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The Will of Amier
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Rumors of a massive figure with a starry sky for flesh, resemblance of Surtyr in both wisdom and voice, spread gradually.
Speaking of peace and the utter importance of life and creation. Echoing the so-called Will of Amier and appearing like some mutated ethereal reflection of the Shattered God. The most consistent of the rumors claim various opportunities to learn, not just of rare arts like Wayfinding, Faith, and Holy magics— but of the true history of the Primal of Pavonis and the values he holds. Some claim the elder figure has gone mad, others that he is being spoken to by a remnant of Amier himself.
What is clear is that the eldest Folhammar has called for all with intention of cultivating new life and peace in Meranthe to seek him out.
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"Come all ye curious, ye seekers of the past that wrought our fate-bound region. The truth of not only giantkind, but the nature of our custodian pantheon is displayed for all."

The Temple of Ymir, after some time, has opened to the vast public. Any not attuned to the fel forces are welcome to make pilgrimage up the old mountain to view ancient relics of great historical value. Rumors of a tablet written upon by Ualdir himself, ancient revelations, and more now on full public display. The Herald of Ymir, Surtyr Folhammar encouraging especially close followers of the pantheon and nephilim to make the trip.
Certain conditions are made clear as once were upheld by the chosen tribe of Ymir himself, lost Bodi traditions now found once more:
  • No violence is to take place in the gaze of Ymir, who reviles such as anything but a last resort.
  • Those ailed by the greatest of curses may come seeking salvation, but should not feel entitled.
  • Grudges must be kept to oneself, left at the threshold, for Ymir made his sacrifice for all mortalkind.
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From the peak of Mt. Grimhjall, where Bodi temple lie, life-bound monks spread word.

The wounded, youthful warriors of this age are beckoned to climb the steps of the mountain. In these times where chaos tests the boundary of the veil, it falls to them to stand against adversity. The faithful of Ymir offer restoration of strength, and great boons to those who heed the call. Priests faithful to Meranthe's pantheon also called to assist in an effort to prepare the next generation of defenders.

So long as no dark art is practiced, the Herald will hear your case. Faith will be our aegis.

Several specifics are explained by these pilgriming monks if asked:

Those who would stand against evil and are too impoverished to obtain the best of treatment are encouraged above all.
Furthermore, it is said if one brings proof of substantial faith to the Herald, they may receive reward found nowhere else.
If concerns are held, a letter that raises them is suggested, so that doubt may be addressed.
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About three weeks have passed since a massive yet gentle ripple of aetheric energy ran out over Meranthe centered on the recently stirring volcanic mountain of Grimhjall.
The Herald of Ymir had not been seen since, yet hearsay tells of the furthest disturbance having reached all the way to the likes of the Silent Expanse and even Mount Pavonis. A peculiar omen in a time where darkness encroaches an all-time thickness. The future of the region holding a Cimmerian bleakness.
One can only wonder what is to come.
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And so beneath the sky, the clouds, the stars, did this Echo ring out. Calling for the stories and names of those cherished mortals, and revealing that Pavonis is not so helpless as it seemed. The rumbling ceasing as the great fabled mountain grew familiar once more with a titanic source of aether, similar, but not the same. Claiming to be the one that once rested eternal upon the bluff, bones scattered through Aegis.
"And so I tell you this, the love of creation is endless... as vast as the seas and as expansive as the skies."
Aether glimmers like will-o-wisps in the boughs of Pavonis' forest trees. Trickling down from the canopy. With each passing day, it seemed as though the mythical age was once more at hand. The wonders of the world laid bare one after another. Followed by spreading rumors of a great spirit wandering the once thought accursed forests of Pavonis, driving out the fiends that would take refuge in the mountain's shade, lingering in the peripheral.
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