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Simp Slayer Arrow - DM.
Key/Character: Solen/Gaelan Fenrir
Which Event: A Haunted Past, and her Patriarch

Responsiveness: He defiantly focused hard on the event. The narrates were quite fast and lengthy. 10/10

Balance: His EC's during this event were all over the place. It was a 5 monster boss rush. 3 of the 5 were really strong and scary as hell. Borderline TOO strong, but the other two were really weak and were bullied. Its hard to base a RPB off the levels of the players when they all were varied by so much. Not to mention the fact that we had 3 heavy hitters, out of 6 people. 7/10

Storytelling: The beginning was really lackluster and made me desire more. It was just a simple Narrate start and then start Boss Rush. Personally, it might've been a bit more interesting if we did more environment RP. We don't need to battle the whole time. 7/10

Fairness: It was fair for the most part. Many times I wish I could've run off... due to the sheer threat that he applied with his EC's... however I was forced to stay. I didn't expect to literally get some of the coolest dev ever though... Even if the Loot I got was completely worthless. Fucking 20 steel for a high CoD? Ouch... 7/10

Overall: 8/10 He is a really good DM, just in my opinion an event like that was a bit strange. The Giant Fight made much more sense to me. I got better loot too on it. When it was low CoD...

Any other comments: That ending was savage, and my Injury plays well into my character.
Key/Character: Mr.Nobdy21/ Siegfried Fenrir
Which Event: A Haunted Past, and her Patriarch

Responsiveness: Really responsive. Was active throughout the entire scene and reacted to everyone very well.  10/10

Balance: The balance was honestly almost on point. It's just harder to balance when there are more people involved and rpb's get weird. 9/10

Storytelling: It was a great narration. Could have been a bit more in depth, but honestly it was a blast. Had a great villain, and it was actually quite interesting to see how we progressed and everyone injuries involved. I just wish I had gotten a cool description with my arm gone. Arrow you can always dm me though if you're down to set that up. If not its honestly chill. 8/10

Fairness: None of us walked away scott free so id say its pretty damn fair. I thought we were gonna lose Gaelan and Sarasha for a moment. 9/10

Overall: 10/10  He's Arrow, and as far as I know he's been working his ass off with events, and there's a reason for it. He handles them very well, even willing to listen to players opinions.

Any other comments: This name Simp Slayer...I like it. A lot.
Key/Character: Sih'lanhu
Which Event: Frozen Mountain Exploration

Responsiveness: Decent enough, he was a little slower due to having to test things, but otherwise this was well done. 9/10

Balance: This one's a bit of a pickle. He had fun builds, but they ended up pretty overpowered often. All except the last boss was overpowered at first, not to mention the amount of spamming was pretty ridiculous. I think there would be a better balance if stats were better edited and less hiddens were used for a crutch. 6/10

Storytelling: This part was pretty nice, not going to lie. The others obviously had fun, even if I was tired at the time, too tired to have fun with the puns. 9/10

Fairness: The injury system is pretty interesting, and had the balancing on the fights been better, I think it'd have been fairer too. The fact most of the fights were 5 rounds made it more difficult. I'd prefer if only one of the fights were 5 round, and the others 3 rounds. It's a CoD, yes, but the fact almost 3 people died and we would've been dead without (8) healing elixirs sort of says something. (7/10)

Overall: 7/10, He's a decent DMer and he has a lot of spirit. Don't get discouraged by my criticism, I think you did fine! Good luck on your next events.
Key/Character: Dun
Which Event: Frozen Mountain Exploration

Responsiveness: For dealing with a pack of mouth breathing monkeys like our group, he responded pretty consistently. A bit slow at times, but none of the narrates were low on detail, all within acceptable bounds. 8/10

Balance: On one hand, this man nearly murdered us with field of ice rapid fire, so I feel distinctly spiteful. But on the other hand, he heard criticism on balance and brought it up to winnable, genuinely challenging fights by the end. For that willingness to shift from his own madness, 7/10.

Storytelling: 10/10, would use puns to weaken a lich again. RIP back up Fenrir.

Fairness: The injury system has plenty of rungs before you actually reached the point of death, and at no point was it unavoidable for anyone in the party. Some people simply had a lot of bad luck, and though I was permed twice, it was entirely within the realm of reason for my rolls and performance. 7/10.

Overall: 8/10, you're progressively becoming less of a terrorist as a DM, good job Arrow.
Key/Character: Sylvannas
Which Event: Botanical Gardens

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Responses didn't take long.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): First fight made me wanna pull my hair out, other than that it was good...

