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From A Dead Man's Mouth

Throughout the forests of Meranthe would be mumbling corpses,
on the lips of all a message from an infamous Felinae.

"Mine is an art most feared.
Feared because of what it offers.
Feared because it grasps at a power only meant for Divinity."

"There are some who would do anything to snuff out this 'darkness'.
Yet it's those very same people who would butcher families on a whim,
a mere accusation of heresy."

"Death is but another boundary to be breached,
and I've stood on the other side since I was but a child."

"No longer is there a need to restrain myself, or hide these truths."

"Should you seek them yourself, find Nekane, and make me an offering.
The corpse of a Magi, or something to be deemed of equal value."

"I'll be waiting."


Reach out to Jessss#0018 or send a letter in-game if interested in a scene!

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