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[ORDO PLAGA] The Great Crusade of Rot
[Image: Daemons-of-Nurgle.jpg]
The Great Crusade of Rot

And so in the depth of Abendrot. One could hear the booming voice of a single Demon. Proclaiming his orders to his followers. They had been short. Yet the point had gotten across. Their kind had been waiting. Continuing to ready for the day they would truly prepare to wreak havoc upon the world. And now? It was such time. Rumors spread quickly. Some hysterical over the mildest of flu's. 

The Plague Lord was Coming. 

Quote:"I, Plague Lord of the Ordo Plaga. Proclaim these Orders to those of the Ordo. Carry them out with diligence and utmost extreme prejudice. We will call forth a Crusade. Till my Cambion. My Property is returned to me. Spare not a single life. Be it Man, Woman, Child, Elderly. Even an Ant upon the ground. Everything Dies."  - Balrith, Plague Lord of the Ordo Plaga

(OOC: Cool Music to go along with this.

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