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The Perfect Undead
[Image: unknown.png]

"A marvelous specimen, this one is."
"Yes, yes. I know."
"May I ask where you procured such a body?"
"Such questions will gives you answers you aren't prepared for."
"As per our art. Understood."

An unusual body presented by cloaked figures. In the depths, you are risen, under the control of mystique and unprecedented power, you are unlike other Undead. You are greater... You will be so much more than any other creation on this continent. Gifts granted incredibly, a perfect specimen to be granted limitless power and hold upon Meranthe.

To Arioch you are owned.
Though to another you are placed to servitude.

There are massive depths to your power.
Ensure that they are not wasted.

What are you?:
  • A prodigy.
  • An undead with much higher expectation than others.
  • The world of magic will be at your fingertips, expect many opportunities for growth. Your magic is not limited.
  • Your name will be 'Epoch'.

Contact: Iceshadow#0001
[Image: sRw0SQI.png][Image: noaccident.png]

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