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Metacarpus of Hope
[Image: wUEGAAL.png]
Rousing with efficiency once dawn approaches and resting with self-rumination as moonlight spreads are divine miracles.


Months passed within Dal’thala before the Metacarpus of Hope, Alhena, established a pavilion north of the town’s square. It is now publicly available for entrance to meditate, find free staples, and explore further spiritual guidance via palmistry; this antiquated method of divination is rumored to reveal oneself and potential fates based on the Zodiac's extensive star charts but also hands' characteristics.

Anyone seeking assistance with potions and want more information is encouraged to visit the blue tent (463, 824, 1). Direct payments are not required, but donations of culinary ingredients alongside alchemic reagents are always welcome. Medical treatments will be available soon to the masses at no charge.


[Image: 6xK20K2.png]

OOC: Feel free to message me on discord at #bribri-senpai#7930 to arrange a scene or find Alhena in-game!
[Image: 65cHvI5.jpg]

Quote:"Lay down your arms for but one moment, citizens of Meranthe, and bask in the glow of His radiance. Find comfort in doctrines which may maneuver you through unprecedented circumstances, presented by this humble interpreter of Pylae. Through words spoken with heart alight should you discover clarity in the aspect of hope."


An impromptu sermon is being held in the blue tent (463, 824, 1) within Delphina. Services begin at 10:45 PM EST (about 10 minutes from now).

As usual, generous donations of supplies (ores, reagents, cooking ingredients, etc.) are encouraged to be brought. In return, free trauma kits, prayers, and potions will be distributed to those in attendance.  

[Image: c1VQEz2.png]


Under the cover of night, several attendees packed into the tent-turned-temple to bear witness to the gospels of the Church of Twelve. Rituals to revere the Aspect of Hope alongside Saints Aquilina, Lilybet, and Bors were carried out by Alhena to exemplify their significance. The message pertained to one, key footnote:

Quote:"...What is the larger whole that motivates us to abandon Helish temptations happens to be one of the Six Constants. Pylae teaches us to repeal the abject forces wrought in their impurity. Corruption of the soul leads to sin and from there, unspeakable evils. A lapse in proactiveness permits the darkness upon our world to feast and grow when left alone."

Medical kits and escape bombs were distributed to anyone who required them, but before final prayers reached the masses, Chaplain Altear Avincus asked a thought-provoking question:

Quote:"Why is it important for Saint Lilybet, people like her, to risk their lives in service to a cause they are committed to? Would it have been any different if she were unaligned and just healed people out of her consciousness? How does Hope play an important factor in it?"

Following some contemplation, the priestess of Pylae provided an answer to conclude the sermon:

Quote:"No one has to be a devout follower of the pantheon or Constants to achieve what they set their minds to. Several, accomplished people have contributed to the world out of good consciousness. The difference is how Hope continues to refuel those ambitions."

Donated Tithes [Before/ During Sermon]:

Chaplain Altear Avincus: 2,000 coins
Allan: 1,000 coins
Felix: 1,000 coins
Kira Isabella Hino: 10 standard medical kits
Jackson Williams: 20 units of rice, pork, and carrots
Niclous Runeclaw: Dozens of crystals and alchemic reagents
Ionia: 11 scales, 10 Luminites, 4 Fairy Powder, 2 Cobalthine
Cleo Salmon Roe: 33 sludges, 23 water crystals, 13 scales
Itami D. Haki: 18 water crystals, 5 scales, 2 sludges
Tarathiel Caewynn: 100 water and 64 fire crystals

[Image: Vp9JtlA.jpg]

Quote:"A new age ushered in through everyone's collective efforts alludes to prosperity-- be it through trade, exchanges of culture, and spirituality. Wayward or curious souls, fulfilment awaits in attaining more knowledge about Pylae, so you too may bask in His ethereal glow."


Another gathering for the parish of Pylae is being hosted in the blue tent (463, 824, 1) within Delphina. Services start at 8:45 PM EST [03/06/23].
Tithing is not required, but will be taken if voluntarily given; free consecrations, potions, and food will be distributed to mass. A blessing will even be provided to whoever needs it most. Particular reagents used for alchemy are highly-sought after:

• Earth, fire, water, air and lightning crystals
• Amber
• Perdegrine
• Rabbit's feet
• Ky'iah
• Fireflies
• Marignolia
• Poppylus
• Luminite


[Image: pH6a168.png]


Another sermon commenced beneath the night-time veil for the faithful and those intrigued in the Constant of Hope. A few volunteers were selected to assist in praising Saints Faustina, Illuminata, and Celestine. The latter was explained in further detail as the Pylaean Radiant explained what she represented:

Quote:"Emotions dictate the majority and grant our catalyst for waking with the dawn. There are few more powerful than sentiments of love.

Saint Celestine engrossed herself in that concept. Love does not have to solely be romantic-- anyone can experience devotion to family, friends, or strangers."

No questions were asked during congregation like last time, however, the Songstress Ionia sung of Pylae's praises before prayers were given:

Quote:"Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streamsof mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise

Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by roaring tongues above
Praise the goddess I'm fixed upon it
Hope of thy redeeming love

Oh, that day when freed from despair
I shall see thy lovely face
Clothed then in tear-washed linen
How I'll sing thy hopeful grace

Come Oh Py'lae, no longer tarry
Take despair in my soul away
Send your blessings, now to carry
Me to realms of endless days"

Donated Tithes [Before/ During Sermon]:

Asahi: Sewers Dungeon Key
Stede Vane: 10,172 coins
Katey: 6,000 coins and pumpkin pie
Reinhardt: 4,500 coins and Sinka
Chaplain Altear Avincus: 2,000 coins
Allan: 1,200 coins
Tarathiel Caewynn: 34 units of rice and 6 Luminite
Yvelle Vacerayne: 18 Ky'iah, 6 Marignolia and 3 Perdegrine
Nicholas Keene: Four Leaf Clover
Ionia: 400 coins
Auryn: Scales


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