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The HaTeD DM
Key/Character: Moshudo/Halidrell
Which Event: No Country for Old Beasts

Responsiveness: 9/10: Took his time to answer each roleplay with one strict post. This helped with speed and flow of the roleplay. He also asked before hand what we wished to developed and worked it into his responses. Towards the end it got a little slower, but that's primarily due to people getting sleepy.
Balance 8/10: The fights were fun and well balanced. It helped that he did a test round each different fight to properly balance out the EC. Only critique i'd give was the abundant usage of AoE. While it does make sense for a dragon to spread fire around. The frequency of said AoE made it sometimes impossible for the melee fighters to get close during the entirety of the fight.
Storytelling 7/10: The interaction with the dragon was short, primarily a scene of the aftermath of a battle with it. I would've liked to see a deeper conversation with the dragon that unraveled a bit more, in particular its stance towards the demons that were present. However, the rest of the plot was in tune with what was expected. A trek to a dragon in order to meet it. In the allotted time slot. The DM handled the story very well.
Fairness 10/10: The DM was very considerate in his punishments. No one likes a DM vs players situation, just to spite the players with nasty side-effects to their roleplaying. As such, punishments were kept fair and within reason.

Overall: 8/10: Considerate and fun DM. Does what he can with the time and information given and makes sure it is enjoyed by anyone who attends. Will definitely consider for future events

Any other comments:
Key/Character: oyedboats/Thalis Avitus
Which Event: Trial of Passion

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): The moment we finished our dots he was working on his own. 10/10
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): Now honestly I'm a very unlucky person when it comes to rolls, so naturally when we had to roll for a trap I was a bit salty... But I mean I still passed and the DC was very, very low. So 10/10! The fights were astoundingly balanced.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): It truly did feel like an adventure up a volcano. I like Hated's writing style and how it conveyed our journey there. 10/10
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): Absolutely fair; Given it was a CoI we only walked out with temps for now. Our rewards (especially the tattoos) were absolutely earned. 10/10

Overall: 10/10, would get my tattoos done by a fire elemental again.

Any other comments: None!
Key/Character: Pin Head#1945/Sparrow cos Queen
Which Event: Trial of Passion

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): No complaints here, the moment we posted he got to work throwing out a post of his own, which didn't take long at all. 10/10
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): The traps were real fair, I have terrible luck on most days, and even I managed to avoid getting maimed by one of them, but the fights? Oh god, were they fun. Pretty much every fight came down to wire, and they were just... So much fun. 10/10
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): It was a grand tale of three idiots marching up a volcano to get some awesome spirit tattoos. Couldn't have asked for a more grand tale. 10/10
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): Considering we walked out of this with a few temps, and we got some pretty neat stuff out of it? I'd say it was pretty darn fair! 10/10

Overall: 10/10, A lovely time, and I look forward to the next part where we probably get thrown into a volcano. No fear.

Any other comments: /votekick Thalis
Key/Character: Tepa Kamaouha/TheWolf#3731
Which Event: Trial of Passion

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10 everything was on a smooth pace from start to finish
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): it was honestly a really good blast to have, 10/10 would recommend again
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Adventure? It felt more than just a simple adventure, everything we did mattered in the end
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) 10/10 everything was great and fair

Overall: 10/10 can't wait to look forward to the other events as well

Any other comments: /votekick Thalis
[Image: Home.png]
Key/Character: Tepa Kamaouha/TheWolf#3731
Which Event: Trial of Fire/Desire

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10 everything was on a smooth pace from start to finish we were a bit slow on our end but we did it in the end.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): it was honestly a really good blast to have, 10/10 would recommend again, it was a raid style like fight for both events and honestly? it was fun even if somehow we icly had a good setup which is wacky and fun
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Adventure? It felt more than just a simple adventure, everything we did matter in the end, dungeon type adventure was a blast
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) 10/10 everything was great and fair we got our asses handed to us both times

Overall: 10/10 can't wait to look forward to the other events as well

Any other comments: /votekick Thalis AGAIN
[Image: Home.png]

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