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The Rules
Table of Contents
Listed below are the various sections of this thread and hyperlinks to each.
Additionally, multiple threads that can be important are also linked.
Guides & Information:
Community Guidelines
18+ Server
If you are below the age of 18, you are not allowed to play here.  Our median community age is mid-20s and we wish to maintain a mature/healthy environment, given the themes within the game and the nature of the platform.
Should you be suspected of being underage, the Staff will ask to perform an ID check; this is carried out by an individual Staff member, and all information will be kept confidential within the DM. If you fail or do not comply with this this ID check, your accounts (including forum access) will be permanently banned.
If you suspect a player of being underage, please use the reports sub-forum with any evidence or DM a Staff member.

Forum Usage
The forum's primary focus is a place for game suggestions and IC postings, not arguments or personal spats. Light hearted jokes and back and forth are encouraged, and for the most part we're hands off so long as it feels productive and in good spirit. This also extends to venting departure announcements and emotionally charged posts (suicide, abuse, depression, etc), though some leeway is given depending on the details, but you should generally avoid treating the forums as an outlet rather than a middle-man for IC.

It’s additionally against the rules to abuse the reputation system on the forums. Examples of this include spam downvoting all of someone’s old posts because you’ve had a disagreement with them. If you see someone doing this, please report it so that the reputation spam can be removed.

Language Usage
Language in the Discord and game should be appropriate and non-discriminatory, while keeping in mind that minors may be present. Inappropriate use of language in a public space includes (but is not limited to) messages that are discriminatory of a person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender. A specific example of inappropriate use of language includes might be the use of the broad term ‘lesbian’ as a derogatory, or giving a nickname to an in-game fantasy race that's a pun of a real-life racist slur.

This is enforced in-character, in LOOC, in OOC, on the Eternia forums, and within the Eternia Discord server. Outside of these spaces is not within our purview. We wish to remind you that over the course of time, thousands of people pass through the game, of different race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation, and we ask you to keep this in mind to provide a welcoming atmosphere to the game.

Community Conduct
Within official servers and channels associated with the game (including the game itself), it is against the rules to engage in the following: The posting of NSFW content, chat spamming (especially if malicious!), general harassment, this can include passive aggression in some cases.

Don’t attack or belittle IC happenings because you dislike them OOCly. The forums, game, and Discord server are not outlets for that. If you believe there is legitimate foul play (ex., metagaming) involved, please issue a report via the Reports Subforum.

Finally, don’t reveal sensitive information. This can include leaking private DMs, or revealing who is playing an incognito character. This extends to Discord groups/servers, where you should not be organizing OOCly or discussing IC information.

Don’t DM Staff About Tickets
In general, you should not DM staff members outside the game regarding tickets. Similarly, you should not DM staff members regarding in-game ongoings that should be handled via a ticket. Questions are always okay to ask, however, and if you have any major concerns or worries regarding a specific player (or players) you’re encouraged to make a report using the Reports Subforum.
OOC Guidelines

You must play a character that makes sense in the world of Meranthe, where certain concepts wouldn't get a pass... such as being a person trapped in a video game or a princess from another kingdom. Obvious references to media or purposely off putting actions may lead to a warning. Take your character and others seriously and do not joke post/break the fourth wall to the point it becomes annoying. 

Try your best to stay in-character and to avoid excessive OOC communication, especially during scenes that require focus. LOOC should generally only be used to provide key information to aid the roleplaying of players.

Do not use information acquired OOCly to your IC advantage. As a player in the game, if you suspect someone of metagaming, please quietly inform a moderator. This also includes taking what might be a very small hint and 'correctly' assuming the truth, or going out of your way to spread misbegotten information in a poor, low effort sort of way. Letters and similar actions can’t be used to call for backup/inform other players of the events of a scene in progress.

Alt Interaction
Sharing items and coins between your own characters is alt interaction. This extends to lots you used on a previous character. Examples of alt interaction include using an alt account to gather materials, then handing them off to your main account. In general, the minimum punishment for alt interaction (depending on context) is the stripping of all items of value on your person and (in the case of using a lot from your prior character) the items in that lot.

Only you should have access to your own account, and roleplay as your character. This includes PvP Battles. It's an immediate ban if your IP is flagged, and siblings or people you live with are also treated as alts for the sake of ease of moderation; treat them as such.

Do not copy text to grind for EXP. Examples of things that fall under this are copying wiki articles, the same post over-and-over, or long series of random characters. This is a bannable offense & we are alerted when it happens.

