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The Mori's Wrath | Deep One Cult vs Port Fortune
[Image: waves-storm_00341844.jpg]
One year has it been since the warning from the Cult has issued.

Defied by those it was directed to, an example is intended to be made out of those who leave the Mori's faithful demands unheeded.

Omens to the fore coming wrath of the Mori make themselves apparent. Fishermen find their nets full of hideously mutated fish and writhing tendrils. Sailors losing their sanity from whispers assailing them on their voyages. Water surrounding the Port becoming murky, hiding whatever abominations laid beneath.

All herald the brewing storm off the horizon of Port Fortune. The dark shroud of it's terrible nature blackening and enraging the sea beneath it's influence.

Heading towards the Isle of Sailors, the tempest of the Deep's fury seeks to ravage both Yamaite and land-dweller alike.
Quote:"The Mori is two faced. You were given the pleasure of hearing the subtlety of his whispers.

Now you will face the vengefulness of his tendrils."
Raid Leader: Yog-Saroth
Objective: The pillaging and reaping of Port Fortune.
Date: TBD

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