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We seek justice!
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it seemed like a quiet day around the crossroads pub but just like that...: a city courier has appeared with an important message in hand.
She has been taken to Aphros in account of witchcraft, so me and Lafayette are making a rally to help her.
was the jist of it.
eerie silence felt the local aphrian tavern for a few moments that felt like eternity for those around
They did what?!?!
the time appeared to have stopped in moment as the young barmaid yelled out.
alright, that is it! boys! service will be discountinued untill we get to the end of that! jim, you keep the fort up while we take care of this, razor! you're not that charming so you will be on flier duty, seek out the irridescent light and ask them to help the cause with their printing equipment. i'll make sure they know they are making a mistake!
and with her last words muffled the doors of the crossroads pub were kicked open, housing a stage for a swarm of upset locals to march onto the streets, rolling barrels out the door and carrying crates of food outside to the city square.

Quote:they have accused miss cherry of witchcraft! the one that was always looking out for the meek and sickly, we are not going to just let them get away with this are we?! gather character witnesses and deliver all of these letters for me. let the city know we are not to be pushed away untill we get justice, justice for cherry and those few with a good heart still left in meranthe!
eleonóra's speech gathered quite a crowd around her makeshift podium made of an empty barrel.

a few letters have been sent out to port fortune, the irridescent light caravan, towards the silent expanse and all of meranthe, urging all tradesmen and entertainer alike to boycot aphros until justice has been met.
[Image: Untitled-1.png]

Some call it the city of silence; for nothing done by the elite ever tends to be noticed; not to the extent it should.
From pesky riots to the violation of rights, all of it seems to be swept under the rug; their citizens know this. And, yet...
... from time to time, there are people who require a reminder of the significance of falling in line. After all...

[Image: Untitled-2.png]

"The people of Aphros are taught to balance the light with the dark.
Those who don't fall in line and respect the chain of command soon mysteriously disappear at the behest of their shapeshifting assassins."

It begins with the disappearance of a few flyers; a warning to those who'd continue to propagate such misleading information against the beautiful state of balance.
Then, little by little, those who would continue to place those flyers up would find themselves returning home, scared... and they were the lucky ones.
A protest can not stand it's ground if people are not willing to die for it's cause; this much is made apparent very, very quickly.


And so, silence returns yet again. The information is still known of course...
... the general public just knows better than to speak of it.

Likewise, the proprietor of tavern has received a reminder against spreading such dangerous ideas.
They are encouraged to rescind such statements, though the people of Aphros seem indifferent to them withdrawing their services. 

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