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Pretty good story telling, had me confused slightly but it was an enjoyable ride
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): Burnt arm gang

Overall: Pretty good, it was entertaining

Any other comments: #whitemagegang
[Image: Home.png]
Key/Character: Boa
Which Event: Hidden Secrets

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Quick enough for how late it was for the DM, 9.9/10

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): The fights were entertaining and pleasant, until someone hit the EC with a grav bomb and made him go Mach-5. 9.9/10

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Felt a bit over the place at times. 9.9/10

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): It was fair for the difficulty and what we had to deal with. 9.9/10

Overall: 9.8/10
Key/Character: Violet Lovain
Which Event: Hidden Secrets

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Pretty quick and detailed

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): ... Pretty nutty.. but fun 8/10

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Really good, got to the point, explained what needed to be said clearly.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): Quite fair to me 10/10

Overall: 9/10 Would go again
[Image: unknown.png]
Key/Character: Seifer Gardios
Which Event: Fortuna Arcanum

Responsiveness: During the event the responses were timely and written in time. That being said this even had to be delayed over and over and over and over and over, many, many times. While I can blame weird schedules not matching I do think that you should have been honest and told us you didn't have the time to actually run this rather than hoping you did; the most convenient time had to be delayed and ended up proceeding with 2 people missing in the original line-up, that's half the party.

Balance: These were by far the worst element of the event. There's nothing cool or fun about facing ECs that spam sand bind, shadow cannon, tremor, desecrated land, and scorch, while also being constantly surrounded by sound cacophony. While this was a problem it's only second to the fact you used an icon (the same all along, it wasn't just for 1 EC) that was heavily bugged with wonky states and using what seemed to be the demon racial which literally made every single spell effect invisible on you, meaning we were being hit by ticks of 1.5k every second without knowing actually what was hitting us. The fact that you didn't even change anything after being told of the issue is appalling to me. Not only that but when a player clearly had latency issues you did your best to try and knock them out.

Storytelling: Where my harsh review of Crystik's event praised the fact that despite how he railroaded us in an adventure the content of such was at least good and decent and had a strong payoff + fun IC, this event does not shine there either. We were railroaded into narrate 1, narrate 2, narrate 3 with no real impact on what was happening around us, even going as far as having objects miraculously appear in our hands and disappear from them with no way of interacting with the world built. There was neither rhyme nor reason to anything changing around us; at one point we were in the real world, then in the spirit realm, then in another place, then we get tossed into a portal, and again, and again, and again. We end up faced with mysterious rolls with nothing to interact or change the outcome that then dictates we can't control our bodies and are faced with the EC described above. And it's not like the skills used by said EC made sense, either. If you're fighting a nightmarish thought you'd expect to be faced by shadow/occult/something related to a personal fear but instead we were treated with "how many aoes and masters can I fit on my bar". The only decent thing that happened story-wise was the fact you offered us to fight an extra EC at the end when I tried to get to him after he'd told us that we were the evil ones all along and warped us away with no counterplay. With only risk and no reward involved we naturally didn't take the offer. Speaking of.

Fairness: We weren't KO'd once so there was no real way to judge the actual risk vs. reward of the event. Or at the very least that's what you'd expect; the fact I had to personally tell Chance about your injury table when you wouldn't listen to me telling you that taking a -40 vit perm on a CoI event with RPL 160-180 for being downed four times in total during the entire event was not right should be a good example of how skewed the risk was versus the rewards.

The rewards themselves were also half-assed, thoughtless, and overall a complete joke. Originally we were supposed to be a group of 4 going and you were going to only give rewards to 2 people. Couple that with the possibility of a -40 vit perm and you can tell how bad this is. Thankfully enough you had the courage of asking if you could give the third person, an outsider who joined us so that we could actually go on the event, a reward. That was the only good part about it. The fact you asked. For the rewards themselves?

[Image: bf3c4743d818cb2092d9d14e09e9dce2.png]

They don't even have a unique tag or have a senseless one. This is equivalent to me walking up to the shop, buying a pipe, and then using a glamour potion on it followed by an icon change. By all means is it absolutely worthless and if I didn't leave this review or have proofs and logs you wouldn't think I actually got something from an event.

Furthermore, the fact you didn't even know what magic the characters in your event used after 2 fights and multiple mentions of them makes me think you didn't put much care into this at all. Or at least you probably would have wished we just cancelled the event after the first 4 delays.
For those who weren't part of the event reading this, the person who got a poison-themed dev item is not even poison. No one in our party was.

Overall: This was genuinely the worst event I've been on so far on E3. If you don't want to run an event don't run it. If you don't have the time, be honest. You making jokes about turning this in a CoD over and over was jarring and I was already hesitant to even go because of what I'd heard of your events being Hipster-tier of unfair. I personally won't ask you to run my events.

Any other comments: I'm not doing this to be mean, I'm giving my honest opinion. I do think that you have a drive when it comes to DMing and story and making characters but you have to improve on a lot of points. This wasn't even Spires' violent ruthless DM style, this was the wild west except you're the only one with guns and for surviving the assault all I got was a bendy rock.
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh

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