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The Oracle Trials of 2009
And now, we bring you another word from our sponsors. 
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Perhaps, a new Oracle. 

The Masked Monk Wrote:An auspicious year, it seems. The current Oracle, Hadrian Dominic, blessed be his name, has deemed it time to step down. To potentially allow another to ascend so that they might enact the will of Athelios. As such, he has placed upon me the burden of placing the heavy crown upon the unsuspecting brow.

Thus, a list of candidates shall be presented upon the Anointed time. I shall add two names of my own. All shall go through the process of deeming the one worthy of this vital task. The method, the trial, the woes that come shall all be revealed upon that Anointed hour.

In the end, one will be selected. It will not take long. It will be swift as all decisions should be, even the wrong ones. For this day, a blind eye turned to all but the one true sin. The worthiness shall not be tainted by the prejudice or the limitations of small minds. As the Ordinance guides us, so shall it be that which helps determine the next Oracle.

Any attempts to interfere will be deemed as heresy against the will of Athelios himself.

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And now, a message from our usual sponsors.

Atheli-O's, Frosted and Unfrosted in the same great bite!

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Unceasing fury

The Mad Monk Wrote:A minor hiccup. The trials put on hold for now. Oracle Hadrian Dominic will remain as he is for the time being, until he is healed and ready for his duties once more. And then, we shall discuss what comes next.

But this is a reminder. This is not a democracy.

This is not a land of anarchy.

This is a nation ruled by the Oracle, governed by the grace of Athelios. Your complaints and mewling voices have been heard. It seems my hand had been gentle. I shall remind you the cost of heresy. The method he dictates to determine his successor is the method approved by Athelios. To go against it in childish rage is to go against the very will of Athelios.

Heresy will not be tolerated.

Uh, whoops. Another time, folks. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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