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March Against The Damned [Salvation vs Deephold]
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 "Mikhail's death will not go in vain, nor will his efforts. I shall continue in his stead and realize the dream we both sought for years, starting with the destruction of Deephold. Demons, we press on, and we will prevail no matter what it takes." 

Months have passed since the disheartening march on Aphros, and the oracle dealt the organization of mobilized fanatics quite a dignitary leader's demise, which proved harmful to their resolve. Quietness remained instilled in the continent for months, no news from Salvation nor any disclosure of another raid against any other nation for that matter. 
All the same, Draugur, the masked warrior clad in armor had been reportedly sighted contacting various upscale magi and evaluating their combat abilities with discretion. The resurgence of demons and necromancers undoubtedly diverted their focus from Aphros for the time being, as there were rumours of a second campaign involving the absolute annihilation of Deephold as their objective.

This time, the zealots received far more support from the majority of realms. Words that bolstered their gallant march against the damned, strengthened their conviction, and further ignited their ambition to prevail in such a crusade. During the arduous, prolonged journey to the Shadowlands in the east, armor and weaponry were forged by hidden allies and neutral parties alike.

Led solely by the masked Nephilim, the group marched forth undeterred by the prospect of failure, for in their way stood the castle of Deephold and the vast expanse of violet forest surrounding it. Ruled by the two imperfections of demon-kind, the resurgence of demon-kind and necromancy was extremely evident, and their leadership and incessant exhibitions of violence have garnered them the allegiance of many folk and induced dread in many others.

The long-running conflict between humanity and demonkind raged on. Those who stood again for the side of good in opposition to those who personified all that is wicked and repugnant—both radical to the very end.

Objective: Begin laying down the foundation of a Siege.
Saturday, 6 PM EST.
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2045 A.C.
The news of an attack travels quickly, only to be met with such preparations; the black mist darkens, and ghastly ghoul figures stalk the shadows.
Skeleton Archers stand on the walls, Koar and elemental demons form a line against The Deep's walls, Cambions, witches, and warlocks make up the remainder of the horde, and The Monarch and The Imperfects march forward in the center.
poised for the siege; ballistae and catapults perch on the ground, waiting for what comes next.
Even though The Necromancer of The Deep only says a few words, it serves as a caution to the zealots to come.
"Where thy have already taken, I will take again.
Power is useless in the hands of an imbecile. Cries to a god that land on deaf ears; the work of the lost and self-proclaimed.
For the deceased, the shattered, the twisted, the outcast, and the condemned; you'll plummet just like Mikhail.
Retribution will be exacted in The Inki's honor.
Now march to your death."
As the news spread, it only awakened The Imperfect, the emblem of Helheim's fires, who gave closing remarks to those who were brave enough.
"You march upon us, banners raised high and weapons ready, yet you only march to your death. I do not see the army of the righteous, I see a band of lost souls that have no other purpose than to break themselves upon the many wars waged."
"To have fallen so low and learned nothing - that is your failure. Step forward, and you shall be put out of your misery."
The destiny that is prophesied to come for the future has already been foretold, according to the words of The Lord of Change.
Quote:"Once more do I behold the folly of mortals, again and again they have tried to bring our end, yet again and again they have failed. Because of your actions, changes have come to the lands of Meranthe - but that's just the beginning.

That's why I invite you all to come forward, I invite you all to contemplate the insignificance that every mortal represents to me and my goals... And how this will end for each one of you."
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A summit of employees have been called together by the current oyabun Beatrice Mooney herself. the contents of the meeting being no secret as all lower ranking initiates have been tasked with placing flyers all across aphros and any other major settlements.

today we march as one to aid the effort of salvation, laying down the foundation of what is to be our final solution against the horrid scourges of demonkin that plague our lands. do not let anything dim your light and carry forth your brave hearts to help make the threat the deep hold poses be a worry of yesterday - Beatrice Mooney

with that said the Doragón company has started preparing for the upcoming siege, its artificers working tirelessly to gear their numbers and training drills begun to end the stalemate they have met lately once and for all.

the doragón company marches alongside salvation

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