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Potions And Needs
Flyers Begin to pop up around The trees in the wilds
It was a simple advertisement of a new shop coming to Town
in big flashy letters to pop out was

Quote:You Tired of paying High amounts of coin for a simple attunement potion
Or do you need a simple mana amnesia because you learned all that you can and wish to forget?
head over to Black Rose Island The ONLY place to shop

Potions And Needs is what its called
We are selling attunements, mana amnesias
Gift of Gabs, you tired of simple glamor potions that will sit on the shelfs?
NOT HERE!! i make sure to stock it with things anyone would need..

Sneaking around?
Ready for a battle
Need to learn different spells?
WE GOT IT AND FOR DIRT CHEAP!, we all want to save coins come on now! i know i do!!

Mana Amnesia: 1100c
Invisibility Potion: 1500c
Gift of Gab: 1400c
Lodestones: 100c
Attunements: 1300c
(MORE COMING SOON, restocking in dire need!!)
Location: 879,169,1
OOC note: (will restock it when i can, if shop is empty the owner is out gathering supplies for its restock)

Extra note: if shop dose extremely well, ill keep this Forum posted on Discounts and mini meet ups and special sales!!

[Image: d9c6960a5b566695cad6ea9a88437fce.png]
Words spread around Black rose island and new wares enter the shop
The Shopkeeper opens his mouth to utter The worlds

Quote:New items in the shop!
Need to fight someone?
Want to make it easy on yourself
Come on to Black Rose Island!

Magibane is now on the Shop!
What you use it for is none of my concern 
As per request of my Owner of the stall

Magibane: 1500c

More words spread around Black rose of More stuff would be getting sold soon
If Sales keep going and flying off the shelfs
The Owner of the Potions and Needs is pleased.

OOC Notes: (Attunements will be put on HOLD until Earth and Fire crystals will be Restocked
[Image: d9c6960a5b566695cad6ea9a88437fce.png]
Words whisper around Black Rose Island
Magibane and Attunements are back on the shop
But The Shopkeeper talks around and spreads the word

Quote:Sales Going up, up, up! my owner is pleased
they have informed me Blackouts
Are now on shop and for sale for only.. 1500c!

The shopkeeper reads a letter given to him by a bird from his owner
Before saying in a loud tone to all that can hear

Quote:My owner has good news!! time to cause some fun!!
Invisibility potions being sold on DISCOUNT
for... 1500c? no.. that ain't right.. 1300c? no..
*clears throat*
Owner said they want them SOLD!!

One time discount: Invisibility potions: 1000c
Blackouts: 1500c
Mana amnesias: RESTOCKED
OOC Note: Due to the game constantly crashing last night.. and roll backs water crystals are on HIGH DEMAND 
Time to regather them will be needed, sorry for the inconvenience 
[Image: d9c6960a5b566695cad6ea9a88437fce.png]
Quote:It has come to my attention the blackouts where not properly listed! (they where not price set)
A thousand Apologies!
Blackouts now will be sold at a DISCOUNT
 My owner has informed me to sell them for 1300c!

The words on the island of begin to swirl and stir
Though with new shops opening up prices will NEVER
Change on Black Rose Island
We sell at Cheap and plan to stay by our motto!

Quote:I have also been informed that Poppylus is in a very Low quantity right now
People, people! calm down! My owner is currently working a business deal to restock their poppylus
Your attunements and all sorts will be returning i can assure that in the coming months!


Under Hushed words the shopkeeper Rally's people around on Black Rose Island and lets them in
on a new item coming to shop in the near Future

Quote:Gather round everyone! Boosters
Will be soon coming to the Shop of Potions and Needs
The price is being talked on with my owner
But hows 200c per booster sound.. what no buyers?
hmm.. hows about 30c per booster sound?
Yeah lets see where this goes in the future

OOC Notes:The blackouts where not actually set, MY BAD!!
As payment they are going on discount for 1300c

And Boosters will be sold at potions and needs SOON
Currently need to fix my poppylus Shortage and it will be back to normal
Thank you for shopping at P.A.N. (i love the nickname!)
Shop will be filled with Mana amnesias and such later on in the day (out of stamina and have IRL to do, sorry for the wait!!)
[Image: d9c6960a5b566695cad6ea9a88437fce.png]
The Sales would die down on Black Rose
As suddenly the shopkeeper would get a letter
Soon Stopping people from buying for a second as he turns away and begins to read

Quote:Hold on everyone let me just read this- oh.. i see.. very well then

His voice quaked with sadness but he would just Nod and fold the letter up in
His coat before fixing his gaze back to the crowd as a firm and loud voice would channel from his lungs

Quote:Attention everyone.. my owner has told me.. she Left meranthe with her Lover
People people!! please, i know what you are thinking.. but the shop is staying open
I was informed of a new owner, the motto will always stay to sell Cheap
Wish the old owner Goodbye as they sail away
now.. with that said i was informed that im to give out drinks!

Their magic soon awakens as he past out Ale, milk and all sorts as they celebrate the old owner leaving meranthe
To begin a new chapter in their story

OOC notes: I have had alot of thought and Rebirthed, though i transferred ownership to someone
And they plan to keep the shop Running!, thank you for everyone who bought
At Potions and Needs, your coins where put to good use i promise you
[Image: d9c6960a5b566695cad6ea9a88437fce.png]

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