1r5[ABANDONED] Followers of Inki (Sirenian Faith)
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The story of Inki and Yama is one known to practically every Sirenian in Eternia, and it's a story that's more than just a little culturally significant - it's quite literally the most important thing anyone should know about were they to study the Sirenian culture. It explains alot - who they worship, why they perform the rituals as they do. Yama, Leucothea, Scylla, Galene - each of these figures are revered in Sirenian culture.
However, Inki is practically absent in the culture - the most he gets is pity and empathy. Despite what he did - the shaping of the lands, the crying of the oceans*, the creation of the fish and other sea creatures, which the water spirits of every Sirenian take shape of to this day, Inki remains unhonoured.
Hence the establishment of the Followers of Inki, seeking to undo this perceived injustice. Through rituals and communion with the spirits of the ocean (predominantly through one's own water spirit), they hope to spread Inki's influence, and eventually gather enough to see the Great Whale rise from his death and ascend once more as a proper worshipped deity.
(*This is... a topic of debate, actually. There's reason to believe Jormungandr raised the oceans instead of Inki - but Tzitzeril (and by extension the faith) adheres to "it was Inki".)

The Followers of Inki was established on the grounds of that Inki - despite his transgressions - should be honoured just as much as Yama. One core belief is that neither of them - Yama or Inki - is innocent, both have made grievous mistakes and both have suffered the consequences. However, both deserve to be worshipped. One must understand their transgressions and still be willing to look past them - which also plays in in other aspects of the faith, such as the handling of Deep One cultists - more on that later.
Another core belief is one surrounding Inki's death, namely that - while it is true that he died, aspects of him are left, lost - the Deep One being one, but not all. It's up to the Faith to - if possible - bring them together to become the Great Whale once more, through communion with the spirits of the ocean (not to be confused with the Sirenian water spirits - though they may also play a role in this).

Rites and Practices
Members of the faith are encouraged to be creative in how they impart Inki's blessings, in honour of the Great Whale himself; as he shaped the lands with his tail, each individual member may shape their own rituals. One thing does remain a constant though: Water, and derivatives of water (mist, ice, wellspring) are the "conduit" of choice.
From a dance of water, to a simple coating with the humming of a prayer - practically anything goes, as long as it isn't detrimental to the health of others.
The faith does also hold festivals every ten years or so - with ritual performances, good food, good music, festival games (decreed NOT to be rigged at threat of execution being shamed), and other festivities.

One thing is considered absolutely unacceptable in the faith, however; and that is worship of the Deep One.
In the words of the founder, Tzitzeril Lure-maw:

Quote:"I get 't. We all be taught tha' th' only part left o' Inki be th' Deep One - bu' I believe tha' ain't true. Th' simple fact tha' we worship Inki, an' he - in death - still passes on 'is blessin's, means he exists outside o' 'is connection ta' th' deep.
Th' reason I forbid 't be because o' th' sheer corruptiveness o' th' Deep, an' 'is malevolence. We kno' wha' happened in Old Atlantis, th' Deep One ain't there ta' make peace. I don' wan' 't happenin' 'ere, as well.

Besides, only worshippin' Inki's scorn an' hatred... 't be lendin' credence ta' th' idea tha' we shouldn' be worshippin' Inki at all. An' I ain't about tha'."

That being said, former cultists who empathise with Inki's suffering and wish to redeem themselves are encouraged to serve the Followers of Inki for a while - after which they'll be allowed to join up with the faith proper, or go about their own way.

There are no official ranks, nor is there a real hierarchy in the faith - but it is understood that you should treat those with more experience than you with respect... but questioning and debating their judgement is encouraged as well.
As for the nomenclature - that, too, does not exist proper, and members are encouraged to come up with their own titles in accordance to what they believe themselves to be - within reason. For example, the founder, Tzitzeril Lure-Maw, never referred to herself as a priestess - only as "follower".

Those who wish to know more about the faith - or simply more about Sirenian culture - are encouraged to seek Tzitzeril Lure-Maw.

ooc: first time for me doing something faith-related. i suck at writing stuff like this but- fuck it, and as the children say; "we", in fact, perform the act of "ball".

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Amber count: 693 (or 770)
With the only Follower of Inki, the founder Tzitzeril Lure-Maw having left Meranthe, the faith lays abandoned.
Perhaps the aspects of the Great Whale still lie in wait for someone else to come and pick up the reins, but for now - the oceans remain silent.

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
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