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The Prismatic Triumvirate Renewed
[Image: councilchamber.jpeg]

After many years of dedicated service Vox Populi Elodie Gregoris and Steward Rhue Gregoris will be stepping down from their positions within the Prismatic Triumvirate. Within a year and a half, at the beginning of 2022, two new council members will rise and take their place alongside High Scintillate Hemera Valmonte, who remains as the head of religion within Menagerie.

Just as it was before, the positions will be up to democratic vote of the citizens of the city.

"As elections are upon us, I would like to remind the people of the purpose of these positions. To stand for Menagerie and to place aside personal agenda in favor of what is best for the people and the city. To uphold the utmost communication with one another, and to work as a coherent unit in the face of internal and external conflict.
As Vox Populi, your duty is to your people. You are, the Voice of the People. The concerns of the citizens cannot fall upon deaf ears, and any improvements, internal development, or events are often under your jurisdiction.
You are the face of Menagerie, one of the forefronts in external politics, and an advocate for the city.
The second council position is more specialized, tailored to what the city needs and what strong suits the elected official has. Steward was named due to the prior councilman Rhue's experience in such a position. If you have an idea or a foundation for a position that is strong enough to be voted in by your peers, you are more than welcome to campaign upon it.
At the end of the day, the council is in service of the people to do what is best for the people and the city."
High Scintillate Hemera Valmonte

  • If you wish to campaign yourself, do so by posting within this thread. Include who you are, what you will do within your position or intend, and any additional information you would like to use within your campaign.
  • Those who do not specifically post in the forums and advocate for in game campaigning can be voted for.
  • To vote for your Vox and Council member please vote here.
  • The results will be revealed November 22 at 6pm EST.
  • If you explicitly do not want the position and do not want to risk being voted for, message OneBrainCell#3291 to let them know.
Vote for Jan Cibulka as Steward of Menagerie. Jan is a great candidate:
- planted an apple tree for his own funds
- surrounded Bunkhouse with flowers and added couple trees
- is chilling regularly at Menagerie
As Steward of Menagerie Jan Cibulka:
- Won't migrate to an island, instead he will build a hut in Menagerie, somewhere nearby, probably (if there will be enough space)
- Will ask responsible people to bring permanent merchants (cloth merchant, luxury store, agricultural merchant) in settlement
- Will put more flowers and blooming trees and apple trees too
- Will promote sea expeditions (other nations travel across sea, Menagerie can do it too why not)
- Will do wet cleaning of Menagerie streets and watering of trees

Jan Cibulka for Steward
Vote Otto Gregoris as your next Vox Populi!

[Image: Election.png]
Amongst the other announcements being made, the son of the soon to be former Vox Populi & Steward throws their hat into the running. Seeing no need to formulate some kind of grandiose speech, a short statement is made before his platform is elaborated upon in short order. 
'It has been a long time coming, and we all know that change is needed in some drastic manners. But that change has to come from a clear and learned mind. So what would someone be able to expect with myself as Vox Populi?'
✵ - The Strengthening of Self Sufficiency - - While the strength of Menagrie has always been our ability to do communicate efficiently with those around us, that has come at a great lack of focus on our own. Though neutrality is upheld our borders and our people stand largely undefended by anyone with legitimate authority. This will change with the implementation of a standing Guard as well as the revision of some of our policies to better protect those who call Menagrie home. 
✵ - Expansion - - Our home is beautiful, and we as a people are strong and connected. But there are those who frequent our home that would call it theirs as well should we have the space. There are lands around us that are begging to be blessed by Mestra's beauty and song. And with new districts come new opportunity as we come together to raise Menagerie into an era of progress and development. 
✵ -  Expeditions & Projects - - To thrive, we must look to the world around us for a means to do so. We can be great on our own, but with the effective usage of our minds and what we can find in the world around us we can grow to be something wonderous. We all have our strengths, and bringing them together for a better Menagerie is key towards not just strengthening ourselves but giving reason for those outside to come in. We hold a unique place in the world, one that should not be squandered. 
✵ - A True Voice of The People - - It is important for the Vox Populi to be present both amongst the people they represent as well as those who call us allies. Communication and presence is key, and it is something that I stand to reinvigorate within our city. Those that know me, know I am a stern voice, but a voice of reason. When action is needed it should be taken, when a hand should be stayed it will be stayed. I do not make idle threats to murder those around me, I do not demand the final word in every situation. I am a man with flaws, but a man that has the best intentions for Menagerie and her people. I am open to hearing the words of those around me, I am easily found and contacted. And even if things become busy, there will be an implementation of either an annual or bi-annual Town Hall so that the desires and worries of the people can be addressed by the Triumvirate. 
The House of the Crow has always stood to make Menagerie a better place. Vote Otto Gregoris, for a better future and a greater Menagerie.
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Vote for Samuel Lightwood.

