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Expungement of Duality - Coven vs Aphros
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The death of an indispensable pawn of Athelios revealed the infirmity of the Ex-Warden's city. It was the most apt of times for the city's foes to reach out, and extend their claws into the domain of their previous hunters. Those who knew of the acts of the black magic practitioners would soon realize the onslaught of actions taken against citizens of Aphros; a repeat of the plains. But this time location not upon the mainland, but towards the southern shore of Aphros.
Their target the Isle of Icaria. Not just cropland saw itself withering away beneath the black touch, but the ocean surrounding the island not as abundant with catches as before, another force at play alongside the Coven. A direct declaration of assault made, as opposed to the strikes within the past made in shadows. 
The future denizens of Helheim making a claim for themselves on Meranthe.

OBJECTIVE: Destruction of Isle of Icaria

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Duality strikes back. The naval forces of Aphros make a head for the Island of Icara to meet the forces of darkness head-on with the soon-to-be retiring Commander of the Bastion giving a noble speech.

"We don't do it because it's easy, and we don't because it's hard, but it is the right thing to do. Athelios demands that we meet the forces that go against the Cosmic Balance to make the world better, not just for us, but for the betterment of mankind. Where we stand divided, we unite for the just cause of expunging that evil under the command of Logan Ackers. Many would see this as a chance for revenge, but it is the furthest from the case.

It is merely, without question, justice.

It is easy for us to get lost on the most righteous path, and often we must do it to bring back that balance. But we should never forget, and we will not forget, that while the forces of Helheim walk upon this realm, we will not falter; we will not let them do as they please without resistance.

For Athelios, who gave us light in the darkness, For Enarr, who shines to his favored children."
[Image: AkZL2Oo.png]

The Elzara will stand by those of Aphros in their time of need. They, had done so for us. So expect the armies of Dal'Thala to sail across the seas to aid their allies. Those that act in darkness will find no benefit in this campaign of evil.

The Commander sends word of mobilization within the Elzara allowing those willing to set off when able.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
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Promises have been made and it is time to fulfill them. Before the new Prismatic Triumvirate has even ascended, Menagerie organizes to fulfill their agreements with Aphros. Word spreads across Menagerie about the new and perhaps unexpected news.

"Peace and neutrality are no longer an option. It is time we stand and fight. Menagerie stands with Aphros and Dal'Thala."
[Image: YXgESLQ.png]

"What, did you think we'd be alone?"

Much as the Commander of the Bastion has stated - Aphros stands ready to defend
its land to the tooth and nail. The acting Oracle going so far as arranging alliances across the land in order to see Athelios' will done.
Many sleepless nights spent formulating this defense to pair alongside the Bastion has been spent, and the acting Oracle doesn't seem quite done yet.

"I'll rip that crown off your head if its the last thing I do. As He is my witness."
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With the rings of the war upcoming. The clan of Hunter's shows themselves from their den.

                                     "The ones who messes with ones freedom seen sin for our society. Hunters shall march against coven once more. 

      Let the feast begin."                                   
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The mountain rumbles. Blackened banners descend upon Meranthe once more.

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