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Ad Infernum
[Image: 10471695456?profile=RESIZE_710x]
To descend unto Hel itself, as some would say. A journey that will undoubtedly be filled with trap and nefarious individuals indeed. But to what length should one go to uncover their ancestry? Their past?

The Lady of Death.
The Mistress of Darkness.
The Temptation of the Pariah.

My grandmother.

Shrouded in mystery, Senna sets out to uncover more about his ancestral roots, his lineage, and his distant ancestor Mortyl. With only vague clues and ideas, he wonders if a certain crypt may hold more information? A nudge in the right direction, perhaps? Or maybe even death itself awaiting him within the depths. 

Only one way to find out.

Character: Senna
Attendees: Allies invited ICly
Risk: Likely a CoD, the first event in a series.
Tone: Evil crypt, mystery, lore-driven, dangerous!
Reward: To be discussed with the DM.
DM: Mal

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