-constantly working on weapons and collecting rare ores

-pulls up to menagerie to bring their young on dungeon runs

-young and blonde

-based holy swordsmen

-wants to form a fighting force/city watch for the growing town as a top priority

-not running for steward, or voice of the people. Sam wishes to serve as the marshal of Menagerie.
General Notice: With votes coming in prior to all campaigns being posted, decisions can be altered with a resubmission. Just post your name and (altered ballet) afterwards so that we know which is your final vote. Voting will remain open until November 22 and votes may be changed up until the end.
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- Work with the Champion of Mestra to develop a standing fighting force. Meritocracy through means of arena fighting to work out initial ranking stature.
- Beat all the Undead. I'm sick and tired of these smelly idiots walking into our lovely town and beating everyone up. Seriously. Get real.
- Kill all the Witches. Annoying. Who sells their soul to a book? Stupid. Imagine getting your soul eaten by a book? It's not Magi-Tech Construction. Kill all Witches.
- Continue to promote a healthy relationship with our neighbors. I love my neighbors.
- Socio-economic reforms. Why have all of these allies, if we aren't making plans to mutually develop our homes? Business. Big money moves. Where is this money going?
- Expansion. How much is it going to cost us? At least 30 coins. That's why I'll work with you, the locals, to figure out how to spike our yields!
- Turn all the lamp posts baby blue. Red's so last year.
- Nature. Rubbish is literally littering the streets. Bin it.
- Free toothpicks. Why? They're cool. Chew on them, to look mysterious. Trust me, it'll get you a wife(or Husband/Non-Binary Significant Other).
- Mestra. We all love culture. We all love music. We all love being passionate. Why not actualize that? Expeditions galore. We love the rainbow. Does this mean other religions aren't included? No. It just means we focus on Mestra, primarily. I'll work with members of other Faiths, to remain all inclusive.
[Image: DHf2Lbi.jpg]
Announcements echoed throughout Menagerie and another candidate aimed to step into the spotlight.
Lucien Valmonte
For Council

"For the beginning, I've been a faithful citizen of Menagerie, a devout Scintillate of the Iridescent light and an aspirant politician. It's been a long time coming that I officially lend my hand to our artistic city. To improve, revitalize and expand, I intend to do that with the vacant position on the council and thus my policies are as follows--"

⇝First and foremost, with Menagerie's shifting state and accords brokered with allies, it's time for the city to establish a standing force of combatants. In the face of impending conflict, I intend to coordinate the war-effort in tandem with speaking with our military allies along with equipping and training our forces. Bolstering our combative capabilities amidst these turbulent times.

⇝Strengthening our current alliances, and establishing further unity and cooperation across the board.

⇝ Expansion, expansion, expansion. Menagerie is a work of art, a beautiful landscape painted by Mestra's will that must be meticulously maintained and revitalized with expansion projects. Accruing funds, and assisting in establishing new districts and ensuring they're properly fortified and guarded.

⇝Additionally, I'd lend my assistance to certain expeditions and excursions. Securing artifacts pertaining to our patron, the god of arts, fiction and dreams-- Mestra; in order to bring our society closer to their creative will and magnificence. Beginning with a journey to the fabled floor nine of the Tower of Aetius, the rumored Garden of Opulence. Legend goes that before Mestra returned to Vanaheim, a final song was played for mortalkind-- With fortune, we will find it again.

