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Factions & Guilds
An overview of the supporting systems for player-driven organizations.

[Image: fWj7jpf.png]

Starting A Guild

A guild costs 5000 coins to found. After naming the guild, you can set the MOTD, and the names for the 7 ranks (which become more important if you also have a faction NPC). This lets you view when characters in the guild were last online, lets you do private guild announcements, and also public announcements that are broadcast across the world (useful if you're organizing an event, such as a tournament, wedding, festival, etc!). 


Factions are separate from guilds, and you can only be in one. You join a faction by speaking to its faction NPC, typically by the settlement's castle.

[Image: 0IY5Vpj.png]

This gives you the rank of citizen, which lets you accrue influence when nearby that settlement (with a fairly generous range at 100 tiles).

It'll also add you to the associated faction guild at the lowest rank, which is 1. You can gain a higher rank by becoming more than a civilian, such as officially joining the settlement's military. To do so, speak to a higher up and they'll promote you.

The higher your rank, the better your influence gains. You gain influence whenever you gain EXP. But for every rank up, there's a +50% modifier, so scoring that promotion is worth it!

A guild has certain limits on the number of people they can have in a rank. Rank 1 and 2 are unlimited, but rank 3 and 4 scale based on the # of active members in the guild, and rank 5 and beyond are set to two or less. It scales with activity but the following are the maximum/caps: Rank 1-2 = unlimited, rank 3 = 4, rank 4 = 3, rank 5 = 2, rank 6 = 1, rank 7 = 1

Faction Commands

At rank 2, as an official, you'll see that you now have access to the faction store. This lets you purchase your faction's gear (a cloak, and a chestplate), as well as 'polish', which you exchange influence for at 500 per.

Faction gear can be upgraded. The cloak has a base vitality of 5, and the chest has a base vitality of 5. Up to 3 polish can be used on the cloak (for 8 vitality), and up to 10 can be used on the chest piece.

The upgrade lasts for up to 5 years, similar to a weapon's pristine.

At rank 6 (co-leader or above) you can add, modify, or delete faction gear. There's no limit on the # of items you can, but keep it reasonable and themed, and as official, recognizable uniform. But say you wanted to add a 'Church Cloak' and also a 'Military Cloak' if there are sub-factions, by all means.

Faction Supporting Spells

These abilities are currently manually granted, except Commend, which everyone begins with.

If your faction is a keep/castle tier (such as a guild rather than a fully functioning kingdom) you may have access to 1 supporting role. Otherwise any where the role fits.

Commend - Political Support
Default basic spell. Transfers selected amount of influence to the target. If they're not in the same faction: at a reduction of 50%. This lets you show your support or give thanks to another character, improving their standing with you.
This spell can only be cast once per year.
'You lend your support to target, granting them X influence!
If 1000+ influence, you can also make it a guild announce (can choose public or private): name has lent their support to target name! +[custom msg]'
The other commands cost 1500 Influence to cast and can be used once per year. They are purposely strong and impactful: coordination is key to success!

The following cost 1500 influence to cast & have a 1 year cooldown:

Commander: Grant the target +50% EXP for 1 year

Master of Coin: Grant the target +50% coin gain for 1 year

Head of Research: Improved anvil rolls on target for 1 year

Faith Leader: Exchange 200 influence for 1 faith. Exchange 1 faith for 50 influence.

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