Jack KingpinDragons of Different Flavors
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The Variety of Dragons

Introduction: In the midst of the lands of Meranthe and beyond, from long ago to the time present. There has been a specimen well respected and revered, feared and worshipped by a variety of races and creatures alike. The Dragon: known as the rulers of the skies, though they are far beyond simple majestic beings that flow through the air and collect hordes of gold and treasures within the caverns of across Aegis. The vastly intelligent beings known as the dragon come in a vast variety of shapes and sizes, biomes and habitats. Each having their own customs and traditions, lifestyles and rituals as well as element of choice. Let's take a deeper look at these.
The Dragon of the Earth
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The dragons of the earth variety are some of the more common variants of dragons, though many would not believe it as so as many do not see these mythical entities as dragons on their own. A vast majority of these dragons after all do not house the properties of most other dragons that are feared within the circles of most. Wings. The dragons of the land, these dragons were the type to never have developed any wings and therefore never attained the notion of flight. Instead of this, they have attained a near un-matchable prowess when it comes to the manipulation of the earth. 

While it is rumored that they are not as intelligent as their brethren who flow through the skies, it is quite often depicted that they are still as capable of instilling fear and destruction as them all the same. Their manipulation of the earth enables them to move through the ground like a fish and propel themselves up upon pillars and even use the momentum of earth propulsion to make movements that would not be possible for a being that large to make.

The dragons of the earth find one mate and stay with that mate for the rest of their lives, and when a dragon egg in birthed between the two. It is the mother who goes out and does the hunting as the father is the one who stays home and watches the eggs and hatchlings. The brood is protected by the much larger father, due to the more tanky exterior that makes the male more suitable for a more defensive place. While the smaller mother held more agile and aggressive movements suitable for hunting beasts of all kinds that were unfortunate enough to cross the path of a mother on the hunt. 

The dragons of the lands can be found across the silent expanse, the sandy dunes being the perfect place to create coves and borrows. Though there are the variants that live in the rocky lands at the base of mountains such as Vdalion. Or even in high plains where reeds and earth take over most of the land-- Diverse in most areas as the earth can be utilized. Though the earth dragon is not the type to migrate; their movement throughout the lands are only due to necessity. As they can stay in one area for generations as long as the food is available.
The Dragon of the Air
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Moving up from the flatlands around the base of the mountains, and more structured up into the peaks and valleys. The dragons that specialize in flight are seen about these parts above and beyond. Due to the latitude that these dragons often live up to, most of humankind have not had the chance to witness these types of dragons in full. Only glimpses of the tails and wings that flow through the clouds upon the tops of high mountains. In terms of their other dragon kin however-- They are some of the smaller sized dragons over-all. Though there are always exceptions to the rule. 

The dragons that excel in the arts of air magic usually come in two varieties, one being with wings with four legs with scales or feathers; the other being a serpent with no legs but a vast variety set of wings of up to eight pairs, coated in either scales or feathers. Each of these have different outlooks on ways to hunt and combat, and the one with legs tends to be more aggressive and capable in close combat in comparison to the serpent-like ones that instead opt for a more ranged approach utilizing their full capability of wind manipulation. 

The legless or not, these two sorts of variants could be seen interacting with each other regardless of the differences. As the air dragons in general are known as a communal sort of dragon-kin. They are the type that work together to raise their brood as a collective and move in packs. Often times remaining in those packs for the rest of their lives-- Though there are times when the younger set of drakes embark off to create their own pack. Though regardless, it is rare to see a air dragon that roams on their own unless it had been exiled from their own pack. 

The air dragon moves similar to the wind, as it changes so do they. Seasonal and migrates, they are not often seen in one place for to long. Though there are signs that the packs as they find a comfortable pathway throughout their lives-- would set up grounds that they can use for whenever they settle in one place and recycle the same settlement. 

