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Make Dal'Thala Great Again
[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: BorderTop.png]

Flyers would be posted about the city of Dal'Thala
A city whose recent improvements are seen far and wide
A message from the Queen's Guard known as Kelika
Plastered about near the gardens and upon the wooden walls
Upon closer inspection it would read:


Through the efforts of Queen Ormici has the city been renewed
The once abandoned streets formerly in disrepair are no more
Former dirt is now stone, gardens in place of dead grass
No longer will we suffer through the unpleasant rule
And obvious lack of care towards the image of this city
So to withhold that image, Queen Ormici has ordained
A challenge given to the home and business owners of Dal'Thala
Spruce up your domiciles, decorate whilst keeping to the theme
of the city that surrounds it. The prettiest home and business will be voted by
a council of the many races that live within the prosperous city.
Make Nemea proud of the very forest she has blessed us with.

15,000 gold coin
will be granted to the house owner of the exterior that receives the most votes.
5,000 gold coin
will be granted to the house owner of the interior that receives the most votes.

The contest will finish at the end of 2008AC."

[Image: Border.png]

Interiors are a bit harder to vote on, so please send MothBelle#1214 on Discord an image of your interior, along with your character's name.
Exteriors can also be sent an image of if you wish to participate, along with your character's name..
The winner will be announced in this thread on the 17th of September.

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