If it is discovered a player is using alternative methods of delivery in applications, roleplay, or item descriptions, they will be subject to punishment.
You may not have another person, nor program, write for you. Take pride in your characters!
Etiquette Guidelines

Posting Etiquette
You should generally try to post within a reasonable pace (10 minutes or less) depending on the context of the scene. Players are not obligated to follow "post turns", especially in large groups, and may post in whichever order they like. You can speak to people in LOOC before posting a roleplay but are not required to do so, though getting an idea of what their character is doing might be good (if they're not on private, you can see their last post with CTRL + Right-Click). It’s generally polite to be off private if you’re not in a private scene.

Lot Ownership & Etiquette
Characters are restricted to owning one house lot and one stall lot. Owning more than one of either can make you liable to having the excess removed from you. Businesses and guildhouses can be exceptions to this rule, though if you’re concerned you should make a ticket to confirm with staff if something counts as either.

If your shop has a lack of items and isn’t regularly restocked, it may be taken from you and put up for sale. You aren’t allowed to use a stall as storage for items by not setting their price. If you see items in a stall without a price, you may ticket for their price to be set to 10k coins.

Erotic Roleplay & Sexual Themes
Roleplay of a sexual nature should not leave the private interaction or become a source of roleplay beyond the interactions and kept PG 13 in public. Participants may stop the scene, blackscreen it, or retcon it completely as desired, for any reason, by mentioning it to the other person. While it's not the duty of the staff to monitor what consenting adults write in private, we will step in if it becomes a source of drama, or involves the sexualization of underage characters.

Grabbing Etiquette
Grabbing without proper etiquette (out of the blue, not waiting for them to respond, etc) is a 48 hour ban, longer depending on past offences.
Roaming Guidelines

Location is IC
If your character is present in an area (regardless of stationarily or in motion), they're present ICly, and can not leave without a flee if engaged hostilely. If you need to leave despite the scenario potentially being hostile, those present can contact a moderator to arrange a scene in the future, or may do so among themselves. This includes if a fight was relocated for better space.

Group Size
There is no limit to the number of characters that may roam together. However, conflicts in which multiple people are attacking someone else should be addressed as chainbattles. Additionally, you shouldn't enter enemy territory with a group of say, ten people, as this would be an act of war and should be a hosted event. Sometimes conflict does break out in the moment and unintentionally, and that's fine, but try to keep this in mind as a rule of thumb.

You must be fully visible while scouting, and can not be obscured by props (trees, cosmetics, etc.) If found in violation of this, the person you had scouted will be allowed to freely leave the scene.

In the circumstance an individual is invisible and has been discovered and pinged the individual must stop and wait for a follow-up roleplay or pursue from the pinging party.
Failure to adhere to this policy will result in being reprimanded.
Combat Guidelines

Engaging PvP - Capture / Injury
At the end of each battle, the defeated party has a chance of being captured or injured. Battles are initiated by targeting a character and typing /rpb into the chat, or through the options menu.

Initiating a Battle
A battle can be started by either mutual agreement between two players, or if one player has declared hostilities through action (such as roleplaying attacking). If engaged in a hostile manner, you are required to either fight or flee... in the event your flee was beaten by the aggressor’s pursue, you must fight. In the event you succeed at fleeing, but return to that same location within a short period of time (<1 hr), you may receive a penalty to your flee roll should you attempt to flee again.

In the event that multiple people are attempting to pursue a fleeing target, anyone who beats the target’s flee may engage them in a chainbattle. If the target is fleeing enemy territory, they must fight at least one person even if their flee exceeds the pursuers. Highest pursue does not dictate the order this fight goes in, that may be discussed among the group in LOOC.

If multiple PCs are fleeing an encounter, someone who successfully flees is allowed to remain to intervene for someone who has failed to flee, in the event of their capture. They are not required to flee again at the conclusion of the fight, whether or not there is an intervene required.

Losing a fight grants the player the ability to freely leave a hostile scene. If you remain in a scene at this point, it’s possible you will be placed into a fight with higher stakes.

Restrained will not deal any kind of injury.
Aggressive' deals a temporary injury on defeat.
Dangerous has a chance to deal a light permanent injury (1) or a temporary injury (2 - 6).
Deadly can inflict grievous bodily harm (1 - 3) or a temporary injury (4 - 6).

The chance of being at the mercy of the victor as a captive in defeat, depending on the intent of the respective parties.

What settings do I select?
The context of scenes vary and so does the type of encounter. Make sure to read what settings you're being sent and to discuss it in LOOC if you're unsure, and you can always make a ticket for admin input.

