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Operation Litter ONE Land With Flyers: Portraits Express
!!Oh no!!
Some ruffian has littered the Dal'thalan soil with biodegradable paper!
Good day to all who have decided to take a moment out of their day to read this flyer!
Ever since I was a young boy, I have always loved the arts and creation!
It is only right I therefore offer the opportunity to create what some of you may not be capable of!
Portraits to permanently describe the features of the present moment, but not without a little magic!
After all, if I sent you home something boring and uninspired, my heart would ache for days on end.
The scenery will move! The water will ripple! The fluffy clouds will fly!
The symbolism you want to be interwoven will twist and turn.. if you wish it so!
I can make a portrait to portray you - be it your perfect you, your worst you, or the simple, true, present you!
[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png] !!! 1000 500 Gold: MAGICAL Painted Portrait !!!  
A painted portrait from the bust up. Scheduled to be delivered to you after touch-ups that will occur after the session.
You will come sit down and allow me to paint you. The chair is comfy, and snacks, while optional, are included!
During the session you will be able to emphasise what you want in the image most, and I will do my best to include said wants!

Disclaimer: My endless curiosity may or may not make me extremely talkative. 
You may fine me 10 coins for every sentence you may or may not find agitating.
All those interested may pop a nice little letter under my door to schedule an appointment! 
I am located at the top, leftmost apartment in Dal'thala's top, leftmost apartment block! (427, 881, 1)

[Image: yipee_portraits.gif]
one (1) of the many suspiciously animated examples depicted (imagine it's paint)
For those who want a scene DM dandeli#1776 ! (i am not dandeli)
i lied i am dandeli
*pins papers politely to the places where paper 'ought to go in Dal'thala*
. . .
Greetings and Salutations!
There has been an update to my services!
And portraits are currently half price !
Alongside magical portraits, two additional services I offer are ...

500 Gold Scar Hiding / Changing Tattoos
If you have a scar you'd rather have go bye-bye, and be hidden or interwoven into an artwork, I can assist you in re-working your flesh to portray something much more stunning than what you have been hit with by your adversary .. or a vine you so happened to get snagged on which caused irreversible changes to body and mind! 

As a medical practitioner (despite all odds!), I can also help in further treatment to lessen the strain and pain on your body!

??? Gold Smithing Essentials
As a smith, I can surprisingly offer assistance in the realm of armaments, weaponry and enchantments! Prices will vary!


pelase pretend thiswas posted by Fry Up!

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