⇝For Menagerie's prosperity, I shant hesitate to maintain effective internal communication and cooperation to meet the broadening needs of our people and to promote unity; in tandem with working with the rest of the Triumvirate to ensure external matters remained in order.

Vote Valmonte

Vote for a prosperous tomorrow
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Vote Aseal for Vox Populi

 "Ever since my fiancé and I have arrived at Menagerie we fell in love with its culture and its people. Many may know her Beatrice she is often around and tells me the news of the city as I tend to our Business the Doragon Bathhouse as well as working on my own projects. But there are some things I noticed while here and discussed with others. So its time I stepped forward and announced my plans."


First thing I would look to do would be to form a city guard and a Military. No matter how much we may want peace eventually we will likely have to fight to protect it. I want us to be prepared for that time if it does come.

We are a city that prizes the arts yet we have no public place for traveling crafters to work? I know the Bunkhouse has these however I don't think the people that stay at the Bunkhouse should have to deal with strangers entering just to use the facilities. So I wish to build a new building open to the public where all crafters can come and use the facilities to learn and train their craft. Artificing and Alchemy are just as much an art as they are a profession. They are a way to express oneself through creation. This way the Bunkhouse facilities can be for the people in the Bunkhouse instead of a place where all crafters need to go if they don't live here and just need to use the facilities. That is why I want a new building so that way the people in the Bunkhouse can live a more comfortable and peaceful life while there.

That new building I mentioned. I want to also use it to teach the next generation. I want it to be a place where Artificers and Alchemist can go to share ideas work together and create things as well as teach others the craft. A place where public classes can be held for those that want to learn and where city projects can be worked on. A place the community can gather behind when their is something to be made for the city. As well as provide for the new Military and city guard I wanted to establish. Making the gear for our soldiers would be the new and upcoming Artificers and the potions from the Alchemist.

Expeditions for our new soldiers to go on and use to train and learn as well as gain resources for our Artificers and Alchemist to work with for City projects as well as for expansion. I have many planed both to the tower and to the places outside of Meranthe.

Expansion. Expeditions will be used for resources as well as funds but then our very own Artificers and Alchemists will help as well. I wish to work with them in finding a way to have them help fund the expansion along with all other citizens

I welcome any and all to come and speak to me if you wish to get to know me. Whether it just be a friendly chat or a talk of ideas. Nothing would give me more joy than to speak more to those that I live next to and are neighbors, fellow citizens or even just those passing by. 

Finally I would like to bring to attention a thought that I could see being a issue in the future. With three members on the council if for some reason or another two of the members don't like or agree with one they can lock them out of being able to do much. That's why I would like to put fourth an idea. Once a year if two of the council members disagree with an idea of the third member they can request to bring it to the public's attention for a vote in favor or against the idea. This gives the public more control on some decisions as well as ways for council members to push ideas or thoughts that the other two members may not agree with but the public may want. I want to make it clear that I want to push these ideas through even if I don't make it on the council as I think they would help our fair city overall in the long run.

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[Image: The-Prismatic-Triumvirate-10-22-2022.png]

After an engaging election with a number of votes, two members of the Menagerie community ascend to the vacant positions on the council. Each elected with over seventy-five percent of the vote, the new Prismatic Triumvirate stands strong and prepared to face the coming years united.

Taking on the role of Vox Populi, the Voice of the People, is Otto Gregoris who has already begun work convening with other nations and strengthening alliances.

Taking the empty council seat and fashioning it as the role of Commander, the head of Menagerie's military is Lucien Valmonte who has already begun to train Menagerie's forces and equip them for battle.

Remaining in the position of High Scintillate, Hemera Valmonte continues to serve as the head of religion, having just returned from an expedition with a relic of Mestra which will be shared with Meranthe in due time.

Any and all business regarding Menagerie may be directed toward any member of the Prismatic Triumvirate by meeting or letter.

Council members can be reached by their discords if they are not available for a letter.
Zoe the Gun#0007

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