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Chronicles of Meranthe - Global Events
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Year 2010, of Biblos 
"We're only just getting started. Ymir, save us all."

The beginning of the New Millenia was undoubtedly marked by the events of the Catalysm when Lightgarde were said to have triggered a brief union with Eternia and the Netherworld. This rupture changed Meranthe as a whole, both politically and geologically, as well as the world at large. 

It's been a decade since, and the extremities of the seasons and unusual weather patterns have only seemed to worsen. Storms that last several nights. Summer droughts that make the heat of the Silent Expanse seem bearable. Typhoons and floorings close to coastal areas. This isn't contained to the country where the primordials originated, either, but the entirety of the continent, and to a smaller, more subtle degree, the entire globe.

The Great Nations have somehow managed to weather the economic and social collapse, hanging on by a thread. Dark forces of many faces have nonetheless capitalized on the chaos with a New Age of Necromancy almost being ushered in, the rise of the Coven of Misfortune, and the recent coincidental arrival of the Deep One worshippers.

It was the trigger that led to the takeover of the Greathive on Delphina's Capital. The War of Succession in Aphros. Strife from the edges of the shadowlands to the mountain peaks of Vdalion.

The common school of thought among many of the priests of various Faiths is that we are witnessing the beginnings of the End of Times. And if the impact is so severe on the outside, what has become of the many realms of the Tower of Aetius that triggered all of this... ?

Mysteries once sealed to the ages have been disturbed for better or worse.
[Image: unknown.png]
Year 2012, of Leo ♌︎

The summer of 2012 began early and extended well beyond its usual timeframe. Temperatures were averaging at around 40 celsius in the day with peaks beyond 50 celsius. During this period, sightings of the Summer Wolf Asena were supposedly widespread. 

It culminated in the conjuration of a fiery spirit of Asena, a Red Wolf, on the edges of the desert region. This escalating source of heat spread rapidly and within days the anomaly gathered the interests of magi across the country, all soon making the journey out to confront the source of the magical disturbance that boiled Meranthe. With the defeat of the chaotic flaming wolf, the passage of the seasons seemed to return to normalcy. Perhaps it was the actions of the Divine Spirit Asena that gathered the heat in one form to make a target and avoid complete catastrophe. 

But like all hasty 'solutions', it is not without its consequences, if such was the case. A new magical illness has emerged dubbed 'Red Psychosis' that is prevalent within fire magi. Outbreaks of violence and heinous acts committed by pyromancers is on a sharp rise. Effects of the illness include: pyromania, heightened attunement with fire magic, glowing orange eyes, loss of touch with reality / delusions, passive fever, violence to all (often inc. allies & friends). At the peak of the ailment the inflicted person seems to have a near constant desire to set fire to everything around them.

(Use this form if you're an active pyromancer interested in this role)
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Year 2013, of Twe δ

It's been roughly a year since the magical illness, Red Psychosis, impacted hundreds of pyromancers across Meranthe. With many attempts at finding a cure, no permanent solution has yet been found, even if governance across the land likely encourages it. Temporary measures so far have included the restraint of unstable individuals, but even this fails at times with those under the influence burning through anti-magic (often at their own peril) in moments of rage.

Indeed, 'spontaneous combustion' is another more extreme outcome that has claimed the lives of several pyromancers. Self-immolation after the pyromancer is lost and consumed by their own fire magic.

Widespread accounts of feverish visions are common among those inflicted with Red Psychosis, typically involving an armored figure in metal and red plate, with eight curled horns ascending from their helm. This silent figure is surrounded by flames and bound tightly in nyeshk-black chains. The details beyond the appearance of this person vary; some might consider them a devil haunting their dreams, others a saviour seeking to be unbound. The feverish dreams are nonetheless becoming more frequent, beginning once every few months now to several times with each, if not more depending on the individual. Some inflicted by the psychosis that are accepting and reach out have a stronger connection to the figure.
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Year 2016, of Iberl ♒︎

In the four years that the pyromancy disease was widespread, few notable cures were available save for treatment offered in Dal'thala. Most were lost to the effects and embraced it as a dangerous gift, though there are reports of individuals overcoming it through attrition and a desire not to be conquered, their eyes losing the orange lustre.

Cults of different names and sizes have formed in reverence of the mysterious figure seen in visions of those under the influence of the curse. These visions also gained some clarity over time, and the interest of scholars of a more nefarious cloth. Visible marks and sigils were searched through the histories, of the prized lore and ancient texts in search of clues, and spells of locating the source of the disturbance with both willing and unwilling subjects offering themselves...

All signs point eastwards, to the marred land of shadows, where the conquest of dark forces best left unspoken were headquartered.  Sundered and unwelcoming of all life save the apex predators that dwell there. 

Funded by said interests, the 'Journey of Fyr' is currently recruiting those with orange eyes, the Kindred and Chosen, as well as pyromancers in general. A crusade of around two hundred are estimated to set into the darklands, with few expected to return. They follow unknown routes to the mountain of 'Sitrinhar' where the ruined fortress awaits, using the ailment of fire like a compass, the closer you are the hotter you'll burn.

[To those who would be involved in this, fill out this form. Limited participation. You'll be contacted if selected!]
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Year 2053

A recent disturbing development has most of the civil watch panicked throughout the kingdoms: Faeborne are going missing without a trace, specifically those that reside outside of Delphina's territories. Soon after this unusual spike in missing persons report, a mysterious benefactor placed a discreet request in to the Nightingale Corp, claiming to have information relevant to the case, and the corp has went about gathering a team of magi in the background.

Rumor has it that the source of the crimes is a particular island, believed to align with one of Nemea's greatest foes in the realms beyond. This mission involves a search and rescue, with capable magi, preferably that have personal ties, being recruited for the job. More will be revealed on the day, if you are contacted and choose to lend your aid.

[If you would like to attend this, please fill the form out! Scheduled for sometime next weekend. Note- high risk/intense!]

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