Unless there is mutual consent, the following settings are possible:

Established Enemies
All unplanned wilderness encounters of sufficient hostile intent should be Dangerous 1. This is between established enemies in a warfare scenario or a hostile feud, where they're fighting with full force to defeat the opposition. In the situation where one of the people in the fight has a much lower level than the other (>=20~), or there's a lack of significant build up, this may be ruled as a Dangerous 0. This is only for established enemies and in the event the hostile parties can not come to an agreement on fight settings.

Chaotic antagonism that is untargeted or only vaguely focused should be Dangerous 0 or Aggressive 0. Something like roaming or just randomly encountering enemies in a forest rather than specifics.

If there is mutual consent or premeditation, the following alternate encounter types can be considered. In the event of premeditation, a ticket should be made prior to the encounter detailing the situation, including who the target is, the situation they are being targeted with, and the specific intent with which they are being targeted. This can raise the Capture Roll depending on the factors in play.

An attempt to take a belonging. Aggressive/Dangerous/Deadly, no cap. The victor may then steal one item of choice after inspecting the other person with the /search command. The defeated party may remain in the vicinity afterwards, and are still combat eligible, or they can escape.

Short-Term Capture
An attempt to take the person hostage briefly. Capture 1 - 6. The captive can only be restrained and taken for a few hours, and can re-engage in combat to contend with an alternative outcome. For example, if there is a desire to bring someone in for a purpose that isn't life ending and doesn't entail extended imprisonment. If these intentions change, then the short-term captive is still viable in combat to contest the outcome.

To The Death
Deadly intent. Capture 1 - 6. There is mutual consent and both combatants are fighting knowing that, on loss, there is a potential for death or long-term capture.

Chain battling
In the event of a situation requiring a chainbattle (I.E., a group of five attempting to capture a single person), a chain battle will begin.

In chain battles, the person being chain battled can be fought a maximum of three times before they are allowed to freely flee, if they choose to do so. If they lose before this happens but are not captured, they can freely flee as per normal with hostile fights.

If a cap setting is declared during the first fight, each fight in sequence can retain that cap setting. If mutually agreed upon, a fight can have a lower or higher cap than the one before it. 

If the person being chain battled capture one of their opponents, they are not able to retain that cap unless they win all 3 fights without being defeated. If they capture multiple people, they are able to keep each capture. None of the fights in chain battles are ever considered intervenes, nor can they be intervened on (the following battles themselves counting as the intervenes).

Allies of the captor count as legible combatants. They can pursue the enemies attempting to make an intervention and if their roll is higher than the attempt, their fight takes priority and cancels it out. This does not include the single mandatory intervention, however, which goes beyond pursue rolls and is decided based on the OOC preference of the captive (who they think has the most IC weight). 

The hostility rating of the fight is always at the two fighter's discretion. As always, if you have any questions regarding these rules as a situation is ongoing, you're encouraged to make a ticket.

Scene Lock
An 'unofficial' scene lock typically occurs at the beginning of a physically hostile scene. Characters may observe, but may not engage in hostilities without the go ahead of those involved, or permission from a staff member via a ticket.

This can be wavered depending on the context of the scene itself: For example, if you're right outside a nation's walls attacking people, expect combatants to pass by and get involved. But if you're 3+ hours deep in a hostile scene and someone just randomly walks up and attacks, it's fine to call on the scene lock rule to maintain the quality and pacing of the scene at hand. Or let's say you capture someone close to another character and there's not been an intervention; you generally don't want to tell them to 'move on, scene lock' when it's potentially integral to the character.

These details are always going to vary depending on context, so use your best judgement as a group, and if need be, make a ticket for a staff member to assist.

Capture Interventions
As soon as someone is captured, others present and engaged in the conflict may attempt to intervene to prevent the capture. They can only do so if they were there when the hostilities began (before any assumed scene locks) and had been actively engaging in the roleplay. In general, the person with the most predominant IC would perform the intervene, nominated after an OOC discussion between the captive's party. Interventions should always be a minimum of Aggressive 0.

A person engaged in battle when another is captured can still attempt an intervention once their battle concludes, as often-times they're still on the same battlefield (perhaps even fighting together thematically). They can only do this if they have won their respective battle. This is the only exception to the rule that interventions need to happen immediately after capture, and is most commonly utilized during raids. If you are not signed up for a war/raid, you can not intervene on a capture from that war/raid.

There's usually only a single intervention and after which the person is at the mercy of the victor. Pursue only if there is OOC disagreement, and it should only be a 1v1.

In the event someone has captured a character, they may still choose to intervene in a capture intervention. In this event, the two fighters may choose whether or not the fight counts as the attacker’s intervene. This requires mutual agreement, and in the absence of it losing the battle would not result in losing your captive. You would still be eligible to be intervened against.

