleaming metallic form, a silent sentinel waiting for the moment when its latent capabilities are reawakened. Its frame is a marvel of precision engineering, adorned with intricate details and a polished exterior that glints with a sense of untapped potential. The synthetic's design is a testament to the boundless possibilities of artificial life, offering an eerie, yet captivating blend of human-like aesthetics and cutting-edge technology. Each component, from its articulated limbs to its intricate neural network, speaks of the relentless pursuit of perfection in the realm of synthetic life.

While in its current deactivated state, the Peacekeeper Synthetic is a sleeping giant, its true potential locked away behind a digital veil. The synthetic's primary allure lies in its phenomenal power, an attribute that is only hinted at in its name and the legendary tales surrounding its capabilities. When reactivated, this artificial being awakens to unleash an array of awe-inspiring abilities. It becomes a symbol of power and precision, a guardian of the future, capable of feats that defy the boundaries of the average Magi's potential.

Illusionist’s Ring
The Illusionist’s Ring is a mesmerizing piece of jewelry with secrets concealed within its sparkling façade. This remarkable ring not only enhances your metaphysical power but also grants the wearer the ability to cast minor illusions at will.

Whether you seek to entertain, deceive, or astound, the Illusionist's Ring is your key to creating mesmerising visual tricks. Its augmented powers and illusion-casting capabilities make it a coveted accessory for those who value both charm and mystique.
+3 vit, +2 Illusion Pow

Peacekeeper Plating
"How'd you get this?! You must have defeated a Peacekeeper!"

A robust resource that melds resilience with a touch of added weight shimmers in front of the holder. Offering a substantial bonus to one's vitality, it transforms the wearer into a formidable bulwark against adversity. However, with great durability comes a trade-off - a noteworthy addition of extra weight due to the considerably massive entity this belonged to. This plating is a paradox of strength and burden, an essential component for those who demand unwavering protection in their endeavours.
+5 vit, +30 Weight

Peacekeeper Gears
The Peacekeeper Gears are the gears that drive ambition and innovation. Ideal for enhancing machinery and devices, these gears are the lifeblood of mechanical progress. Every tooth and cog represents a step closer to a revolutionary breakthrough. For inventors and engineers seeking to propel their creations into uncharted territories, these are the fundamental building blocks of ingenuity, once belonging to overwhelmingly powerful Peacekeeper synthetics.

These intricately crafted gears open the doors to advanced mechanical inventions. Engineers and inventors can harness the power of these gears to create innovative machinery, making them a valuable component in the world of technological progress and cybernetics. 

The Scanner is a pair of technologically advanced glasses that allow you to analyze the power levels of individuals you encounter. While it may not provide a significant advantage in combat, it is an invaluable tool for gathering information and assessing potential threats. Its bonus to critical hits makes it even more appealing to those who appreciate a tactical advantage.
+5 Crit

Scientific Journal
The Scientific Journal is a treasure trove of knowledge, it serves as an invaluable resource for researchers, scholars, and enthusiasts of various disciplines. Its pages are filled with wisdom and insights from countless fields of study, making it an essential reference for those seeking to expand their understanding of the world. A must-have for anyone dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and innovation, this journal is a wellspring of enlightenment.

It is a gateway to the realms of knowledge and enlightenment. You will discover a treasure trove of wisdom and insights spanning various fields of study. For researchers, scholars, and those passionate about expanding their understanding of the world, this journal is an indispensable resource. It represents the key to unlocking doors to untold possibilities and serves as a conduit to an ever-expanding world of discovery and innovation.

This journal is not just a notebook; it is a gateway to enlightenment, a work of literature that transforms ideas into reality. Every page is a blank canvas upon which knowledge is transcribed and discoveries are immortalised via intricate runes. It is an essential companion for researchers and inventors, serving as a repository for scientific breakthroughs and a vessel for the transfer of wisdom. This is a beacon for progress, a testament to the ceaseless march of human knowledge.

Havoc Synthetic Remote
The Havoc Synthetic Remote is a testament to human ingenuity, an item that has the potential to redefine the future of technology and automation. This remote empowers its users to control and manipulate synthetic entities with unparalleled precision and finesse.

It is the embodiment of the cutting edge of innovation and development. The Havoc Synthetic Remote is a prized possession for those at the forefront of progress, offering the promise of reshaping the world as we know it. It is a ticket to a new era where machines and synthetic beings respond to your every command, a herald of a brighter and more automated future.

This remote is the quintessence of technological marvel. With capabilities that surpass the ordinary, this remote is a testament to boundless innovation and ingenuity. This object has the ability to control Synthetics, specifically the Peacekeepers. If they're too out of control, they can be shut back off. This is an extremely powerful tool in the hands of a scientist, capable of shutting down legions of robotic entities should it find itself in the right hands.
Please change the names 'Pacifista' and 'Scouter'. Once done will review.
Fixed. They were placeholders that didn't get removed before I submitted because I've been writing this for a while. My bad.
Hello. This was supposed to be run this weekend and they were very minor changes. Is something else holding up the process??

Bump, also.
Oh sorry just seeing this. Will review/approve early tomorrow.
All good, thanks!
The '20 for an item' roll is going to be eh, maybe make it highest in the party gets it instead? Change rewards accordingly please, & then this is approved!

Overheat Gem

Havoc Lie Detector
This is problematic as we have found truth potions to be a little anti-rp in the past. So maybe it should be roll based instead? I'm not sure. It shouldn't be "this person must tell the truth and will be found out if they don't" though. Alternatively this could bte schematics and parts for one to leave it to the appmins... ?

Warden’s Cap
+1 Meta Pow, +1 Vit
(stat change)

Illusionist’s Ring
+3 vit, +2 Illusion Pow
(stat change)

Peacekeeper Plating
+5 vit, +30 Weight
(specify chest slot only)
Updated! Following have been changed:

Warden’s Cap
+1 Meta Pow, +1 Vit
(stat change)

Illusionist’s Ring
+3 vit, +2 Illusion Pow
(stat change)

Peacekeeper Plating
+5 vit, +30 Weight
(specify chest slot only)

Havoc Lie Detector ------------> Havoc Lie Detector Schematics
** Turned into a blueprint. Any specifics will be dealt with via appmins!

Overheat Gem ------------------> 1x Blood Copper
** Changed this to Blood Copper to maintain rarity while also excluding overheat gem. If it's too much, let me know!

Addendum Added -----------------> Loot Rule
If no one rolls the 20-rarity loot, it'll automatically be given to whoever had the most HP at the end of the party.

Let me know if anything needs changing!
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