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WALLBREAKERS [Raid on New Dexia]
Ash falls over New Dexia.

So it would seem that the roving masses of the Golden Horde will have no rest from battle.
Pyres burn anew atop the plateau of Redrock, visible from the high walls of the marked city.
Letters are sent to the then-leaders, though changes soon come to their ranks- yet the fires remain.

Soon, the Khagan Elvira has but a few words to say to the gathered storm.

For their hearts, their desires- their intents are long-resolved.

"The time for your hypocrisy has come to an end. Make peace with your so-called god.

For Tzernobog will feast upon the remains."

Sunday, July 9th, 7pm EST
[Image: fadly-romdhani-knights-of-the-vale.jpg?1469371746]
Throughout the desert one can hear the rhythmic beating of shields against swords and hammers. The trudging of boots as they trudge through the sand. Giants, Drakanites, Humans alike...all of them moving with a purpose. The commander of the entirety would be in the front of them all, her hammer in hand as it radiates with a multitude of blessings.

Quote:My words are wasted on you, the unworthy challenge that leads the blind. Just know that what happens after this is on your head.
[Image: pristan-lyudi-korabli-parusa.png]
A sole Ship independent from the Kingdom of Fortune was being loaded with Food and provisions for a long trip ahead, a small crew armed to the teeth with magitek weaponry and armor and at the helm was the Giant of Justice himself.
The ship was heading to New Dexia to lend aid and defend them from the horde. 
Quote:I can't stand by and watch anymore injustices to this world any longer, I will bring a balance to the scales of Justice and that starts now.
[Image: c1d84f952756820793d62cd4e27fba71.jpg]

As a detachment of Nyt'hjem's forces march across the lands towards the desert sands, an advance group of the batkin's faithful could be seen approaching the walls of New Dexia. After a ritual performed under the moonlight and their walls marked with blood, a cosmic radiance bathes the city as it is marked for destruction and more. It told a foreboding tale for what was to come to New Dexia and its citizens as the bats of Nyt'hjem moved to support their allies. 
[Image: 8d422eeeb6d6023f0c62d1714a773757.jpg?resize=736%2C485]
A retinue was dispatched from the desert to go stand in the defense of New Dexia. This band of mercenaries seemed to be donning a strange banner that had never been seen in a war before
[Image: 353918501_560071169538846_21547962329044...e=64CF514F]
Though many would recognize this as the Crafting Delights insignia positioned on a banner. The company would stand in defense of their contractors against the Golden Horde in the war to come, the retinue being released moments after the press release called by the voice of the company, Umbra.

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