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Collection of Observations
Of Conviction And Growth, Rama

Beside the towering walls of Ten's Citadel and shrouded by a layer of frost and snow, a seedling of Yggdrasil is planted. Lead by Akroma Sun and Ax, the procession was held in the year 2096 AC not too long after the victory of Aegis against the forces of the Fel.

Such a historical victory must be followed by a celebrations of equivalent significance, and it did in this festival.

Thus Rama, the Tree of Conviction is hereby conceived amidst the snowy tundra, beside the victors who led such victory. A Tree to be comparable to Solais of Final Frontier or the runeoaks of Delphina. A Tree to signify the conviction and unity with which humanity finally triumphed over the Fel.

Naturally, for a Tree of Conviction, it must be planted with conviction. It's quite interesting, for such vague feelings to be manifest, yet nonetheless it did.

At the very least, it was so for the tree.

Statements and oaths came forth from the crowd; various wishes, ambitions, dedications, paths, and histories blessed the tree. To this I agree:

There is no greater nourishment than a goal and no greater fertilizer than ambition.

I wonder if that's why I can't grow. My ambition is nothing more but to watch. Inhumane if I say so myself.

'It was quite something to bear witness to. People never stop yearning to better themselves and in implanting this concept, this conviction, onto Rama; I can't think of anything more fitting.

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