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Aphros' Bastion: Astral Knight Captain's Announcement
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Following an announcement made by the Knight Commander of the Bastion, a Knight Captain of the Bastion's Astral Faction has been appointed; Solis Equisol. Upon her promotion, the astral faction has began to undergo numerous changes in their rankings given the Knight Captain's announcement included in her promotion speech.

Quote:"I am grateful for the position I have found myself in, as you all may have guessed already. Unfortunately, I have no desire to hear congratulations, or 'wish you luck's, so let's skip that part.

I hereby demote every Astral Knight into a Squire, no matter who you are, or what you have accomplished so far. It has come to my attention in the years I've spent in the Bastion that those who call themselves Knights do not adhere by the ideals of a true Astral Knight, and therefore I will be cleansing the faction under my command.

In the following years, you all will be equal. In those two years of service, you will either prove that you have what it needs to be a Knight of Astra, or never step foot onto the battlefield.

No Knight under my command will be permitted to be weak, soft, or indecisive. What I value the most is order, discipline, and loyalty. If you lack in any of these categories, it does not matter what talent you hold - you will never rise through the ranks under my command."

The changes have already started to take place, and the mass-demotion is proceeding at a fast pace. Those of the astral faction are urged to seek out Solis Equisol in order to be presented with their duties and be evaluated. Those looking to join are also urged to seek the Knight Captain.

You can either contact in-game or through Discord - Raihex#3650 - to set up a scene.

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