Preventing Interventions
At least a single intervention must occur if there are eligible, willing combatants who were present when hostilities began. It goes straight to the intervention battle, after the captive has decided who will attempt to intercept and save the captured person. This should be weighed based on involvement with the scene and who has the most IC investment.

Killing Player Characters
Do not make the decision to kill a character lightly, as there's often alternatives available! Even if someone is captured you can choose to let them roleplay out an escape if you feel like they'd be meeting their end too soon, or you aren't interested in taking a prisoner (especially if it'd lead to indefinite imprisonment). You can even turn this into a public event by getting the victim's allies involved, such as granting multiple interventions to those with substantial IC to the character, or an organized spectacle (public execution, sacrifice, etc) where there can be better interactions and coordination from DMs.

On the other hand, don't feel obligated to handle everyone with kid gloves, and do what you feel is the best for the plot at the moment. Think it through and ask the staff for advice if necessary. Heavy actions tend to have a ripple effect that gets everyone involved. Your objective should be to make as much emotional impact as possible and tell the best story, which does often involve being creative and innovating. And please do keep the rules in mind while participating in conflict, as it's often the most important time to do so!

Relocating Fights
If both people fighting mutually agree to relocate a fight (i.e. to have a better PvP arena), it’s important to keep it in an area you would be alright with being stumbled upon by other players. You can not lock other players out of scenes, though any who aren’t present at the start of a fight remain unable to intervene a capture. In the event characters arrive who would attempt to fight your character, it is possible you will be placed into a chainbattle.

In the event the situation warrants it, you may always make a ticket asking to relocate the fight to the war map. This will likely be denied if the fight is occurring in a very public location. As always, make tickets if you’re ever unsure about a situation!

Sideline RP
While on the sidelines, write in a way that reflects the IC - while it is, mechanically, a series of 1v1s, it's unlikely that any one character is 'sitting idle'. They're working together to defeat their opponent. You might be flanking your target while someone else engages, for example. Keep it lively and interesting!

Multiple Dangerous RPBs
Doing multiple dangerous RPBs with a friendly party is considered danger farming, and is considered a bannable offense. If there is no risk involved and both parties are typically friendly, a restrained should be done unless there is significant IC reason.

Continuing Fighting After Loss
If you wish to attack again after losing a dangerous fight, both parties must agree to a second fight and there should still be risk involved. Otherwise, the loser must leave the area immediately following the fight (failure to do so may result in greatly increased risk).

Enemy Territory
By default, if you're present within enemy territory, a capture roll of 2 is the standard with dangerous setting. If there is past IC between characters that has history and tension, a 3 or higher is advised. This includes places that aren't necessarily settlements such as the faction strongholds centred around a settlement sign, with a capture roll of 1 being the standard if on the borders and/or lingering after a threat is made. Scenes with a particular lack of IC build-up can be subject to a capture roll of 1 or 0 depending on the circumstances.

In addition, you may attempt a 2v1 as appropriate: Such as outnumbering and surrounding the target, but this requires approval via a ticket after context of the scene is provided (& preferably a log of the RPs). If there's a more nuanced situation with uncertainties, feel free to ask the staff to weigh in and help to coordinate.

On the borders of or within enemy territory, combatants of that territory may always request a cap 0 to attempt to force the intruder away. Win or lose the attacker must then vacate the area due to reinforcements. In the event the intruder returns soon after being forced away, they may be subjected to a 2v1 fight or with increased risk.

A pre-meditated encounter may justify higher Capture Settings. This could be tricking a character into following you to an enclosed area, for example, while planning out your intentions before the scene itself (such as an assassination attempt) rather than in the spur of the moment. You should ticket with the details and Staff will deliberate; if it's not thorough enough it may be considered a standard encounter.

Sparring in Settlements/During a scene
Do not do this.

Unless it's specifically a designated area for a restrained fight, take it elsewhere/away from crowds who are trying to Roleplay (even if they're just talking!)

Do not keep spells after Spell Tree changes
If a spell becomes unavailable to you after a change, or becomes different due to balance changes but the change did not apply to your spell, you must open a ticket to have this rectified! Some exceptions may be made, but you will have to open a ticket to find out if you are exempt.

If you are found knowingly keeping spells after they have become unavailable to you due to Spell Tree/Balance changes, you will be banned for 72h. Future bans will be longer.
Prisoner Guidelines

Once a character has been captured, they usually become someone or an organization’s prisoner. There are a few different scenarios that can occur, so let’s discuss them briefly! But first, you’ll need to understand we have something called an anti-magic restraint! By placing this restraint around a captured Magi’s neck or wrist, you can remote control it via a controller; this allows you to shock your target, restrain their magic, and track them at any given time. It will run out of energy eventually however, so be sure to re-charge it frequently.

