Mach_BassMagic Tethers and It's Mathematical Equations : The Ethereal Stream
Macha Bass's Research Paper On The Ethereal Plane

While it's common knowledge that Esshar is a magical land, filled to the brim with possible discovery! But what lays beyond? Today I offer all of us the opportunity to step outside of the material plane and ponder upon a Meta Plan, layered atop our very world like ancient cosmic dust waiting to be used for future innovation!

Magic no longer needs to be hidden inside glyphs and used for only combat and warfare. With the aid of the Meta Plain and Macha Bass's continuing research into it's infinite algorithm, we can one day create mechanism composed of ore and linked to our arcanic tether as energy sources. Each magic's rune etching represent infinite possibility! 

If Macha Bass's research is confirmed we will essentially start our journey down a path of science and infinite energy. We've staked fate in our leaders in times of great loss. We expend our days creating connections to others. What I present to you today is an ever growing form of existence, a Ethereal Stream. Something that connects us all. A forgotten piece of wisdom not even the ancients completely harnessed! 

Simply put, a great source of all life flows like a river through each and every one of us- growing and expanding the stronger we become, and it CAN be harnessed! I only need autorization to proceed deeper into my findings to begin steps in creating MAKI Academy!

(I'll start work on creating content to back whatever findings or common ground we can come too. I imagine and have started work on artificer-like abilities. Thank you for your time!)

Edit/update: Going to work on these theories moving forward. It's presentation is extremely 'half-cocked' and nonsensical.
It's hard to catch text's idea. I'd suggest to simplify sentences and phrases. Maybe, have a look at some research articles, available on specialized websites.
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