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An Aggressive Response
[Image: Cathars-Crusade-Avacyn-Restored-MtG-Art.jpg]
While the war rages on a different front...

A small offensive is launched. Not bearing the colors of any specific nation or religion, the warriors of the recently-rebranded Aegis, they launch an attack directly through the seas, far away from the war that currently occurs; With the aid of the nations of Dawnstone, Fortune and Final Frontier, they forsake their participation in the defense in order to strike straight at the heart of what matters.

To strike back, and to push the war against their homes; To scorch the earth which they have stepped on.


[Image: Fky6ssr.png]
[Image: 5ca075af70da455143d635b89b3db530.png]

Quote:“They wish to attack us head on, they wish to strike at the heart of the Twilight City? Well, let them come. Fortune has other targets, the Gilded Nation will not sit idle. Death to the Fel.

The Southern Seas had been pushed to their limit, the sanctity of their waters at stake. Fortune and her people would set sail, the greatest of the Driftwood Battalion. The unyielding bulwark of the Gilded Nation would fall towards Fel Gardens. The isle beheaded, bereaved of their Distorted Lord. Fortune would capitalize on this vacuum of leadership, striking while the Gardens lay in chaos.

Sailing to the aid of their comrades, a common goal to purge this malignant corruption once and for all. There would be no quarter, only the systematic deletion of a continued threat.

To Liberate Fel Gardens once and for all.
[Image: 01aee02f40ef155c147ef1331241461c.jpg]
As the Battalion of Ships headed for fel Garden they would see familiar seas turned and decayed a rotted black
Vessels that approach would naturally begin to decay as if floating in pools of toxic acids.
And yet as their attacks continued so too did the response.
Like shadows expanding from the depths did tendrils of Darkness
and Shadow rise and spears through the body of the Ships

The Dark Reality now beginning to set in.
At the very top of Castle Mourngrave is the Nethrademon
a horde of undead risen by the Necromancers in their army.

Yet The Phantom Demon Lord prepares to face all threats against the sons of man could muster.
Psionics bursts across the Occultic seas to invite those who dared traveled
towards the heart of the Darkness within the region
If it wasn't already clear,

The Nightmare never ends.
"How clever sons of man you believed you would find purchase on a Domain that has Lost its Lord,

You are wrong.

Death is  something I have long since over came.

I have always been the Paragon of Death,

The Second Demon that will reach into the very foundations of what the occult is.

Approach Fel Gardens so it can be your grave,

The lands Transformed into my very image.

The Blackened seas an extension of my very obsidian soul.

Upon this land I have cultivated Nightmares of mortals, Your very fear of death. 

I will become Imperfect with the blood and Deaths of my enemies slain.

The Imperfect nightmares have only just begun."
There is an immediate counter attack towards the incoming ships
Sea battles begin far off form the islands coast which seems unreachable at this point in time. 
The Demon Lord begins to counter attack to defend their island.
While Also gathering strength to become Imperfect.
There is no longer any question as to why or how this occurred or how the once dead Demon Lord game to exist once more.
Yet Terror and Dread arise as those brave few claw their way towards Fel Garden.
and what would await them would be the Shadow of Death itself.

Raid Objective: Destroy The Enemy
Personal Objective: Become Imperfect

Date: TBD
[Image: ashan-dananjaya-ashan-dananjaya-dance-wi...19ca-1.jpg]

Deep within the Fel Gardens, a rift opens, granting passage to a vast auxiliary force. Intermingling with the risen is madness, held together by the tales of death and their worship of revelry. They join hand in hand with the Shadow of Death.
The surrounding oceans are ripe with terrors and nightmares. To arrive at the Fel Gardens is to arrive by sea, and beneath these violent blackened waters that reflect the oceanic abyss, Davy Jones' locker is opens wide. As seafarers grow closer to the island, their vessels are haunted by what once was. Terrible, malevolent spirits, echoing the drowned, climb through the windows and onto decks. They haunt sailors with a sense of mourning, as shades of their shattered vessels echo what once was.
This island has become a hotspot for festivities, such as the Blood Rose's ball. Thus it is, magi in their quest overseas to the Fel Gardens all receive a similar invitation amidst their hauntings. Each and every single one of them is welcomed to the uniquely fashioned ball upon these gardens of death and its cursed halls. It is a welcoming, for this day be fashioned into

Danse Macabre.

Sheol & the Grand Guignol move to support the Fel Gardens, to enable Skarnfel complete focus on attacking Aphros.
<< Objective >>
A Wonderful Time!
No matter the trial. No matter the results...
Mechs and robots whir, soldiers covered in mechano-metal plates march.
From the desert, a small army. Not many, but bearing strength.
Unified under an easy purpose.
Gain a foothold.
The Director speaks.

Quote:"I wonder if an imperfect will show. Probably not.
Needless to say, we go here.
I do wonder what sorts will arrive.
Drones: Analyze combat data.
Win or lose, we come out with something here.
Let's call this a test - with unwilling subjects.
Golems. Rip the Fel apart. Soldiers, get me anything you can find."
"My.. Scaleguard.
My.. Kingsguard.
The time has come for us to take action.
Much was taken from us, two of our commanders slaughtered by the hands of Fel.. And our people terrorized by their demonic lords. But this will no longer be allowed! The time has come to return everything they did to us, because for years these creatures acted as they pleased, but it is time to remind them that the predators of this world, who are at the top of the Food Chain, are the Dragons!
And that this world is ours, not theirs!"
The armies of Dawnstone march, answering to the summons to the great offensive. Reinforcements joining the others in this combat, giving not a single inch of space to the spawns of Helheim. Only, the fire of the Dragons...
For the King proclaimed that it would be so.
And now. There will be no turning back.

Dawnstone Joins the Allied forces in
the Assault upon the Fel Gardens.
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