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A Telling of the Tale of Inki and Yama
Word spread around the ports of most settlements of what appears to be an reading/exhibition of a tale important in Sirenian lore.
The exact name of the Siren hosting it is unknown - but they were noted to have violet hair.

[Image: unknown.png?width=820&height=840]
"In 'n effort ta' break barriers b'tween Sirenia an' land-dwellers, I'm hostin' a tellin' o' Sirenia's most important religious text: th' story o' Inki an' Yama. Anyone who wishes ta' know more 'bout 't, an' Sirenian culture in general - feel free ta' stay an' listen.

I'll preface it wif' this, though - I'm no' th' best source, nor th' best storyteller. I'm jus' a lass who's heard th' story a million times b'fore. Bu' I do strive fer' a connection b'tween those o' th' land an' those o' th' sea. There be value in exchangin' knowledge - understandin', relatin'. Don' see me as th' definitive authority on Sirenian culture an' customs - see me as a primer. Do yer' own research, speak ta' us - an' draw yer' own conclusions from tha'.

I'll be at Port Fortune. Hope t' see ye' there when th' time comes."
[Date: TBA]

(i know the drawing's kinda derpy but i couldn't find anything good so i just... spent 30 minutes on this...)

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
Quote:"Sur... ser... Surmin? Be tha' how y' say 't?"


"Oh. Sermon. I got ye.

We've go' an official date fer' th' sermon."

[DATE: Sunday, 3 PM EST (i think)]

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
[due to the declining quality of my sleep schedule this has been moved to 6 pm EST. i apologise for the inconvenience]

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)

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