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The Mind Eater Beckons
[Image: 52978981218_69cb2b2e90_o.png]
A new wind flows through the continent on a psionically directed current, a telepathically projected voice floating through the lands and echoing out into the minds of those that happen to near it. It seems to even be somewhat targeted, only rippling through the skulls of Magi and those magically gifted rather than the mundane populace. Each settlement receives its words in turn as it passes westward before it dissipates into nothing once beyond the now densely populated border region of Meranthe and the Silent Expanse.

I invite those of Meranthe to come converse with me outside the watchful eyes of Reality, within my Realm beneath Deep Hold's castle. Speak of your dreams, your desires, your hopes and fears, offer me these differing perspectives held by those within existence so I may better glean understanding. Allow me to relieve your minds of those past traumas and tragedies seared into your thoughts, then depart with burdens lifted and pockets heavier; perhaps more still for those proved worthy.

Safe passage will be offered to all performing the pilgrimage under my name.


The directions given are both easily understood and almost imprinted onto the mind, a slight guiding force slowly pulling thought towards this destination, although easily dismissed if that particular recipient was wholly uninterested. The name of Talguth is seldom spoken of in private, let alone in public, the seemingly inactive, mostly unheard of entity never interacting with the world stage such as this.

Clearly, something has changed to provoke this public invitation.

[Location is 928, 483. Feel free to just pop in while I'm online or message me, valterak, on Discord to set up a scene.]
[Image: 2-hand-of-god-bruce-rolff.jpg]

A long period of silence occurs following the last message sent out by Talguth, only receiving a small handful of visitors from its last declaration. But now, a fresh wind blows through the continent once more, carrying yet another telepathically projected message from Unreality. This particular psionic correspondence seems to selectively target those Magi who carry a positively attuned charge of Holy mana in their circuits, travelling westward to touch upon the minds of those select few until it dissipates away once beyond the borders of Meranthe.

An artifact has recently been brought into my own possession containing a great boon of Holy energy. I invite those who desire to enhance their own reserves of this positive mana to travel to my Realm and drink their fill. All I ask in return is a single memory plucked from your mind, a past trauma, a lingering regret, or simply the occurrences of a single bad day. Inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but of value to myself.

Do so, and you may drain as much as you are able from the artifact. But keep in mind, the reserves are not infinite; my own measure of its remaining stores lead to the conclusion that only four individuals may draw from it before it is dry.

As always, those who travel here under my name shall leave unharmed.

This message is accompanied just as the first by an imprint of directions towards the Realm in Unreality, inviting those interested to partake under the metaphysically-imbued promise of safety. Perhaps this would offer a measure of growth for those Holy magi who otherwise lack a way forward in the advancement of their magics, although one must first march into the Shadowlands to begin this particular transaction with the unknown.

[Location is 928, 481. Feel free to just pop in while I'm online or message me, valterak, on Discord to set up a scene.]
The presence of the Mind Eater has always been a fleeting thing, its very nature placing it on the periphery of one's perceptions at the best of times. But, in the recent year, its appearance within the Shadowlands has ceased entirely, the stable gateway connecting its Realm to Reality simply fading away. It had been silent for some time, but in the weeks following the grand, deciding battle within Sheol, its psionic projections ripple across Meranthe once more.

Yet, not from the Shadowlands. Its voice is carried from the west to the east, originating from the Silent Expanse and floating in the opposite direction until it dissipates into the corrupted woods beyond Skarnfel's borders.

Quote:"I invite those knowledgeable of Divine Magics and the Soul and its unseen complexities to my Realm. Allow us to engage in discussions regarding the topic so that I might learn of this often illusive research subject. You will be compensated in whichever method you most deem appropriate, based off of the depths of your own knowledge and how valuable it is to my work.

And, as always, no matter who you are or where you stand, you will be offered my protection during our conversations."

The message carried with it much of the same intent as before, only being heard by those that were magically talented instead of the mundane populace. The only true difference is quite subtle, a tangible distinction felt in the deep, sonorous resonations of this entity. Something has changed within the being of the Mind Eater, although what exactly that might be is unclear.

Regardless, if one were to trace back the path the psionic projection took, it would lead them to the city of Redrock.

[Location is 83, 678. Message me on discord, valterak, to set up a scene, or feel free to write a letter. I don't bite, I swear!]

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