When captured, there are several ways for your captors to address your capture:

Brought to a Prison Cell with an Anti-Magic Restraint
Usually in this scenario, the captive is at the mercy of their captor: they may attempt to fight their captor to resist death, torture or the like, however ultimately escaping is extremely unlikely, and will require a Moderator overseeing any independent escape attempts. This typically involves an organized raid unless the IC authority is feeling lenient.

Brought to a Prison Cell without an Anti-Magic Restraint
In this scenario, you find yourself with a bit more luck. If you are as fortunate as to be left without a restraint, you may attempt to escape from your Prison Cell. In this scenario, you will require approval to RP out an escape. To attain approval, send a ticket before making any RPs regarding escape. Failure to fulfill this may result in the escape attempt being denied. 

Allowed to roam freely with an Anti-Magic Restraint
This scenario is the in-between scenario that most find themselves in, as it is usually a great method to avoid prisoners starving for RP- When faced with free roaming, escape is definitely plausible! However, as those holding your remote can track, in order to successfully escape, you will typically need to face the one holding the remote to your restraint in a 1v1 RPB, where you are recaptured on loss. They are your warden and can track you as soon as you leave the confined limits, after all. The situation and IC can vary so if a roaming prisoner let us know all the details when attempting an escape!

Allowed to roam without an Anti-Magic Restraint
Usually in this case, the captor has no real intentions of keeping you stuck, or is being extremely generous. You may leave the area at any given time, however you should post a roleplay in the main street or towards the exit of the area and wait a few minutes, giving others a chance to react should they desire to.

Imprisoned Indefinitely
If a character is fairly new or lower level then they can roleplay an escape after a few days pass if they wish, even if they're wearing an anti-magic collar. This should also be available to characters that don't have heavy IC with the involved parties and are first offenders, as well, or have been 'stuck in limbo' for a long time with no true outcome decided by their captors.

Typical sentences are:
Short-Term Imprisonment
Short prison sentences which are usually no more than a day. Examples this may be applied for are minor assault, theft, or public disturbances.

Long-Term Imprisonment
Longer prison sentences which can last for upwards of a year. This may be applied for repeat offenders of minor law break, or a sentence for enemies of war, in which case you may be being held for trial or trade.

Indentured Servitude
Indentured servitude is generally utilized for characters their captors intend to convert. In these cases, oftentimes to be freed your faction will need to raid for you.

This is generally reserved for those who have committed grave crimes against the faction who has captured them. Examples can include betrayal or murder.

Naturally, sentencing will vary depending on the kingdom. Some are much harsher than others.

In addition to the outlines above, opposing factions may raid to free prisoners, as per the Raids & Warfare thread on the forums. This is the only way for external forces to free prisoners.
Staff Guidelines
Staff Conduct
A staff member is a volunteer and ultimately someone that's typically selected based on how insightful they are and their dedication to the game, as well as their attitude and helpful nature when interacting with others.

Every admin is still ultimately just a player as far as their characters go and must abide by the rules like everyone else. These are the core guidelines of what's expected of staff members:

- Avoid arguing with players, even if being instigated. Deescalate and maintain a pleasant community atmosphere. Lighthearted jokes are fine.
- Keep what you learn via OOC private, if it's sensitive information. Arguably the biggest difference between an admin and a player is how much more they see; this needs to be handled responsibly!

If an admin's character is in a scene, they are a player.
If they suggest a certain capture roll, for example, they're doing this as a player, not an admin. They cannot rule on their own scenes. Theye have to make tickets like everyone else. You may  follow what they're saying because of their experience, and that's fine, but keep in mind that you can ticket and request a mediator as you might with any other.

On Ghost & Player Logs
It is against policy to watch a scene that isn't in public as a ghost. Additionally, we generally respect player privacy and avoid reading the logs... Only head admins can do so (very of us) and typically only do so to investigate cheating or a report. 

Permissions Abuse
Don't spawn items in or teleport players around the map unless it's for admin business (i.e., it's okay to remove someone from an RPB box during a raid, but not to teleport yourself from Osrona to Moxtli).

Ticket Etiquette
- Only take a ticket if you're sure you want to handle it entirely. Taking a ticket means other admins cannot respond.
- If a ticket requests a specific admin, leave it up as untaken so they see it. You can also @ them in the Discord in case they're unaware.
- Before closing a ticket, make sure to give the player time to ask any further questions before closing. Or just ask them if they need anything else.

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