akemimeraOn scaled wings.
[Image: 7dfe0fd6afb910654c12dcb26e1d3ab1.png]
Angelo Corbin
Your father
Armed/Light/Blood/Holy/Energy/Valor's Light

Your father has been through a lot,  Being the Ex-Umbra Captain of Aphros after serving for more then decade, he would rack up and insane amount of scars and damages, both physical and mental, due to this, he would always seem cold and uncaring, but he constantly shows you that he cares about you. He will always support your decisions, also encouraging you to do what you want to do. He may or may not have tried to convince you in to joining the Bastion.

He doesn't have any talents unlike your mother, but he will be able to teach you about his own faith, and would be willing to teach and train you in the arts and workings of Holy Magic. You will also have a lot of brothers, sisters, and cousins.

[Image: PotentialSasha1.png?width=1013&height=676]

Sasha C. Montelione

Your Mother


Your mother has seen a fair bit, and as a result has a practical take on things. While she won't stop you from going out and exploring, she will make sure you are overly prepared before going out. Your youth will have been spent along with your brothers and sisters on both your mothers and fathers side of the family, and probably doted on by your grandmother.

She is also knows quite a few people that could help, should you wish to learn artificery, alchemy or a faith. She would have left it to you to talk with them however. You will also be taught to at least have an understanding of Athelios, due to it being the faith of the nation, although she won't force you to follow it.


Spawn in: 2074 at the age of 12

Will be either orange, white or dark hair. 
You can dye it when you turn 16.

Are the children of Nobles.

(You spent your youth relatively even between both sides of the houses, and even with some of the general populace.)

Are either Drakanite or Human.

The former preferred 

Will get to chose between taking the Corbin or Montelione last name.

No take backs, thats your noble house now.

Will be encouraged to take up at least one of the family trades


Alts are fine, just let me know.
https://chronicles-of-eternia.com/forum/...12180.html (Brief History of Montelione)

Discord: akemimera

Ps: You can totally bully your dad.
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