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An eye for an eye
An Eye for an Eye
A tooth for a tooth

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Dal citizens speak of the wilds and how the birds began to scream and chirp a name, like something was beckoning in harmony with them. the horrid noise of 1,000 crows the howls of wolves all coming together untill the voice was finally heard.
And the name became clear!

"Ariamis Caewynn."

        The wolves start to surround the entrance of the city their eyes now glowing with the madness of the demon Laplace.
                                         The crows start to swarm like something out of folklore they spun until making a distant figure.                                    

As they continued to flock the figures opens three red eyes and stares down at the citizens
For them it was painful as he intruded within their minds to say these words.

"You have made a grave mistake , you have taken from me and for that you will pay but I am not so irrational that I would pursue this bloodlust to make all of your people suffer.... The only one I want is you. I am giving you a chance Ariamis, Come Accept the challenge claim your sisters life in a one on one duel, Honor it and I will give you a swift death and return your sister.. Don't and I'll make a feast for the wild out of her body... 
Don't make me wait.. you have one day to respond."

Everyone who has heard this voice can comfirm that it was the Demon lord Laplace who sent the message.
Later reports can comfirm that he did in fact have his sister captive those bystanders that watched the giant wolf run with her clenched beneath his fangs.
A princess to their land.. Would the prince simply give up his sister out of fear?
or rise up to the demon lords challenge.

For the life of Fritz
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With rumors that Ariamis will not accept the duel in time, demonic imps are seen preparing a wooden crucifixion cross. The execution is believed to happen after the appointed 24 hours, before the forces of Dal'thala amass in bulk.

"Either I face him in battle or your princess dies, humans."

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