[Image: CW_C-Despain-test-still-2-1200x816-1.jpg]

Torches atop poles cast smoke across the desert's edge. Great bonfires light, and ashfall from the distant volcano scatters across the borderlands- the Horde, active as ever, has yet another agenda to fulfill between the ceaseless wars and conflicts the desert tribe finds itself undertaking.

Khan Arpad Hunyati has disappeared.
Many of fresh blood and mind gather to join with the Horde.
Kurultai is declared, and ash proceeds forth- a new Khan, slated to ascend.

As before, all are permitted to walk upon Tzernobog's grounds to witness the sacred procession. To share the woodfire, the bounty of food- to learn of the Magyar's ways in sermon and ceremony. Bloodshed not to be tolerated on this day where all must prostrate, to become equal before the judgement of the desert herself!

WEDNESDAY 6/14 6:00pm EST
Kurultai has concluded.
Upon the humid winds of the desert does the new Khagan officially rise, and with it three appointments.

Tuule is officially known as the head of their Black Shamans, under the title Kargan.
Tyr is officially known as the head of their White Shamans, under the title Tsagan.
And Emir has been officially appointed the Khagan's Champion; the leader of their Keshig, composed of their military.
They can be approached for diplomacy should the Khagan be unavailable.
Outsiders are once again implored to learn about the culture and spiritual aspect of the Golden Horde and Magyars as a whole, and the Kargan and Tsagan are excellent to approach for such a thing.
Four new initiates have been blooded into the Magyars full.
Liviana and Luno Na'hrem.
Nero Nephesh.
And Ilyas de Daum.

However, loud and clearly have they made their intentions known - for those encroaching upon their borders, and for another chance upon another attack upon the Maw.
Do you see? Above us, below us, to the left and right of us?
Colonizers. Man who seek to claim the sands for their own, building upon Tzernobog's sacred body without communing with the spirits - or us.
This is a warning. Spread it, if you wish, but know the warning will arrive on each doorstep nonetheless. Buildings of cut stone and those encroaching upon us and our sacred land shall be felled within the coming years if they refuse to move and find new land.
New Dexia is our initial target, for they are far too close and building more and more upon our own territory, harming the spirits with us.
Amongst this as well, Sables - our headhunter, and one that shall be part of the Keshig - is seeking strong fighters to march upon the Maw once more. Reach out to him, when time permits.

Only time will tell where they go from now on.
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