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Final Frontier : Wayfinding Lessons
[Image: qImqHRB.jpg]
After two rebuilding sessions to the Final Frontier, the billboard holds a new announcement about classes teaching about the art of Wayfinding, a very specific kind of magic not easily available for the average magi.
The letters are written in black ink, the cursive handwritting is tilted to the left. The tailed characters have an unusual curl towards the right


it has been a while since my last class, and I have received more and more requests to teach about Wayfinding. So there it is, I am preparing a new session to learn accross the year.

What is Wayfinding you may ask ? It is an art of magic based upon the Primordial of Travels : Chireus, that helped them to travel in between places to deliver messages to the Pantheon. Very simply : it is teleportation magic.

This art can be achieved by any certified magi. Being able to runecast or runewrite is a plus. You do not need to be an artificier either to join us.
Younger than adults may be struggling with such art as it requires a huge consumption of mana, in which their circuits are not entirely developped yet. But the knowledge and theory can still be helpfull in due time.

Do note altough : Wayfinding requires personnal practices outside of these classes to properly work. It is expected that you have to train outside with various conditions. This class is a stepping stone to understand the art and have an idea of the practice.

The classes will be divided in three parts :

  1. Understanding Wayfinding and how it works. Lifestream lesson. Safety and precautions.
  2. Practical exercice in runewriting and first trainings.
  3. Miscellaneous knowledge such as arithmancy and glyphs. Practical supervised exercice.
While there is more to learn from it, these classes will only be about creating portals mainly. Bring a book to take notes, I will be glad to answer any questions !

Be sure to note the marked dates if your interest is cought !

Kind regards,

Svengalf Sandsker.
[Following under the signature, a seal of fern green is placed. Inside the seal, there a sigil depicting a tree growing on a mountain. It feels magical, enchanted with earthen ennergies to reinforce the paper]

First lesson : Tuesday 12th March at 5 PM EST
Second lesson : Wednesday 13th March at 5 PM EST
Third lesson : Friday 15th March at 5 PM EST
[b]Wednesday 20th March at 5 PM EST[/b]
Small update : the first class is on tuesday instead, I had something else planned on monday. Sorry !
A small note was added to the announcement board.

Quote:Greetings !

It seems a lot of people have not been available to attend to this class. So I have decided to delay it to the middle of the year instead.

You can take this opportunity to keep practicing your stone throwing portal exercices to refine the art ! I even encourage to try to attune different locations, so you can have a feeling of different mana present in different environnements and experiment how to balance the energies required.
I recommend finding some partners to practice together, so you can revise and help each other until then !

I am looking forward to see your progress next class !

Kind regards,

Svengalf Sandsker.
A note has been added.


Due to issues related to my health, I will be unable to hold this last class.
I sincerely appology to cancel this on the last moment. Alas I can not control the whims of Life. I thank you for your understanding.

But rest reassured. If you have attended the first and the second class, I am confident you have all the tools needed to practice more.

Find your colleagues. Explore the world. Attune to different locations, try to open more portals and throw stones in them to see  how stable they and the result are.
Do take only your portals by yourselves once you have a reliable stability in your results in a row.

And if you are deeply struggling, then you may write me a letter. Perhaps, if my condition improves, I may be able to tutor privately, but no guarantee in such. At best, I can provide more advices.

Best of wits in your practices.

Kind regards,

Svengalf Sandsker.

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