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Call to arms & Raising the flag (Port Fortune)
"Okay, time to check if everything on the list is done:
Bedrooms for people to sleep and do their business? Check.
Mast with sails? Check
Flag symbolizing Port Fortune on top? Check.
Big freaking cannons to shoot down trouble? Oh, quadruple check!"

-Stede Vane

[Image: image.png]

[Image: image.png]

Given the recent changes with the rising numbers of witches and demons across meranthe, Port Fortune began with preperations of its own:
  • Firstly, given the close proximity of Mina Solis to the current army of demons and covens, a call has been made for the citizens there to evacuate. Temporary homes and places of refuge have been built for the citizens of Port Fortune from the island to stay in during this time of crisis.
  • New ships are being built. Both to help with transportation through the dangerous seas, and to act as war ships in times of need. To accommodate for the number of ships desired, houses in Mina Solis will be steadily broken apart for wood to be recycled for more ships.
  • A new recruitment to the Southern Sea Company crew has been raised by Stede Vane, wanting to get more crewmates to help men the ships and defend Port Fortune.

OOC note: The post also serves as an OOC warning that Mina Solis is planned to be deleted from the map, including any buildings placed upon it.

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