Callen200Lillian and Sci's Custom Works!
Quote:Do you want a sword made of Aether?
Or perhaps Create a lightning core?
Anything you can think, bright minds can bring it to life
Turn those thoughts into actual reality

Quote:Then come to New Dexia!, Lillian and Scis Custom works!
If you dream it we can work together and make it!
The white encampment inside the boarders you can't miss it!
But we have a few rules!

Letters where sent to across the woods and by birds
Notes on trees advertising a new Shop

Rules where also placed on the note

  • We DO NOT, work with Fel arts, witches, you name it!
  • New Dexians get a discount, though if constant Workings, we may strike a deal
  • We take payment UP FRONT Tips can be given if work is superb and excelled
  • You will be working WITH US, we are extra hands and minds to come to for ideas and bringing them to life
  • We accept Faith developments, but we are not a very faith heavy team, that will be your job to do any blessings and vise versa
  • You may bring people to develop if they follow the rules, but we must be told of these people in the planning phase
  •  If information gets out that that these weapons or items are used for evil, a logbook is kept and will be used
  • Attacking out of anger or frustration may end the deal entirely, we are a place of science, not conflict

    OOC Notes: (Its your job to collect dev logs, we are a means to help you create that weapon or thing of desire)
(We will be active on Discord if you want to plan scenes for more and more dev)
(If you don't plan scenes or collect dev logs, it will only delay your item further and further)
Coords: (343,32,8)
Cost of starting development: 15,000
Not having materials: upcharge on rarity
Constant bribing/trades for development: might be charge for haggling to much/pushing it

Horde members
Crimson keep
Dragons Maw

[Image: c0e02493663efd92bce8e1690465efca.png]

[Image: d9c6960a5b566695cad6ea9a88437fce.png]
Word gets around that changes have been made
Towards Lillian and Scis Custom works

Quote:Due to alot of talking and misinformation, we have decided to brand with Crafting delights
It was a tough decision but we will still accept work on the side
But will push those with giant projects in mind towards those with alot of experience
But we will accept projects none the less if you wish!

Under heavy thoughts Crafting delights and Lillian and Scis custom works
Will work under one banner!
Due to this cost for developments will start at 20,000c

Cost of development: 20,000c
New Dexians/allys of ND: 17,000c

Crimson keep
Golden horde
Deephold (not used to the new name yet)


Quote:My Rules still stand on Demons, necromancers and anything Fel related i will never band with them 
Or work with them, end of discussion

Rumors did spread that the Enclave would be getting a small discount
For Alhenas kind actions and allowing of advertisement inside the Enclave
[Image: d9c6960a5b566695cad6ea9a88437fce.png]
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