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Ascended Sanctuary
[Image: asdf.png]
Some might have spotted it scraping clear, blue skies. Vegetation native to the region greets visitors when they approach closer; approaching its sandstone columns gives sight to a small haven amongst the desert. Its scale is not miniscule by any means, especially with the sensations drawing in amiable guests.

Standing near the temple exudes protective, barrier-like energies and repels wickedness. This place is the Ascended Sanctuary-- a divine refuge constructed to reestablish the Metacarpus of Hope's presence. No longer are sermons hosted in the tiny tent above Delphina's square, though close to Final Frontier [112, 774,1] in this building.

[Image: NX32g5N.png]

Entering the doors gives way to interiors reminiscent of religious shrines from the Expanse. Twelve, smaller statues line the walls and surround a larger one possessing golden wings, the physical representation of Pylae

[Image: l4pmh3B.gif]

Anyone requiring spiritual guidance can peruse the reading material laid out on the statues and tables [right-click them] for information about the Pylaean faith. The bookshelves themselves contain other books pertaining to a variety of topics; aspiring authors are encouraged to submit their works to Alhena!

[Image: aaf60db6f566e4778d07ad57de61d38c.png]

Alongside cloaked groups, their allegiances unknown, consistently patrolling the area to safeguard it, the Sainted Enclave resides within its walls. These are the dedicated, sanctimonious combatants trained to to fight against fel-forces while providing for the needy.

Free resources are given to those who require them, including medical services. Due to prior transgressions, the exception to this courtesy is Delphina and its residents (unaffiliated with the guild), who are expected to pay for these commodities. The prices they will be charged are listed below:

Medical Care

Temporary Injuries: 500c
Permanent Injuries: 5,000c

Alchemy Services

Rebirth Potions: 7,000c
Mana Amnesias: 2,000c
Attunements: 3,000c
Replenishment Potions: 2,500c
Boosters: 200c
Energy X: 600c
Fizzy Pops: 1,200c

Ingredients/ Reagents 

Prices greatly vary

Miscellaneous Services

Prices vary

Sanctuary Rules

‣ Disagreements between parties are to be resolved outside of the temple.
‣ Loitering to mediate is fine, but merchants peddling wares (Sainted Enclave excluded) must have permission to do so.
‣ Be respectful of the religion, its Incandescent, and the community; heavy solicitation of another denomination is frowned upon.
‣ Criminal activity will be met with swift repercussions (thuggery, thievery, assault, arson, etc.)

Occultists are not allowed unless they agree to be exorcised.
 Cambions are not allowed unless deemed worthy enough to be cleansed.
Deephold is strictly banned/ attack on sight.
Demons are strictly banned/ attack on sight.
Necromancers and their undead are strictly banned/ attack on sight.
 Any who are in league with them are banned.

OOC Information

- Credit to Nobody for the amazing header and Tyler Snow and Chance for some of the decorations!

- If you can't find or contact Alhena in-game, feel free to add #bribri-senpai7930 to arrange a scene.
[Image: SLmm6Fw.jpg]

"Sunlight struggled to part lurid skies during Ragnarök's calamity and strains to peek through the soot-cloaked celestial sphere. Rightfully so, fears climb with each loss taken, yet that does not indicate final endings; new beginnings can and will sprout from the ashes beneath our feet.

This is not the time for retirement. Accomplishment remains within arm's reach through His helping hand."


The Pylaean archdiocese and its collaborators are summoned to the Enclave's Ascended Sanctuary (133, 765, 1) within the Silent Expanse. Services commence at 10:45 PM EST [06/01/23]. There will be a momentary mention for those who passed in recent and previous battles.

Tithing is not required, but will be accepted if voluntarily given; free prayers, potions [with provided materials/ available energy], and food will be distributed to mass. Certain reagents used for alchemy and supplies are highly-sought after:

• Azilaena
• Scale
• Arcanium
• Prisminthium
• Austereia
• Eternite
• Earth, fire, water, air and lightning crystals
• Amber
• Perdegrine
• Rabbit's feet
• Ky'iah
• Fireflies
• Marignolia
• Poppylus
• Luminite


It goes without saying that the above entities [Deephold, necromancers, Cambions, etc.] are prohibited from attending as well as current Delphinian residents.


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