The Dragon of the Flames
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The dragon of the fire variety are the dragons most humankind thinks of when they first picture a dragon, a being to be respected and feared that can easily come and raze a village and level castles. Stories of whole armies being needed to take on a single dragon that had decided to roost within the territories. Yet, these dragons are known as the most powerful and fierce of the dragon kind. Vastly intelligent, even more so than one would think. It is often time thought that if a human does make it close enough to a dragon's horde-- it is with intention and purpose.  

The fire variant of dragon is known as the largest of dragon kind upon land, with scales as hard as the precious metals that had been in the depths. They are solitary creatures that remain in one area and are the dragons that are known for collecting the spoils of those who dare come to try and encroach upon their territory. The command powerful flames and the elder ones can even be seen resting within the pits of Magma. Much to their solitary lifestyle, it is not often you would see more than one fire dragon in a single zone of territory. And none truly know when and how mating happens between the fire dragon kind.

It is known that a fire dragon is intelligent enough to manipulate the masses of humankind at time, in circumstances building a symbiotic relationship with those brave enough to come forth and strike a deal with them. How the deals are made, is little known in knowledge. But months sacrifice of creatures and beings of all kind have been recorded to be arranged, in exchange for the protection the dragon could give to the village. The pride of the dragon shines most true in the fire dragons, as their words are bond, and they know not to lie. 

The fire dragon resides mostly within the top of flat mountains with pools of volcanic magma about the ground. They settle or create massive cavern spaces and elaborate tunnel systems within in order to rest without worry of any foolish enough to dare try and wake it. They are known to be up for days at a time and sleep for weeks at a time; but are easily disturbed if the slightest of noises are made besides the ambient sounds of magma boiling within the background. 

The Dragon of the Seas
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And finally, we come across the water dragons. These sorts of dragons are the most evasive creatures to have ever be seen, and only a few have been documented to be found in general. The dragons of the water live in the depths of the sea, not often time coming up to the surface though there are variants that certainly do. These dragons tend not to have wings, within the water carrying a more elongated form with fins and powerful tail muscles that propel them throughout the waters. 

The water dragon is the nightmare to those who sail the seas, as any survivors who lived to tell the tale had only come as one-- The rest of the crew is often killed, and the vessel destroyed. The remnant survivors if they are 'lucky' enough to survive, always mysteriously wash up upon shores many miles away from the area the events took place. And for future sailors, those specific areas often time become 'dead zones' where they no longer sail. They were then justly thought of as extremely territorial.

Highly intelligent and being of the sea, are titans when it comes to size. The water dragons scale of size is unknown, some rumored to be the size of entire continents-- Though these are merely rumors. One of the more infamous dragons of the sea is known as Leviathan, and that entity is often times thought to be synonymous with calamity. Thus, the reputation for the dragon of the waters varies, even going as far as to call them 'Kraken Devourers'.

The only known thing of the water dragon that was recorded by brave sailors and adventurers, is that it could be seen at time two to three of them could be in pairs. Swimming off in the far distance, so they are not known to be as solitary as their fire kin in the tops of the mountains. However, there is not many recorded sightings of these dragons in general-- So it may likely be an exception more than a fact of their lifestyle.


Additional Notes: The basic dragon is known to only utilize one single element at its most basic and pure form, air, fire, water, wind. However, there are dragons that had grown to a certain age that developed something within themselves. These dragons tend to have glowing markings that cover and coat their body when using these spells. In terms a variant, these are the ones capable of producing magma from their gullet instead of fire along, the type that can utilize ice magic aside for mere water. The types that can utilize the lightning and storms alongside the winds they control. And manipulate metal in itself instead of simple earth. 

These dragons of variety hold upon the title of Archon generally speaking. These Archon dragons are rulers of their own element and Master of It; rare in variety they are the apex of dragon-kind and often most intelligent ones who receive or more so give names. Archon dragons are not very well known but come in a variety of sizes and shapes. All powerful in their own ways and can utilize these powers for the good of those around them or the manipulation of those as well. 
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